2,032 research outputs found

    National climate, agriculture and socio-economic development policies and plans formulated with the use of scenarios across six global regions

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    Climate change impacts bring great uncertainty, raising the need to plan for the future. As the impacts of climate change are complex and far-reaching, it can be extremely difficult to foresee exactly what the consequences will be, and how they will affect different regions and sectors. However, by bringing together relevant stakeholders and brainstorming "what if" ideas of possible future scenarios, policy makers can prepare themselves for a variety of potential challenges. Including stakeholders from diverse backgrounds can avoid blindspots focused on a single vision of the future

    5th Annual Progress Reporting and Coordination Meeting on CCAFS Projects and Regional Activities in Southeast Asia

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    The proceedings document the results of the 5th Annual Progress Reporting and Coordination Meeting on CCAFS Projects and Regional Activities in Southeast Asia. The report tackles the progress of activities in the CSV sites and on CCAFS project implementation in 2019; the significant outputs and outcomes of FP/CSV implementation; and the knowledge, learning, and experiences across projects

    The SmartAG partner: CCAFS East Africa Bi-Annual Newsletter, July - December 2019

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    We are pleased to share with you our SmartAg Partner bi-annual newsletter, highlighting policy engagement, ongoing research, field updates and activities with partners from the second half of 2019

    Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) in Ethiopia: A participatory demonstration workshop for Key National and International Development Partners

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    Ethiopia’s National Meteorological Agency’s (NMA) Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) is a collaborative tool developed by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), The Earth Institute at Columbia University, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) which is supported by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and international and national partners including the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

    Strengthening Climate-Resilient Agricultural Systems in South Asia: CCAFS South Asia Regional Meeting Report

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    State of the art discourse on agriculture and climate change, lays emphasis on the dual role of agriculture in adapting to and mitigating climate change. Recognising the same, many countries are laying emphasis on agriculture while preparing their national adaptation plans (NAPs). In congruence with the world’s agenda to facilitate sustainable agricultural practices, while reducing poverty and hunger, CCAFS has been working for last 10 years to generate innovative solutions to promote more adaptable and resilient agriculture and food systems. South Asia regional office of Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has been: generating research based knowledge, mainstreaming climate variability and climate change issues into development strategies and institutional agendas; enhancing people's understanding of climate change issues; and facilitating informed decisions on policies and actions based on the best available information and data in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, with extended research and knowledge based services extended onto Bhutan and Sri Lanka. With the vision of drawing learnings from the work done so far to elucidate the strategy of the coming years, a regional meeting titled “Strengthening Climate-Resilient Agricultural Systems in South Asia” was organised by CCAFS- South Asia in Bali- Indonesia from 6th to 7th Oct 2019. The meeting also aspired to build as well as further strengthen already existing institutional partnership. The two-day agenda included thematic sessions on topics such as developing and evaluating alternative policy and institutional models for scaling-up climate smart food system in South Asia, big-data analytics to identify and overcome scaling limitations to climate-smart agricultural practices in South Asia, capacity building for scaling up CSA via South- South collaboration among others. The meeting culminated with an agreement on the need for revisiting CCAFS research approach to build science based evidence, to facilitate formulation of better policies and programs, for a food secure world

    TeSAC: opciones para mejorar la resiliencia y la seguridad alimentaria

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    ¿Qué medidas pueden tomar los pequeños productores para mejorar sus prácticas agrícolas, y que esto conlleve a una mayor seguridad alimentaria y el mejoramiento de sus condiciones de vida? ¿pueden hacer esto mientras también disminuyen las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero o se aumenta la captura de carbono, contribuyendo así a disminuir el impacto del cambio climático? En la búsqueda de respuestas, CCAFS está trabajando con una amplia gama de socios para poner a prueba un conjunto de intervenciones en un enfoque que ha denominado TeSAC, o ‘Territorios Sostenibles Adaptados al Clima’ (en inglés Climate-Smart Villages)

    CCAFS Baseline Survey Indicators for Bagerhat/Morrelganj, Bangladesh.

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    This document series compiles key indicators from the three levels of the baseline for each site. Indicators include: demography and basic site characteristics of each site, rainfall distribution, changes in farming practices and land management, income sources, food security and food sources, asset ownership by households and involvement in organisations and more. This CCAFS baseline indicator document was developed for the CCAFS site at Bagerhat/Morrelganj, in Bangladesh

    Capacity Enhancement Strategy

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    This is an outdated document for CCAFS Phase I. The Phase II Capacity Development strategy can be found here: http://hdl.handle.net/10568/82591. Capacity enhancement is a central priority for CCAFS. There is strong institutional support for this prioritization in the mandate of the ESSP, which has an explicit strategy agenda to make sure that capacity enhancement is more than just a tool for implementation of scientific research, and CGIAR, for which collaboration and capacity enhancement are likely to have a high profile within the post-reform agenda

    Better methods to measure the emissions of small-scale farming: smallholder farmers and climate change: options and information

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    Smallholder farmers provide up to 80 percent of the food supply in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Yet very little is known about either the contribution of smallholder systems to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or the options for smallholders to mitigate their emissions and benefit from doing so. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is coordinating research to gather the basic data on emissions that smallholder farmers and national policy makers need in order to plan sustainable futures

    Putting Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) on the map, globally and nationally

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    Working in partnership with national research institutions, IRRI has developed the Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) rice management practice. The practice reduces water use by up to 30% and methane emissions by 48% without impacting yield. With efficient nitrogen use and application of organic inputs to dry soil, the practice can reduce emissions even further, enhance nutrient efficiency, and deter insect infestation. AWD has been field tested and validated by rice farmers in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Myanmar, and Vietnam. AWD is now being mainstreamed in extension efforts by formal extension institutes and NGOs in a number of countries in Southeast Asia. Training and extension materials on AWD are also being included in curricula of agricultural colleges, universities and extension certification schemes