49 research outputs found

    Interactive Statistics: can we use experience from a large diverse student cohort to provide professional development for a wider population?

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    Statistics pervades everyone’s lives, whether it is through media coverage, reading reports, weighing up internal risks or evaluating decisions. Most managers are swamped by endless targets, dashboards and spreadsheets, but few organisations have enough employees with statistical skills to support the requirement for evidence based decision making. The need to equip today’s workforce to deal with the increased amount of data is imperative. The shortage of mathematics and statistics teachers is also likely to increase as the Government aims by 2020 to provide all post 16 students with continued mathematical education until the age of 18. At The Open University we have devised a highly successful first level statistics module which is simultaneously studied by students across a range of different disciplines, many of whom encounter statistics at some point in their qualification. This has been achieved by using topics which are of interest to everyone rather than being discipline specific. The module has produced some impressive results particularly when analysing the progress of different cohorts of students, not just from varying disciplines, but also across a broad spectrum of students with differing backgrounds. It is thought that by adapting these techniques it is possible to produce high quality statistics provision to be widely used as professional career development for employees

    Improving retention for all students, studying mathematics as part of their chosen qualification, by using a voluntary diagnostic quiz

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    This case study demonstrates the issues and advantages in encouraging students to take responsibility for their learning and to be better prepared both in terms of knowledge and expectations for their study. The study outlines the improvement in retention achieved when students were encouraged to use a voluntary diagnostic quiz on a first year university mathematics module. Initially the power of the diagnostic quiz, in predicting future success on the module, was identified using predictive analytics. Students were contacted by experienced Education Guidance staff who encouraged them to take the quiz prior to course start with the aim of using their results to steer them to start on the “right” course. The diagnostic quiz total score was made available to the student’s course tutor prior to course start to enable further tailoring of support to individual students. Early indications show an improvement in early module retention. The module in this case study was for distance learning students on an open access mathematics course

    Patient shadowing as an ethnographic study of staff and patient experience to influence daycase surgery outcomes

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    Patient shadowing is useful in evaluating the patient experience. Authors share insights from Improving Experience through Regular Shadowing Events (ImERSE), a patient shadowing program for medical students within a paediatric surgery daycase theatre

    Human monoclonal antibodies to West Nile virus identify epitopes on the prM protein

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    AbstractHybridoma cell lines (2E8, 8G8 and 5G12) producing fully human monoclonal antibodies (hMAbs) specific for the pre-membrane (prM) protein of West Nile virus (WNV) were prepared using a human fusion partner cell line, MFP-2, and human peripheral blood lymphocytes from a blood donor diagnosed with WNV fever in 2004. Using site-directed mutagenesis of a WNV-like particle (VLP) we identified 4 amino acid residues in the prM protein unique to WNV and important in the binding of these hMAbs to the VLP. Residues V19 and L33 are important epitopes for the binding of all three hMAbs. Mutations at residue, T20 and T24 affected the binding of hMAbs, 8G8 and 5G12 only. These hMAbs did not significantly protect AG129 interferon-deficient mice or Swiss Webster outbred mice from WNV infection

    UA3/3/1 Analysis of the Demand for Married Student Housing at WKU, 1966-1967

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    The purpose of this study is to bring forth relevant information needed to determine the feasibility of an investment project for a married student housing complex on the campus of Western Kentucky University. Only the demand side of the market is analyzed; a potential investor will have the construction and land costs for such an enterprise at his disposal. With the information presented in this study it is hoped that a decision to construct a housing complex will be forthcoming. The study group attempted to present information that will allow a potential investor to make an intelligent decision as to the profitability of the investment. It is hoped that the critical questions concerning the investment have been answered by this study. The time period in which the study was carried out was January, 1967 to June, 1967, i.e., the second semester of the 1966-67 school year. The information presented was obtained from a single sample of the married population. Seventy married family units (8.4 percent of the population) were stratified according to class standing (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Graduate) and then picked randomly within the class stratifications. A more desirable method would have been a sequential sampling method, but the time and expense of the method did not allow its use. Future studies can be carried out in order to substantiate the data presented at this time. The estimated size of the investment would seem to warrant at least one more comprehensive examination of the market in order that a more exact market character can be determined. The study group contacted state institutions that have married housing units in order to see if any useful information could be obtained from their experience in the determination of market character and size of their married students. None of the schools contacted had conducted a market study prior to the construction of such a housing unit. Discovering this factor did not disturb the study group. It was assumed that the market character at the various educational institutions would be significantly different with reference to income, rent, family size, etc., that no useful comparison could be made. The reason for this assumption rests on the fact that the educational institutions differ in such things as type and size of the graduate program and community size and industrial development. These factors have a direct influence on the family unit\u27s income, numbers, and the rate of growth of the married student body. The purpose of contacting the various institutions was to examine the methodology used in the study of the market for married student housing