24 research outputs found

    Water UV-shielding in the terrestrial planet-forming zone: Implications for carbon dioxide emission

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    Carbon Dioxide is an important tracer of the chemistry and physics in the terrestrial planet forming zone. Using a thermo-chemical model that has been tested against the mid-infrared water emission we re-interpret the CO2 emission as observed with Spitzer. We find that both water UV-shielding and extra chemical heating significantly reduce the total CO2 column in the emitting layer. Water UV-shielding is the more efficient effect, reducing the CO2 column by \sim 2 orders of magnitude. These lower CO2 abundances lead to CO2-to-H2O flux ratios that are closer to the observed values, but CO2 emission is still too bright, especially in relative terms. Invoking the depletion of elemental oxygen outside of the water mid-plane iceline more strongly impacts the CO2 emission than it does the H2O emission, bringing the CO2-to-H2O emission in line with the observed values. We conclude that the CO2 emission observed with Spitzer-IRS is coming from a thin layer in the photo-sphere of the disk, similar to the strong water lines. Below this layer, we expect CO2 not to be present except when replenished by a physical process. This would be visible in the 13^{13}CO2 spectrum as well as certain 12^{12}CO2 features that can be observed by JWST-MIRI.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    UV-driven Chemistry as a Signpost for Late-stage Planet Formation

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    The chemical reservoir within protoplanetary disks has a direct impact on planetary compositions and the potential for life. A long-lived carbon-and nitrogen-rich chemistry at cold temperatures (<=50K) is observed within cold and evolved planet-forming disks. This is evidenced by bright emission from small organic radicals in 1-10 Myr aged systems that would otherwise have frozen out onto grains within 1 Myr. We explain how the chemistry of a planet-forming disk evolves from a cosmic-ray/X-ray-dominated regime to an ultraviolet-dominated chemical equilibrium. This, in turn, will bring about a temporal transition in the chemical reservoir from which planets will accrete. This photochemical dominated gas phase chemistry develops as dust evolves via growth, settling and drift, and the small grain population is depleted from the disk atmosphere. A higher gas-to-dust mass ratio allows for deeper penetration of ultraviolet photons is coupled with a carbon-rich gas (C/O > 1) to form carbon-bearing radicals and ions. This further results in gas phase formation of organic molecules, which then would be accreted by any actively forming planets present in the evolved disk.Comment: Accepted to Nature Astronomy, Published Dec 8th 202

    The TW Hya Rosetta Stone Project. II. Spatially Resolved Emission of Formaldehyde Hints at Low-temperature Gas-phase Formation

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    Formaldehyde (H₂CO) is an important precursor to organics like methanol (CH₃OH). It is important to understand the conditions that produce H₂CO and prebiotic molecules during star and planet formation. H₂CO possesses both gas-phase and solid-state formation pathways, involving either UV-produced radical precursors or CO ice and cold ( 20 K) dust grains. To understand which pathway dominates, gaseous H₂CO's ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) has been used as a probe, with a value of 3 indicating "warm" conditions and <3 linked to cold formation in the solid state. We present spatially resolved Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of multiple ortho- and para-H₂CO transitions in the TW Hya protoplanetary disk to test H₂CO formation theories during planet formation. We find disk-averaged rotational temperatures and column densities of 33 ± 2 K, (1.1 ± 0.1) × 10¹² cm⁻² and 25 ± 2 K, (4.4 ± 0.3) × 10¹¹ cm⁻² for ortho- and para-H₂CO, respectively, and an OPR of 2.49 ± 0.23. A radially resolved analysis shows that the observed H₂CO emits mostly at rotational temperatures of 30–40 K, corresponding to a layer with z/R ≥ 0.25. The OPR is consistent with 3 within 60 au, the extent of the pebble disk, and decreases beyond 60 au to 2.0 ± 0.5. The latter corresponds to a spin temperature of 12 K, well below the rotational temperature. The combination of relatively uniform emitting conditions, a radial gradient in the OPR, and recent laboratory experiments and theory on OPR ratios after sublimation, led us to speculate that gas-phase formation is responsible for the observed H₂CO across the TW Hya disk

    Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). VIII. CO gap in AS 209-gas depletion or chemical processing?

