51 research outputs found

    Detecting differential ground displacements of civil structures in fast-subsiding metropolises with interferometric SAR and band-pass filtering

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    Ground displacements due to changes in soil conditions represent a threat to the stability of civil structures in many urban areas, worldwide. In fast-subsiding areas, regional subsidence (wavelength ~ 1,000’s m) can be dominantly high and, consequently, mask other signals at local scales (wavelength ~ 10–100’s m). Still, engineering and construction applications require a comprehensive knowledge of local-scale signals, which can threaten the stability of buildings and infrastructure. Here we present a new technique based on band-pass filters for uncovering local-scale signals hidden by regional subsidence as detected by interferometric SAR measurements. We apply our technique to a velocity field calculated from 21 high-resolution COSMO-SkyMed scenes acquired over Mexico City and obtain components of long (\u3e 478 m), intermediate (42–478 m) and short (\u3c 42 m) spatial wavelengths. Our results reveal that long-wavelength velocities exceed − 400 mm/year, whereas intermediate- and short-wavelength velocities are in the order of ± 15 mm/year. We show that intermediate-wavelength velocities are useful for retrieving signals such as uplift along elevated viaducts of Metro lines 4 and B, as well as differential displacements in Pantitlán station’s pedestrian overpass system and across sharp geotechnical boundaries in the piedmont of Sierra de Santa Catarina—where surface faulting occurs

    Remotely triggered subsidence acceleration in Mexico City induced by the September 2017 Mw 7.1 Puebla and the Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec September 2017 earthquakes

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    Mexico City, a large megacity with over 21 million inhabitants, is exposed to several hazards, including land subsidence, earthquakes, and flooding. Hazard assessments for each hazard type is typically treated separately and usually do not include considerations for any relations among the hazards. Our data makes it plausible for an earthquake triggering case that temporarily accelerated the subsidence rate in the metropolitan area as a result of the Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec and the Mw 7.1 Puebla, September 2017 earthquakes that affected Mexico City. Furthermore, the triggering effect induced rapid slip along previously developed shallow faults associated with subsidence. These results indicate that any future scenario of land subsidence should consider a potential triggering effect by large earthquakes. Similarly, earthquake hazard assessments should also consider potential impact on shallow faulting and fracturing associated with land subsidence

    Crustal structure variations in south-central Mexico from receiver functions

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    Mexico has a complex geological history that is typified by the distinctive terranes that are found in the south-central region. Crustal thickness variations often correlate with geological terranes that have been altered by several processes in the past, for example aerial or subduction erosion, underplating volcanic material or rifting but few geophysical studies have locally imaged the entire continental crust in Mexico. In this paper, the thickness of three layers of the crust in south-central Mexico is determined. To do this, we use P- and S-wave receiver functions (RF) from 159 seismological broad-band stations. Thanks to its adaptive nature, we use an empirical mode decomposition (EMD) algorithm to reconstruct the RFs into intrinsic mode functions (IMF) in order to enhance the pulses related to internal discontinuities within the crust. To inspect possible lateral variations, the RFs are grouped into quadrants of 90°, and their amplitudes are mapped into the thickness assuming a three-layer model. Using this approach, we identify a shallow sedimentary layer with a thickness in the range of 1–4 km. The upper-crust was estimated to be of a few kilometers (<10 km) thick near the Pacific coast, and thicker, approximately 15 km in central Oaxaca and under the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Close to the Pacific coast, we infer a thin crust of approximately 16 ± 0.9 km, while in central Oaxaca and beneath the TMVB, we observe a thicker crust ranging between 30 and 50 km ± 2.0 km. We observe a crustal thinning, of approximately 6 km, from central Oaxaca (37 ± 1.9 km) towards the Gulf of Mexico, under the Veracruz Basin, where we estimate a crustal thickness of 31.6 ± 1.9 km. The boundary between the upper and lower crust in comparison with the surface of the Moho do not show significant variations other than the depth difference. We observe small crustal variations across the different terranes on the study area, with the thinnest crust located at the Pacific coast and Gulf of Mexico coast. The thickest crust is estimated to be in central Oaxaca and beneath the TMVB

