59 research outputs found

    A maximum likelihood QTL analysis reveals common genome regions controlling resistance to Salmonella colonization and carrier-state

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium of the Gram-negative bacterium <it>Salmonella enterica</it> are significant causes of human food poisoning. Fowl carrying these bacteria often show no clinical disease, with detection only established post-mortem. Increased resistance to the carrier state in commercial poultry could be a way to improve food safety by reducing the spread of these bacteria in poultry flocks. Previous studies identified QTLs for both resistance to carrier state and resistance to <it>Salmonella</it> colonization in the same White Leghorn inbred lines. Until now, none of the QTLs identified was common to the two types of resistance. All these analyses were performed using the F2 inbred or backcross option of the QTLExpress software based on linear regression. In the present study, QTL analysis was achieved using Maximum Likelihood with QTLMap software, in order to test the effect of the QTL analysis method on QTL detection. We analyzed the same phenotypic and genotypic data as those used in previous studies, which were collected on 378 animals genotyped with 480 genome-wide SNP markers. To enrich these data, we added eleven SNP markers located within QTLs controlling resistance to colonization and we looked for potential candidate genes co-localizing with QTLs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In our case the QTL analysis method had an important impact on QTL detection. We were able to identify new genomic regions controlling resistance to carrier-state, in particular by testing the existence of two segregating QTLs. But some of the previously identified QTLs were not confirmed. Interestingly, two QTLs were detected on chromosomes 2 and 3, close to the locations of the major QTLs controlling resistance to colonization and to candidate genes involved in the immune response identified in other, independent studies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Due to the lack of stability of the QTLs detected, we suggest that interesting regions for further studies are those that were identified in several independent studies, which is the case of the QTL regions on chromosomes 2 and 3, involved in resistance to both <it>Salmonella</it> colonization and carrier state. These observations provide evidence of common genes controlling <it>S.</it> Typhimurium colonization and <it>S</it>. Enteritidis carrier-state in chickens.</p

    Pyroséquençage pour le développement d'EST et de SNP aviaires

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    Le but du programme est de combler les dĂ©ficits en marqueurs observĂ©s pour trois espĂšces aviaires : la caille, le canard et la poule. La stratĂ©gie choisie est l'obtention, Ă  partir de plusieurs individus de lignĂ©es d'intĂ©rĂȘt, de SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, polymorphisme d'un nuclĂ©otide) par une nouvelle technologie de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut dĂ©bit (sĂ©quenceur 454 GS-FLX, Roche). Nous sĂ©quençons des reprĂ©sentations rĂ©duites du gĂ©nome, en sĂ©lectionnant d'une part des fragments de restriction d'ADN gĂ©nomique - les mĂȘmes chez tous les individus - et d'autre part les transcrits qui reprĂ©sentent globalement la partie du gĂ©nome correspondant aux gĂšnes exprimĂ©s. Ces expĂ©rimentations sont rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  partir d'Ă©chantillons d'ADN ou d'ARN issus d'individus de lignĂ©es Ă  l'origine de croisements existants, pour chacune des trois espĂšces. Les donnĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par plusieurs "runs" de sĂ©quence seront traitĂ©es in silico : contigage Ă  haut dĂ©bit, recherche de SNP, comparaison avec les banques de sĂ©quences connues...En plus de l'intĂ©rĂȘt que reprĂ©sente la production d'un trĂšs grand nombre de SNP nouveaux, cette technologie devrait permettre de mieux sĂ©quencer les rĂ©gions riches en (G+C) correspondant aux plus petits des microchromosomes pour lesquels il n'y a pas de sĂ©quence chez la poule. La comparaison des sĂ©quences des transcrits obtenues chez la caille et le canard avec la sĂ©quence du gĂ©nome de la poule permettra d'Ă©tablir une "cartographie virtuelle" des SNP obtenus, grĂące Ă  la grande conservation de syntĂ©nie existant entre ces trois espĂšces