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    Funding: I.C. was supported by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51405.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. J.D.I. acknowledges support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom (STFC) under ST/T000287/1. C.W. acknowledges financial support from the University of Leeds, SFTC, and UKRI (grant Nos. ST/R000549/1, ST/T000287/1, and MR/T040726/1).Emission substructures in gas and dust are common in protoplanetary disks. Such substructures can be linked to planet formation or planets themselves. We explore the observed gas substructures in AS 209 using thermochemical modeling with RAC2D and high-spatial-resolution data from the Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) program. The observations of C18O J = 2-1 emission exhibit a strong depression at 88 au overlapping with the positions of multiple gaps in millimeter dust continuum emission. We find that the observed CO column density is consistent with either gas surface-density perturbations or chemical processing, while C2H column density traces changes in the C/O ratio rather than the H2 gas surface density. However, the presence of a massive planet (>0.2 MJup) would be required to account for this level of gas depression, which conflicts with constraints set by the dust emission and the pressure profile measured by gas kinematics. Based on our models, we infer that a local decrease of CO abundance is required to explain the observed structure in CO, dominating over a possible gap-carving planet present and its effect on the H2 surface density. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Molecules with ALMA at planet-forming scales. XX. The massive disk around GM Aurigae

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    Funding: K.R.S., K.Z., J.B., J.H., and I.C. acknowledge the support of NASA through Hubble Fellowship Program grants HST-HF2-51419.001, HST-HF2-51401.001, HST-HF2-51427.001-A, HST-HF2-51460.001-A, and HST-HF2-51405.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. J.D.I. acknowledges support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom (STFC) under ST/T000287/1. C.W. acknowledges financial support from the University of Leeds, STFC and UKRI (grant numbers ST/R000549/1, ST/T000287/1, MR/T040726/1).Gas mass remains one of the most difficult protoplanetary disk properties to constrain. With much of the protoplanetary disk too cold for the main gas constituent, H2, to emit, alternative tracers such as dust, CO, or the H2 isotopologue HD are used. However, relying on disk mass measurements from any single tracer requires assumptions about the tracer's abundance relative to H2 and the disk temperature structure. Using new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations from the Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) ALMA Large Program as well as archival ALMA observations, we construct a disk physical/chemical model of the protoplanetary disk GM Aur. Our model is in good agreement with the spatially resolved CO isotopologue emission from 11 rotational transitions with spatial resolution ranging from 0"15 to 0"46 (24-73 au at 159 pc) and the spatially unresolved HD J = 1-0 detection from Herschel. Our best-fit model favors a cold protoplanetary disk with a total gas mass of approximately 0.2 M⊙, a factor of 10 reduction in CO gas inside roughly 100 au and a factor of 100 reduction outside of 100 au. Despite its large mass, the disk appears to be on the whole gravitationally stable based on the derived Toomre Q parameter. However, the region between 70 and 100 au, corresponding to one of the millimeter dust rings, is close to being unstable based on the calculated Toomre Q of <1.7. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XVI. Characterizing the impact of the molecular wind on the evolution of the HD 163296 system

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    Funding: I.C. was supported by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51405.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. J.D.I. acknowledges support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom (STFC) under ST/T000287/1. C.W. acknowledges financial support from the University of Leeds, STFC, and UKRI (grant Nos. ST/R000549/1, ST/T000287/1, MR/T040726/1).During the main phase of evolution of a protoplanetary disk, accretion regulates the inner-disk properties, such as the temperature and mass distribution, and in turn, the physical conditions associated with planet formation. The driving mechanism behind accretion remains uncertain; however, one promising mechanism is the removal of a fraction of angular momentum via a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) disk wind launched from the inner tens of astronomical units of the disk. This paper utilizes CO isotopologue emission to study the unique molecular outflow originating from the HD 163296 protoplanetary disk obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. HD 163296 is one of the most well-studied Class II disks and is proposed to host multiple gas-giant planets. We robustly detect the large-scale rotating outflow in the 12CO J = 2 - 1 and the 13CO J = 2 - 1 and J = 1 - 0 transitions. We constrain the kinematics, the excitation temperature of the molecular gas, and the mass-loss rate. The high ratio of the rates of ejection to accretion (5-50), together with the rotation signatures of the flow, provides solid evidence for an MHD disk wind. We find that the angular momentum removal by the wind is sufficient to drive accretion though the inner region of the disk; therefore, accretion driven by turbulent viscosity is not required to explain HD 163296's accretion. The low temperature of the molecular wind and its overall kinematics suggest that the MHD disk wind could be perturbed and shocked by the previously observed high-velocity atomic jet. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XVII. Determining the 2D thermal structure of the HD 163296 disk