    A multiscale approach for detection and mapping differential subsidence using multi-platform InSAR products

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    Detecting and mapping subsidence is currently supported by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) products. However, several factors, such as band-dependent processing, noise presence, and strong subsidence limit the use of InSAR for assessing differential subsidence, which can lead to ground instability and damage to infrastructure. In this work, we propose an approach for measuring and mapping differential subsidence using InSAR products. We consider synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data availability, data coverage over time and space, and the region\u27s subsidence rates to evaluate the need of post-processing, and only then we interpret the results. We illustrate our approach with two case-examples in Central Mexico, where we process SAR data from the Japanese ALOS (L-band), the German TerraSAR-X (X-band), the Italian COSMO-SkyMed (X-band) and the European Sentinel-1 (C-band) satellites. We find good agreement between our results on differential subsidence and field data of existing faulting and find potential to map yet-to-develop faults

    GPS Constraints on the Mw = 7.5 Ometepec Earthquake Sequence, Southern Mexico: Coseismic and Post-Seismic Deformation

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    We use continuous GPS measurements from 31 stations in southernMexico to model coseismic slip and post-seismic deformation from the 2012 March 20 Mw = 7.5 Ometepec earthquake, the first large thrust earthquake to occur below central Mexico during the modern GPS era. Coseismic offsets ranging from ∼280 mm near the epicentre to 5 mm or less at sites far from the epicentre are fit best by a rupture focused between ∼15 and 35 km depth, consistent with an independent seismological estimate. The corresponding geodetic moment of 1.4 × 1020 N·m is within 10 per cent of two independent seismic estimates. Transient post-seismic motion recorded by GPS sites as far as 300 km from the rupture has a different horizontal deformation gradient and opposite sense of vertical motion than do the coseismic offsets. A forward model of viscoelastic relaxation as a result of our new coseismic slip solution incorrectly predicts uplift in areas where post-seismic subsidence was recorded and indicates that viscoelastic deformation was no more than a few per cent of the measured post-seismic deformation. The deformation within 6 months of the earthquake was thus strongly dominated by fault afterslip. The post-seismic GPS time-series are well fit as logarithmically decaying fault afterslip on an area of the subduction interface up to 10 times larger than the earthquake rupture zone, extending as far as 220 km inland. Afterslip had a cumulative geodetic moment of 2.0 × 1020 N·m, ∼40 per cent larger than the Ometepec earthquake. Tests for the shallow and deep limits for the afterslip require that it included much of the earthquake rupture zone as well as regions of the subduction interface where slow slip events and non-volcanic tremor have been recorded and areas even farther downdip on the flat interface. Widespread afterslip below much of central Mexico suggests that most of the nearly flat subduction interface in this region is conditionally stable and thus contributes measurable transient deformation to large areas of Mexico south of and in the volcanic belt

    Crustal structure variations in south-central Mexico from receiver functions

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    Mexico has a complex geological history that is typified by the distinctive terranes that are found in the south-central region. Crustal thickness variations often correlate with geological terranes that have been altered by several processes in the past, for example aerial or subduction erosion, underplating volcanic material or rifting but few geophysical studies have locally imaged the entire continental crust in Mexico. In this paper, the thickness of three layers of the crust in south-central Mexico is determined. To do this, we use P- and S-wave receiver functions (RF) from 159 seismological broad-band stations. Thanks to its adaptive nature, we use an empirical mode decomposition (EMD) algorithm to reconstruct the RFs into intrinsic mode functions (IMF) in order to enhance the pulses related to internal discontinuities within the crust. To inspect possible lateral variations, the RFs are grouped into quadrants of 90°, and their amplitudes are mapped into the thickness assuming a three-layer model. Using this approach, we identify a shallow sedimentary layer with a thickness in the range of 1–4 km. The upper-crust was estimated to be of a few kilometers (<10 km) thick near the Pacific coast, and thicker, approximately 15 km in central Oaxaca and under the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Close to the Pacific coast, we infer a thin crust of approximately 16 ± 0.9 km, while in central Oaxaca and beneath the TMVB, we observe a thicker crust ranging between 30 and 50 km ± 2.0 km. We observe a crustal thinning, of approximately 6 km, from central Oaxaca (37 ± 1.9 km) towards the Gulf of Mexico, under the Veracruz Basin, where we estimate a crustal thickness of 31.6 ± 1.9 km. The boundary between the upper and lower crust in comparison with the surface of the Moho do not show significant variations other than the depth difference. We observe small crustal variations across the different terranes on the study area, with the thinnest crust located at the Pacific coast and Gulf of Mexico coast. The thickest crust is estimated to be in central Oaxaca and beneath the TMVB

