4 research outputs found

    Productive performance and physicochemical quality of grapes for processing grown on different rootstocks

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo e as características físico-químicas das cultivares de uva (Vitis labrusca) para suco Isabel Precoce, BRS Carmem, BRS Cora e IAC 138-22 Máximo, enxertadas sobre os porta-enxertos 'IAC 572 Jales' e 'IAC 766 Campinas'. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4×2. O desempenho produtivo foi avaliado por meio de: produção por planta; produtividade; número de cachos por videira; e características físicas de cachos, bagas e engaços. Também foram determinadas as características físico-químicas da composição do mosto por meio do teor de sólidos solúveis, açúcares redutores, acidez titulável, índice de maturidade e pH. Como não houve interação significativa entre as cultivares e os porta-enxertos para a maioria das características avaliadas, cada fator foi analisado separadamente. O porta-enxerto 'IAC 766 Campinas' proporcionou maior produtividade e características físico-químicas mais adequadas às quatro cultivares. No entanto, independentemente do porta-enxerto utilizado, as cultivares BRS Carmem, IAC 138-22 Máximo e Isabel Precoce foram mais produtivas que BRS Cora.The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance and physicochemical characteristics of the Isabel Precoce, BRS Carmem, BRS Cora, and IAC 138-22 Máximo grape (Vitis labrusca) cultivars for juice grafted onto the 'IAC 572 Jales' and 'IAC 766 Campinas' rootstocks. A randomized complete block design, in a 4×2 factorial arrangement, was used. Productive performance was evaluated through: production per plant; yield; number of clusters per vine; and physical characteristics of clusters, berries, and rachis. The physicochemical characteristics of must composition were also determined through the content of soluble solids, reducing sugars, titratable acidity, maturity index, and pH. Since there was no significant interaction between cultivars and rootstocks for most of the evaluated characteristics, each factor was analyzed separately. The 'IAC 766 Campinas' rootstock provided a higher yield and more suitable physicochemical characteristics for the four cultivars. However, regardless of the rootstock used, cultivars BRS Carmem, IAC 138-22 Máximo, and Isabel Precoce were more productive than BRS Cora


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    Tradicionais produtoras de uvas finas para mesa, as regiões de Pilar do Sul e São Miguel Arcanjo requerem estudos relacionados à evolução da maturação a fim de garantir a colheita de frutos que atendam as exigências de mercado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a maturação da uva ‘Benitaka’ cultivada em clima subtropical. O experimento foi realizado em um vinhedo comercial da uva ‘Benitaka’ enxertada no porta-enxerto 420-A, em sistema de condução do tipo pérgola, no sétimo ano de produção, localizado em Pilar do Sul, SP, Brasil (23º 48’ S, 47º 42’ O e altitude de 689 m), no ciclo produtivo de 2014/15. A partir do início da maturação, aos 114 dias após a poda (DAP), realizou-se amostragem semanal das bagas para a determinação dos teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), pH, acidez titulável (AT), relação SS/AT e açúcares redutores (AR), se estendendo a amostragem de bagas até a colheita (156 DAP). A uva ‘Benitaka’ cultivada em região subtropical apresentou boas características físico-químicas aos 156 dias após a poda, com valores de SS de 15,99 ºBrix, AT de 0,49 % de ácido tartárico, pH 3,73, relação SS/AT de 32,68 e AR de 14,10 %

    Thermal Requirements, Phenology, and Maturation of Juice Grape Cultivars Subjected to Different Pruning Types

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the impacts of pruning methods (short and mixed pruning) on the duration of phenological phases and thermal requirements of juice grape cultivars (‘Bordô’, ‘BRS Cora’, and ‘BRS Violeta’), as well as to confirm the development of chemistry throughout berry ripening. The duration of the following phenological phases was measured in days after pruning over two production cycles: budburst, full-bloom, setting, veraison, and ripening. Degree days were used to compute the thermal requirements. Soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, and maturation index were all measured as the berries ripened. There was no impact on the length of the phenological cycle or the thermal necessities of the vines due to the various types of pruning. In terms of cultivars, ‘BRS Violeta’ was found to be earlier than ‘Bordô’ and ‘BRS Cora’. In terms of chemical evolution, the berries achieved 16 °Brix at 21 and 28 days following the veraison, and the greatest values obtained were 17.0 (‘BRS Violeta’) and 18.4 °Brix (‘BRS Cora’). Furthermore, ‘BRS Cora’ produced more acidic berries. However, regardless of cultivar, the grapes were of high quality, making them a viable option for Brazilian subtropical viticulture

    Productivity and Physicochemical Properties of the BRS Isis Grape on Various Rootstocks under Subtropical Climatic Conditions

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    Brazil has emerged as a significant producer of seedless grapes due to high consumer demand. This has led to increased production of seedless grapes in non-traditional cultivation regions, such as subtropical areas. To meet this demand, the search for new grape varieties suitable for these conditions, such as the ‘BRS Isis’ variety, has become an option for growers. The interaction between grape cultivars and rootstocks is specific, and their adaptability to climatic conditions can result in uneven performance. Therefore, the choice of rootstock should be considered before making any recommendations. The purpose of this study was to assess the productive performance, physical-chemical, and biochemical properties of the ‘BRS Isis’ vine grafted onto rootstocks (‘IAC 572’, ‘IAC 766’, and ‘Paulsen 1103’) in two production cycles. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with seven blocks and three plants per plot, for a total of 63 vines. Thus, the vine’s income components, physical qualities of bunches and berries, chemical profile, bioactive substances, and antioxidant activity were assessed. The Tukey test (5% probability) was used to compare means between rootstocks. The data on scion cultivar and rootstock pairings were further evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA). There were substantial variations in the rootstocks, with ‘IAC 572’ and ‘IAC 766’ producing more bunches, generating more fresh mass, and having a longer bunch length than ‘Paulsen 1103’. However, phenolic compounds and flavonoids were greater in ‘BRS Isis’ grapes than in ‘Paulsen 1103’. ‘BRS Isis’ shows good adaptation to subtropical environments when employing the IAC 572 and IAC 766 rootstocks due to their higher yield and bioactive component accumulation compared to grapes grafted onto ‘Paulsen 1103’. However, regardless of the rootstock utilized, ‘BRS Isis’ grapes perform well commercially in subtropical environments