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    Funding: J.D.I. acknowledges support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom (STFC) under ST/T000287/1. C.W. acknowledges financial support from the University of Leeds, STFC, and UKRI (grant Nos. ST/R000549/1, ST/T000287/1, MR/T040726/1). I.C. was supported by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51405.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555.Understanding the temperature structure of protoplanetary disks is key to interpreting observations, predicting the physical and chemical evolution of the disk, and modeling planet formation processes. In this study, we constrain the two-dimensional thermal structure of the disk around the Herbig Ae star HD 163296. Using the thermochemical code RAC2D, we derive a thermal structure that reproduces spatially resolved Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations (~0"12 (13 au)-0"25 (26 au)) of 12CO J = 2 - 1, 13CO J = 1 - 0, 2 - 1, C18O J = 1 - 0, 2 - 1, and C17O J = 1 - 0, the HD J = 1 - 0 flux upper limit, the spectral energy distribution (SED), and continuum morphology. The final model incorporates both a radial depletion of CO motivated by a timescale shorter than typical CO gas-phase chemistry (0.01 Myr) and an enhanced temperature near the surface layer of the the inner disk (z/r ≥ 0.21). This model agrees with the majority of the empirically derived temperatures and observed emitting surfaces derived from the J = 2 - 1 CO observations. We find an upper limit for the disk mass of 0.35 M⊙, using the upper limit of the HD J = 1 - 0 and J = 2 - 1 flux. With our final thermal structure, we explore the impact that gaps have on the temperature structure constrained by observations of the resolved gaps. Adding a large gap in the gas and small dust additionally increases gas temperature in the gap by only 5%-10%. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XIX. Spiral arms, a tail, and diffuse structures traced by CO around the GM Aur disk

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    Funding: I.C. was supported by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51405.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. C.W. acknowledges financial support from the University of Leeds, STFC, and UKRI (grant Nos. ST/R000549/1, ST/T000287/1, MR/T040726/1). J.D.I. acknowledges support from the STFC under ST/T000287/1.The concentric gaps and rings commonly observed in protoplanetary disks in millimeter continuum emission have lent the impression that planet formation generally proceeds within orderly, isolated systems. While deep observations of spatially resolved molecular emission have been comparatively limited, they are increasingly suggesting that some disks interact with their surroundings while planet formation is underway. We present an analysis of complex features identified around GM Aur in 12CO J = 2 - 1 images at a spatial resolution of ~40 au. In addition to a Keplerian disk extending to a radius of ~550 au, the CO emission traces flocculent spiral arms out to radii of ~1200 au, a tail extending ~1800 au southwest of GM Aur, and diffuse structures extending from the north side of the disk up to radii of ~1900 au. The diffuse structures coincide with a "dust ribbon" previously identified in scattered light. The large-scale asymmetric gas features present a striking contrast with the mostly axisymmetric, multi-ringed millimeter continuum tracing the pebble disk. We hypothesize that GM Aur's complex gas structures result from late infall of remnant envelope or cloud material onto the disk. The morphological similarities to the SU Aur and AB Aur systems, which are also located in the L1517 cloud, provide additional support to a scenario in which interactions with the environment are playing a role in regulating the distribution and transport of material in all three of these Class II disk systems. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe