696 research outputs found

    Physical and Occupational Risk Factors Towards Complaints of Low Back Pain on Tile Maker Workers in Gedung Rejo Village Bk. 9 Oku Timur

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    Background : Making tiles that is done manually can be risky to low back pain. LBP is the complaint which most often found in workers especially in lifting activities that still done manually and work by wrong body position. LBP complaints can be due to several factors, including physical and occupational risk factors. Methods : This reasearch used cross-sectional quantitative design. Done on tile worker in Gedung Rejo BK.9 Village OKU Timur. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and lasegue test to support LBP diagnosis. Processing data used SPSS to perform univariate, bivariate using chi-square test and photovoice. Results : From 91 respondents there were 67 (73.6%) of workers who had complaints about LBP, and 24 (26.4%) workers did not have complaints about LBP. The results showed that there was no relationship between age and LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.015). There is no relationship between the type of Sex with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.116). There was no relationship between obesity and LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.152). There was relationship between posture when making tile with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.002). There was a relationship between lifting posture with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.023). There was relationship between load weight lifted with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.001). There was a relationship between years of service with LBP complaints (0.0001). There was relationship between the lifting frequency with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.149) Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between age, work posture when making tile, tile lifting work posture, weight load lifted, years of service and lifting frequency with LBP complaints

    Application of Radiation Safety in Radiology Installation Hospital of Lung in South Sumatra 2013

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    Background : The high use of radiation for medical activities is the contribution of the second largest source of radiation we receive. Besides radiation gives benefits, it can also cause danger for radiation workers, people, and the environment. So that radiology services should pay attention to safety aspects of radiation according to Peraturan Kepala BAPETEN No.8 in 2011. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application and implementation of radiation safety in Department of Radiology, Pulmonary Special Hospital Hospital, South Sumatra. Methods : A descriptive research with a qualitative approach was implemented in this study. Methods for obtaining information were in-depth interview, observation technique, and document review. Source of information was obtained from six informants, one of them was a key informant. Results : The results showed that implementation of radiation safety in Department of Radiology was not optimal. The other findings were the absence of radiation protection organization structure, lack of training for radiation workers, no radiologist, lack of availability of radiation protection equipment. Moreover, the results of worker radiation film badge has not yet been reported continuously to Batan, health monitoring has not yet been done specially for radiographers, lack of supervision or fast responsiveness to issues of Radiology at the hospital, as well as lack of coordination between the hospitals with radiological installations. Conclusion : It is concluded overview of the application of radiation safety at the Hospital for Special Pulmonary South Sumatra province have increased the awareness of the importance of safety for each radiation worker and also in terms of coordination between hospitals and radiology installations. Expected to be formed for SSR Lung structure and functioning of the organization of radiation protection, giving a reprimand or sanctions for employees who do not work in accordance with the SOP, specific medical examination immediately, and make plans for the training of radiographers

    Determinantanalysis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Cts) in the Farmers Tapper Rubber Trees at Karang Manik Village South Sumatera

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    Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a disorder that caused by entrapment of medianus nerve in the carpal tunnel at wrist with principal symptom of tingling and the pains that spread into fingers and the hand that is innervated by the nerves medianus, accompanied think benumbed, was muscular weakness, rigidity and the possibility of muscle atrophy. Research conducted in Purbalingga showed 47.2 % of the respondents experienced two to five complaints scene Carpal Bone Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The purpose of this research analyze determinan scene Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) the farmers tappers trees at Karang Manik village. Methods: Design study in this research was cross-sectional with total sample101 farmers tappers rubber trees. Technique sampling in this study is Proportional Stratified Random Sampling that consider inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was obtained by questionnaire interviews and observations. The study was conducted in the Karang Manik village of OKU Timur. Result: Significant relationship between the gender (p=0,011), working period (p=0,020), work duration (p=0,013) posture hand (p=0,017), and the repetitive motion (p=0,036) with the incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). While ages (p=0,057) have no meaningful relationship with the incidence of CTS. Conclusion: Respondents who experienced complaints CTS the farmers tappers rubber trees showed 68 (67,3 %) respondents, to avoid complaints scene CTS, suggested farmers do break regular, do sports hands with stretching on the wrist

    Analysis of Safe Behavior on Shipyard Workers at PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang in Period of October 2012