    Deep drilling at the Chalco lake:A technical report

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    En este artículo se presenta un resumen de las actividades realizadas para la recuperación de la totalidad de la secuencia lacustre del lago de Chalco. Mediante estudios geofísicos se determinó la distribución y espesor de los sedimentos lacustres con base en lo cual se seleccionó el sitio de perforación. Con datos de los espectros H/V de sísmica pasiva se hizo un mapa de isofrecuencias que definieron una región con sedimentos lacustres y material volcánico granulado de hasta 300 m de espesor. El uso de métodos electromagnéticos mostró cambios en la resistividad eléctrica relacionados con variaciones en la composición de la columna sedimentaria; entre 100 – 120 m de profundidad hay un primer aumento en la resistividad asociado al incremento de materiales volcaniclásticos, y entre 330 – 400 m de profundidad un segundo aumento asociado a la presencia de coladas de basalto. Fueron perforados tres pozos con recuperación continua, llegando a profundidades de 420 m en el pozo A, 310 m en el B y 520 en el C. Durante el trabajo de perforación se tomaron muestras para el análisis geomicrobiológicos y de metagenómica. Durante el proceso de perforación se recuperó un total de 1152 m de sedimentos con una profundidad máxima de 520 m. El porcentaje de recuperación de la columna sedimentaria varió entre 88 a 92 % en los tres sondeos. Los resultados del análisis de susceptibilidad magnética en las tres secuencias indica que los primeros 260 m son sedimentos lacustres, entre 260 y 300 m los sedimentos son más gruesos y debajo de los 300 m son predominantemente volcaniclásticos. El análisis de la secuencia sedimentaria del lago de Chalco de los últimos ~300000 años, permitirá documentar y ampliar el conocimiento acerca de la variabilidad climática de la zona, la historia paleoambiental, la historia del cierre de la cuenca, el desarrollo del sistema lacustre y la recurrencia de la actividad volcánica en la cuenca. Además, el estudio de las propiedades físicas de esta secuencia sedimentaria es importante para la modelación de la propagación de ondas sísmicas y de la estructura de la cuenca, así como para mejorar la capacidad de modelación del proceso de subsidencia del terreno que experimenta esta región. This paper presents a short description of the coring operations undertaken to recover the full lacustrine sedimentary sequence from Chalco. Geophysical techniques were used to determine the distribution and thickness of the sediments in order to select the drilling site. Resonance frequencies determined from H/V spectral ratios were used to determine an area where lake sediments reached 300 m thickness. Electromagnetic survey showed two changes in electric resistivity which were related to changes in sediment composition, the first from 100 to 120 m, related to an increase in volcanoclastic sediments and the second from 330 to 400 m related to the presence of a basaltic flows. Three wells were drilled with continuous recovery, reaching depths of 420 m in well A, 310 in B and 520 in C. Samples for geomicrobiological and metagenomics studies were collected during drilling operations. A total of 1152 m of core sediments were recovered reaching a maximum depth of 520 m. Recovery percentages were between 88 and 92 % in the three wells. Magnetic susceptibility analyses in the three sequences show that the first 260 m are mostly lake sediments, between 260 and 300 m sediments are coarser and below 300 m they are mostly volcaniclastic. Analysis of the sedimentary sequence of Lake Chalco that covers the last ~300000 years will allow documenting and extending the knowledge of climate variability in area, the paleoenvironmental history, basin closure history, lacustrian system development and volcanic activity recurrence. Studies of the physical properties of this sequence will be important for seismic propagation and basin structure modeling, and also will improve modeling of the subsidence process that this region experiences
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