1 research outputs found

    Effect of Silvopastoral Systems on Production and Milk Composition under Sinu River Valley Conditions, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was evaluated the effect of three silvopastoral models in production and compositional quality of milk, compared with a treeless prairie. Animals were used from a cross RHC with an average weight of 436 卤 64.2 kg and 56 卤 28 days in milk. The animals were subjected to a daily routine of milking in which production was recorded and samples were taken for analysis of compositional quality of milk. The results indicated no treatment effect on dry matter production (p> 0.05), contrary to this, the treatment effect was recorded in the percentage of PC for the grass Panicum maximum, indicating that with increasing tree cover increased to 12.6% PC, bought with 10% in the treatment without trees. There were no significant differences (p> 0.05) between treatments for Wood model parameters, and time to peak production at peak production, but appeared significant (p0.05), contrario a esto, se registr贸 efecto del tratamiento en el porcentaje de PC para la gram铆nea Panicum maximum, indicando que a medida que aumenta la cobertura arb贸rea se increment贸 la PC hasta 12.6%, comprada con 10% en el tratamiento sin 谩rboles. No se registraron diferencias significativas (p>0.05) entre los tratamientos para los par谩metros de modelo de Wood, producci贸n al pico y tiempo al pico de producci贸n en la lactancia. Sin embargo, se present贸 efecto significativo (p<0.05) de la producci贸n de leche por ha, indicando que el tratamiento silvopastoril que incluye especies arbustivas, registr贸 la mayor producci贸n de leche ha-1 dia-1 con un valor de 12.8 l. No se presentaron efectos significativos del tratamiento sobre la calidad composicional de la leche. Los resultados indicaron que el arreglo silvopastoril que incluye arbustos result贸 en mayor producci贸n de leche por unidad de superficie, lo cual pudo estar influenciado por la mejor calidad de la dieta ofertada y mayor capacidad de carga