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    Background : PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang is a shipyard company specialized in making and reparation of ships. Within its activity, there were so many hazards came from characteristic of process or material of production which can cause accident, however based on preliminary survey which has been conducted showed that the shipyard workers did not wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when doing their activity so that there were an indication that they has not applied safe behavior as well. JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN MASYARAKATMethod : This study was an analytical survey study with cross sectional approach. The Population was shipyard workers of PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang in period of October 2012 with samples as a number of total individual (50 person). Independent variables were knowledge, attitude, act, availability of means and facilities, safety regulations, role of co-workers, role of supervisor, communication and training, while dependent variable was safe behavior. The research data were analyzed quantitatively by method of univariate and bivariate with chi square analysis using SPSS program . Result : The result showed from total of nine variables, there are six variables that associated with safe behavior of the shipyard workers, that are knowledge (OR = 3,9; p-value = 0,023), attitude (OR = 0,2; p-value = 0,033), act (OR = 0,1; p-value = 0,011), role of co-workers (OR = 5,4; p-value = 0,031), communication (OR = 6,1; p-value = 0,019) and training (OR = 4,6, p-value = 0,014). Conclusion : To reduce the risk of accident of the shipyard workers, PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang needs to improve its workers' safe behavior by noticing the variables associated with safe behavior of the workers, especially those still considered not good enough, that are knowledge, attitude, act and training. It is suggested for PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang to apply punishment and reward system, increase communication, conduct frequent trainings, involve the workers' participation in various OHS program and also apply Behavior Based Safety (BBS) approach

    Determinan Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Endemis

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    Kabupaten Lahat adalah salah satu wilayah endemis malaria di Sumatera Selatan dengan prevalensi 16,4% dan Annual Malaria Incidence 22,08. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian malaria. Faktor risiko lingkungan genangan air (breeding place) berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria dengan nilai p= 0,000. Analisis multivariat menemukan determinan utama kejadian malaria adalah breeding place di sekitar rumah responden dengan odds ratio (OR) = 5,034 dan 95% CI = 2,65 _ 9,56. Responden yang tinggal di sekitar breeding place berisiko 5,03 kali lebih besar untuk menderita malaria dibandingkan dengan responden yang di sekitar rumah tidak terdapat breeding place setelah dikontrol variabel jarak rumah ke breeding place, ventilasi rumah, penggunaan kelambu, penggunaan obat anti nyamuk, dan kebiasaan keluar rumah pada malam hari.Lahat district is one of the malaria endemic area in South Sumatra Province with a prevalence of 16.4% and Annual Malaria Incidence of 22.08. The case control reports were carried out of 240 respondents. This study aimed to understand the relationship among of environmental risk factors with the incidence of malaria. After primary data collection followed by processing and data analysis in a multimedia laboratory. There was association between breeding place and malaria cases (p value= 0.000). The results of multivariate analysis of variables revealed the determinant risk was breeding place, with OR = 5.034 and CI 95%= 2.65 _ 9.56. Respondents who live around the breeding place has 5.034 times chance of affected malaria compared with respondents around the house there are no breeding place after the controlled distance to the breeding place house, use of mosquito nets, use of anti-mosquito, and habits out of the house at night variables

    Analysis Factors Associated with Fatigue in Operators of Sugar Factory in Pt.pn VII Cinta Manis 2013

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    Background: Based on previous study (first survey) toward 18 operators of sugar factory in PT.PN VII Cinta Manis found the result that 83,33% operators whose got fatigue. It can make the possibility of accident in work, then to avoid the accident happened it is important to know the factors of fatigue. Method: Used cross sectional design. The sample of research were 63 operators from total number of 138 operators. Statistic test used was Chi square to find out the relationship between independent variable (age, time of work, illness history, nutrient, noisy, temperature, and shift in work) with dependent variable (fatigue) and Regression Logistics test used to find out the main factors of fatigue. Result: The result of statistics test showed that most of the operators got fatigue (71,4%). The result of Chi Square showed that noisiness (p value=0,008), temperature (p value= 0,001), shift work (p value = 0,0480 have connection with fatigue. The result of Chi square also showed that age (p value = 0,599), work experience (p value = 0,535), nutrient status (p value = 1.000), illness history (p value = 0,195), have no connection with fatigue. While, the result of Regression Logistics Test showed that shift work was the main factor that related with fatigue (RP = 11, 900). Conclusion: The variables that related to fatigue were noisiness, temperature, and shift work. The variable that not related to fatigue were age, work experience, nutrient status, and illness history. The factor that most related to fatigue was shift work