    Organisation génomique globale des facteurs de résistance à la tavelure (Venturia inaequalis), à l'oïdium (Podosphaera leucotricha) et au feu bactérien (Erwinia amylovora) chez le pommier (Malus Xdomestica)

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    *INRA, Centre d'Angers, UMR GenHort Diffusion du document : INRA, Centre d'Angers, UMR GenHort DiplĂŽme : Dr. d'Universit

    Genomic selection for carrier-state resistance in chicken commercial lines

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    Abstract Background Salmonella propagation by apparently healthy chicken and subsequent food security concerns could be decreased by the selection and use of chicken lines more resistant to carrier-state. In the present study we applied the first steps of the genomic selection methodology to assess the interest of including genetic markers for the genetic evaluation of hen lines infected with Salmonella Enteritidis. Methods We studied commercial laying hen lines divergently selected for resistance to Salmonella carrier-state at two different ages. A total of 600 animals were typed with 1536 SNP markers and artificially infected with S. Enteritidis. Phenotypes were collected four weeks (young animals) or five weeks (adults) later. Two types of variance component analyses, including or not including SNP data, were performed and compared. All variance components were estimated by Bayesian methods and Gibbs sampling. Results The comparison of both genetic analyses shows that SNP are efficient in capturing genetic variation, although none of them captures a large affect on the traits studied. Average accuracies do not change between analyses, showing that using SNP data does not really increase information. Conclusions These preliminary results show that genomic selection for Salmonella carrier-state resistance in laying hens is promising, although a denser SNP coverage of the genome on a higher number of animals is needed to assess its feasibility and efficiency compared to classical pedigree evaluation.</p

    Organisation génomique globale des facteurs de résistance à la tavelure (Venturia inaequalis), à l'oïdium (Podosphaera leucotricha) et au feu bactérien (Erwinia amylovora) chez le pommier (Malus x domestica)

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    L'objectif de cette thĂšse Ă©tait d'Ă©tudier l'organisation gĂ©nomique des facteurs de rĂ©sistance du pommier. Nous avons effectuĂ© la cartographie gĂ©nĂ©tique d'une descendance de pommier, puis Ă©tudiĂ© le dĂ©terminisme gĂ©nĂ©tique de la rĂ©sistance partielle Ă  la tavelure, l'oĂŻdium et le feu bactĂ©rien dans trois descendances de pommier par analyse QTL. Nous avons enfin cartographiĂ© des gĂšnes candidats de rĂ©sistance et de dĂ©fense. Les facteurs de rĂ©sistance cartographiĂ©s au cours de ce travail et au cours d'autres travaux menĂ©s par d'autres Ă©quipes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©unis sur une mĂȘme carte gĂ©nĂ©tique. Nous avons observĂ© une tendance forte au regroupement de facteurs de rĂ©sistance diffĂ©rents et des colocalisations entre QTL, gĂšnes majeurs et gĂšnes candidats qui nous permettent de formuler quelques hypothĂšses sur la fonction des QTL et gĂšnes majeurs du pommier. Ces rĂ©sultats nous permettent d'envisager des stratĂ©gies de crĂ©ation de variĂ©tĂ©s de pommier Ă  rĂ©sistances multiples et durables.The purpose of this thesis was to determine the genomic organization of resistance factors in apple. We first constructed a genetic linkage map of an apple progeny. Then we studied the genetic determinism underlying partial resistance to scab, powdery mildew and fire blight in three progenies through a QTL analysis. At last, candidate genes presumably involved in resistance or defense against pathogens were mapped. The disease resistance factors identified during this study, and additional resistance factors (QTL and major genes) identified during previous studies were located on the same synthetic genetic linkage map. Most resistance factors were organized in clusters. Several co-localizations between QTL, candidate genes, and major genes occured, which led us to formulate some hypotheses about the putative functions of the genes and QTL mapped. From these results, strategies to create apple varieties carrying multiple resistances may be defined.ANGERS-BU Lettres et Sciences (490072106) / SudocSudocFranceF
