3 research outputs found
The By gravimetric measurements and
coupled thermal analysis techniques (DTG+TG+DTA)
the aging of different sorts of insulating oil was
studied by thermal cycling between -400C and 850C.
The experimental results showed that, during the
thermal cycling of the investigated mineral oils, their
composition changes due to the volatilization of the
volatile fractions (mass losses between 3.9% and
5.8%), unlike the investigated vegetable oil that
showed a mass increase of approx. 0.66%. It has also
been found that the mineral oils can be ensure a safe
operation, without significant changes up to a
maximum of 1000C, as long as investigating vegetable
oil can be used without degradation risk up to 2000C
Closed fasciotomy in Dupuytren’s pathology – discussion on a clinical case
Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică și Microchirurgie Reconstructivă, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Maladia Dupuytren este o boală fibroproliferativă comună care cauzează contractura flexorie a mâinii. Pentru a
ameliora deformitatea, a restaura funcţia și a evita complicaţiile este necesar de a utiliza metode minim invazive.
Caz clinic: Pacientul A, bărbat de 60 ani suportă un traumatism prin motobloc agricol soldîndu-se cu fractura deschisă a
oaselor gambei Gustilo-Anderson III “C”, motiv pentru care suportă evolutiv 5 intervenţii chirurgicale reconstructive. După
intervenţia a doua pacientul este mobilizat la mers cu ajutorul cârjelor. Dar, am constatat prezenţa contracturii Dupuytren la
mâna dreaptă care incomoda semnificativ utilizarea cârjelor. Atunci, am luat decizia să efectuăm aponeurotomia închisă cu
scoaterea degetelor din poziţia de flexie vicioasă. Am utilizat în acest scop un ac de seringă cu care prin împungeri “dute-vino”
am secţionat bridele aponeurotice patologic modificate. S-a obţinut o extensie deplină a degetelor. Drept rezultat la 10 zile
postoperator pacientul începe mersul cu cîrjele fără dificultăţi, posedând o funcţie bună a mâinii.
Concluzii: Aponeurotomia palmară închisă în boala Dupuytren permite îmbunătăţirea funcţiei mâinii fără incizii sângerânde,
exclude perioada de regenerare, distinge o funcţie acceptabilă pentru mersul cu cârjele la pacienţii fracturaţi.Introduction: Dupuytren’s disease is a common fibroproliferative disorder causing flexing contractures in the hand. To relieve
deformity, restore function and avoid complications surgical minimal invasive techniques should be used.
Clinical case: The patient A, man aged 60 years supports trauma with agricultural motoblock, resulting a leg’s bone open
fracture Gustilo-Anderson III "C", because of which supports evolutionary 5 reconstructive surgery. After second intervention
patient is mobilized to walk with crutches. But, it was determined presence of Dupuytren's contracture at the right hand which
significantly disrupt the use of crutches. Then we decided to perform closed aponeurotomy with removal of vicious finger flexion
position. We used for this purpose a needle, and by "come and go" prick aponeurotic pathological tensions was eliminated,
obtaining a full extension of fingers. As a result, 10 days after surgery the patient starts walking with crutches without difficulty,
possessing a good position of the hand. Conclusion: Closed palmar aponeurotomy in Dupuytren’s disease allows improving hand’s function without bleeding incisions,
excludes the regeneration period, distinguishes acceptable function for walking with crutches in trauma patients