20 research outputs found

    Functional Analysis of the Arlequin Mutant Corroborates the Essential Role of the ARLEQUIN/TAGL1 Gene during Reproductive Development of Tomato

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    Reproductive development of higher plants comprises successive events of organ differentiation and growth which finally lead to the formation of a mature fruit. However, most of the genetic and molecular mechanisms which coordinate such developmental events are yet to be identified and characterized. Arlequin (Alq), a semi-dominant T-DNA tomato mutant showed developmental changes affecting flower and fruit ripening. Sepals were converted into fleshy organs which ripened as normal fruit organs and fruits displayed altered ripening features. Molecular characterization of the tagged gene demonstrated that it corresponded to the previously reported TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE 1 (TAGL1) gene, the tomato ortholog of SHATTERPROOF MADS-box genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, and that the Alq mutation promoted a gain-of-function phenotype caused by the ectopic expression of TAGL1. Ectopic overexpression of TAGL1 resulted in homeotic alterations affecting floral organ identity that were similar to but stronger than those observed in Alq mutant plants. Interestingly, TAGL1 RNAi plants yielded tomato fruits which were unable to ripen. They displayed a yellow-orange color and stiffness appearance which are in accordance with reduced lycopene and ethylene levels, respectively. Moreover, pericarp cells of TAGL1 RNAi fruits showed altered cellular and structural properties which correlated to both decreased expression of genes regulating cell division and lignin biosynthesis. Over-expression of TAGL1 is able to rescue the non-ripening phenotype of rin and nor mutants, which is mediated by the transcriptional activation of several ripening genes. Our results demonstrated that TAGL1 participates in the genetic control of flower and fruit development of tomato plants. Furthermore, gene silencing and over-expression experiments demonstrated that the fruit ripening process requires the regulatory activity of TAGL1. Therefore, TAGL1 could act as a linking factor connecting successive stages of reproductive development, from flower development to fruit maturation, allowing this complex process to be carried out successfully

    Characterisation of three ACC synthase gene family members during post-harvest-induced senescence in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica)

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    We investigated the gene expression profiles of different members of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxilic acid (ACC) synthase (EC gene family in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) during the post-harvest-induced senescence process. Using RT-PCR, three different cDNAs coding for ACC synthase (BROCACS1, BROCACS2 and BROCACS3) were amplified from floret tissue at the start of the senescence process. The three genes share relatively little homology, but have highly homologous sequences in Arabidopsis thaliana, and could be functionally related to these counterparts. Southern analyses suggest that BROCACS1 and BROCACS3 are present as single copy genes, while there are probably two copies of BROCACS2. All three genes showed different expression patterns: BROCACS1 is likely to be either wound - or mechanical stress-induced showing high transcript levels after harvesting, but no detectable expression afterwards. BROCACS2 shows steady expression throughout senescence, increasing at the latest stages, and BROCACS3 is almost undetectable until the final stages. Our results suggest that BROCACS1 could be required to initiate the senescence process, while BROCACS2 would be the main ACC synthase gene involved throughout the post-harvest-induced senescence. BROCACS3's expression pattern indicates that it is not directly involved in the initial stages of senescence, but in the final remobilization of cellular resources