24 research outputs found

    Robotic perception and control for a demolition task in unstructured environments

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    The construction industry is a capital-intensive sector that has steadily turned towards mechanized and automated solutions in the last few decades. However, due to some specificities of this field, it is still technologically behind other sectors, like manufacturing: there is room for improvements, that could lead to economical, technical, and also social benefits. In this work we focus on demolition robotics: taking the task of demolishing a wall as a case study (related to the needs of an industrial partner of our laboratory), we propose a mockup for studying perceptual and control aspects on a scaled-down representative scenario. The thesis deals with several aspects of the demolition task, ranging from perception, to planning, to human-robot interaction (HRI). In addition to a conceptual framework, we propose some new approaches to scene segmentation and situational awareness in unstructured environments, as well as an intuitive on-site HRI paradigm

    An intelligent system for electrical energy management in buildings

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    Recent studies have highlighted that a significant part of the electrical energy consumption in residential and business buildings is due to an improper use of the electrical appliances. In this context, an automated power management system - capable of reducing energy wastes while preserving the perceived comfort level - would be extremely appealing. To this aim, we propose GreenBuilding, a sensor-based intelligent system that monitors the energy consumption and automatically controls the behavior of appliances used in a building. GreenBuilding has been implemented as a prototype and has been experimented in a real household scenario. The analysis of the experimental results highlights that GreenBuilding is able to provide significant energy savings

    A Minimal Developmental Model Can Increase Evolvability in Soft Robots

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    Different subsystems of organisms adapt over many time scales, such as rapid changes in the nervous system (learning), slower morphological and neurological change over the lifetime of the organism (postnatal development), and change over many generations (evolution). Much work has focused on instantiating learning or evolution in robots, but relatively little on development. Although many theories have been forwarded as to how development can aid evolution, it is difficult to isolate each such proposed mechanism. Thus, here we introduce a minimal yet embodied model of development: the body of the robot changes over its lifetime, yet growth is not influenced by the environment. We show that even this simple developmental model confers evolvability because it allows evolution to sweep over a larger range of body plans than an equivalent non-developmental system, and subsequent heterochronic mutations 'lock in' this body plan in more morphologically-static descendants. Future work will involve gradually complexifying the developmental model to determine when and how such added complexity increases evolvability

    Evolving soft locomotion in aquatic and terrestrial environments: effects of material properties and environmental transitions

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    Designing soft robots poses considerable challenges: automated design approaches may be particularly appealing in this field, as they promise to optimize complex multi-material machines with very little or no human intervention. Evolutionary soft robotics is concerned with the application of optimization algorithms inspired by natural evolution in order to let soft robots (both morphologies and controllers) spontaneously evolve within physically-realistic simulated environments, figuring out how to satisfy a set of objectives defined by human designers. In this paper a powerful evolutionary system is put in place in order to perform a broad investigation on the free-form evolution of walking and swimming soft robots in different environments. Three sets of experiments are reported, tackling different aspects of the evolution of soft locomotion. The first two sets explore the effects of different material properties on the evolution of terrestrial and aquatic soft locomotion: particularly, we show how different materials lead to the evolution of different morphologies, behaviors, and energy-performance tradeoffs. It is found that within our simplified physics world stiffer robots evolve more sophisticated and effective gaits and morphologies on land, while softer ones tend to perform better in water. The third set of experiments starts investigating the effect and potential benefits of major environmental transitions (land - water) during evolution. Results provide interesting morphological exaptation phenomena, and point out a potential asymmetry between land-water and water-land transitions: while the first type of transition appears to be detrimental, the second one seems to have some beneficial effects.Comment: 37 pages, 22 figures, currently under review (journal

    Contest-Driven Soft-Robotics Boost: The RoboSoft Grand Challenge

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    This paper reports the design process, the implementation and the results of a novel robotic contest addressing soft robots, named RoboSoft Grand Challenge. Application-oriented tasks were proposed in three different scenarios where soft robotics is particularly lively: manipulation, terrestrial and underwater locomotion. Starting from about sixty expressions of interest submitted by international teams distributed across the world, nineteen robots were eventually selected to participate in the challenge in two of the initially proposed scenarios, i.e. manipulation and terrestrial locomotion. Results highlight both the effectiveness and limitations of state of the art soft robots with respect to the selected tasks. The paper will also focus on some of the advantages and disadvantages of contests as technology-steering mechanisms, including what we called "reductionist design", a phenomenon in which simplistic solutions are devised to purposely tackle the proposed tasks, possibly hindering more general and desired technological advancements

    Morphosis—Taking Morphological Computation to the Next Level

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    Evolutionary Developmental Soft Robotics As a Framework to Study Intelligence and Adaptive Behavior in Animals and Plants

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    In this paper, a comprehensive methodology and simulation framework will be reviewed, designed in order to study the emergence of adaptive and intelligent behavior in generic soft-bodied creatures. By incorporating artificial evolutionary and developmental processes, the system allows to evolve complete creatures (brain, body, developmental properties, sensory, control system, etc.) for different task environments. Whether the evolved creatures will resemble animals or plants is in general not known a priori, and depends on the specific task environment set up by the experimenter. In this regard, the system may offer a unique opportunity to explore differences and similarities between these two worlds. Different material properties can be simulated and optimized, from a continuum of soft/stiff materials, to the interconnection of heterogeneous structures, both found in animals and plants alike. The adopted genetic encoding and simulation environment are particularly suitable in order to evolve distributed sensory and control systems, which play a particularly important role in plants. After a general description of the system some case studies will be presented, focusing on the emergent properties of the evolved creatures. Particular emphasis will be on some unifying concepts that are thought to play an important role in the emergence of intelligent and adaptive behavior across both the animal and plant kingdoms, such as morphological computation and morphological developmental plasticity. Overall, with this paper, we hope to draw attention on set of tools, methodologies, ideas and results, which may be relevant to researchers interested in plant-inspired robotics and intelligence

    Material properties affect evolution's ability to exploit morphological computation in growing soft-bodied creatures

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    The concept of morphological computation holds that the body of an agent can, under certain circumstances, exploit the interaction with the environment to achieve useful behavior, potentially reducing the computational burden of the brain/controller. The conditions under which such phenomenon arises are, however, unclear. We hypothesize that morphological computation will be facilitated by body plans with appropriate geometric, material, and growth properties, while it will be hindered by other body plans in which one or more of these three properties is not well suited to the task. We test this by evolving the geometries and growth processes of soft robots, with either manually-set softer or stiffer material properties. Results support our hypothesis: we find that for the task investigated, evolved softer robots achieve better performances with simpler growth processes than evolved stiffer ones. We hold that the softer robots succeed because they are better able to exploit morphological computation. This four-way interaction among geometry, growth, material properties and morphological computation is but one example phenomenon that can be investigated using the system here introduced, that could enable future studies on the evolution and development of generic soft-bodied creatures

    Indoor channel characterization for future 5G applications

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    The shortage of frequency band below 6 GHz available for communications and data transfer has recently fostered the interest toward the millimeter wave (mmW) spectrum. In fact, mmW carrier frequencies allow for larger bandwidth allocations thus higher data transfer rates. It is therefore useful to evaluate the channel propagation properties of mmW within an indoor environment. In particular, the statistical parameters such as path loss exponent and shadowing have been examined by using a reliable numerical solver based on a ray-tracing (RT) technique. The results for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions at 28 GHz and 72 GHz are reported for the case of an office environment