159 research outputs found

    Meloidogyne brasilienis n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a root-knot nematode parasiting tomato cv. Rossol in Brazil.

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    Meloidogyne brasilensis n. sp., Londrina and Brasilia populations, is described and illustrated from specimens from tomato cv. Rossol and pea cv. Mikado, respectively, in Brazil. Characteristically, the perineal pattern is elongated to ovoid with a attened to very high, squarish dorsal arch with widely spaced, coarse striae. The lateral elds may have wing-like striae on one or both sides. The female stylet is 14 ¹m long with narrow and elongated knobs that are distinctly set-off from the shaft. The excretory pore is variable in location, but generally opens near the anterior portion of the median bulb about 50 ¹m from the head end. The male is 1.89 mm long and has a high head cap that slopes posteriorly. The labial disc is separated from the medial lips by a deep, rounded groove. The delicate stylet of the male is 23 ¹m long and has small, rounded knobs that are distinctly set-off from the shaft which has numerous small, rounded projections. Mean second-stage juvenile length is 434 ¹m. The juvenile head cap is highly elevated, the medial lips are crescent-shaped and unequal in size, and the head region is not annulated. The stylet is 11 ¹m long and has small, rounded, posteriorly sloping knobs. The tail is 53 ¹m long; it is marked with large, irregular annules and ends in a bluntly rounded tip. The hyaline tail terminus is short (13 ¹m). Reproduction occurred on NC95 tobacco, tomato, pea, and bean, whereas pepper, watermelon, peanut, cotton, corn, and soybean were not hosts

    Mancha foliar em capim-elefante no Cerrado do Brasil Central causada por Bipolaris maydis.

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    Bipolaris maydis (Y. Nisik. & C. Miyake) Shoemaker foi consistentemente isolado de plantas de Pennisetum purpureum Schum., com sintomas de manchas foliares, no Cerrado, em 2005 e 2006. Testes de patogenicidade em mudas sadias de capim-elefante, em casa de vegetação, e o subseqüente reisolamento do fungo confirmaram que B. maydis era o agente causal das lesões foliares observadas. Os primeiros sintomas apareceram dois dias após a inoculação. Onze outras espécies de gramíneas foram suscetíveis ao fungo.Notas Científica

    Genetic Diversity in the Anthracnose Pathogen Infecting \u3ci\u3eStylosanthes\u3c/i\u3e in Brazil, India and China

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    This work aimed to determine the genetic diversity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting Stylosanthes spp. in Brazil, China and India. A total of 132 isolate originating from S. seabrana, S. macrocephala, S. capitata, S. scabra, and S. guianensis were used. Four major genetic groups were identified from an analysis of genetic diversity using selection-neutral DNA markers. Group 1 contained 20 isolates and this may represent a genotype that migrated from the center of diversity in Brazil and Colombia to Australia, Thailand and India. Group 2 consisted of 66 Brazilian isolates and group 3 had 19 isolates from Australia, Burundi, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast and Peru. The 27 isolates in group 4 were very diverse with \u3e50% dissimilarity between some isolates. Genetic diversity in Brazil and China was more extensive than in the Indian pathogen population

    Selection of High Yielding and Anthracnose Resistant \u3ci\u3eStylosanthes\u3c/i\u3e for Brazil, India and China

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    Resistance to anthracnose, dry matter yield (DMY) and seed yield (SY) was assessed for germplasm and breeding lines of Stylosanthes in Brazil, India and China. Overall, Stylosanthes guianensis produced higher DMY than S. scabra, S. capitata and S. macrocephala at most sites in Brazil. Data from China suggest that there are high yielding anthracnose resistant S. guianensis lines that can reduce the reliance on CIAT 184. S. seabrana might also prove successful. S. seabrana in India produced the highest DMY and SY and it can form nodules with native Bradyrhizobium strains. Regional differences in resistance within accessions stress the importance of targeting germplasm to combat the suite of pathogen races present at a local level

    Controle integrado de podridao de raizes de gravioleira causada por (Cylindrocladium clavatum) no Distrito Federal.

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    A expansão da fruticultura nas regiões de influência dos cerrados, tem aumentado consideravelmente a demanda por mudas de fruteiras e consequentemente o número de viveiristas no Distrito Federal. Além das doenças já tradicionalmente conhecidas, vem constatando-se alta incidência de podridão de raízes causada por Cyiindrociadium ciavatum. Os sintomas, inicialmente são caracterizados pela presença de pequenas lesões escuras no coleto, seguidas de anelamento do caule. Posteriormente, as lesões atingem o sistema radicular, causando o apodrecimento e a morte do mesmo. A planta infectada pelo fungo, dependendo da intensidade da doença, tem o seu crescimento paralizado, torna-se ligeiramente amarelecida ou morre posteriormente. A doença tem ocasionado perdas consideráveis em mudas de aceroleira, abacateiro e gravioleira, principalmente em gravioleira, onde o índice de perdas pode atingir 100%.Publicado também em: EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Cerrados (Planaltina, DF). Relatório Técnico Anual do Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Cerrados 1991 a 1995. Planaltina, 1997. p. 203-204

    Avaliação morfo-agronômica de acessos de Stylosanthes capitata do banco ativo de germoplasma da Embrapa Cerrados.

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