21,822 research outputs found
Repeatability of traits evaluated in a split-plot or factorial experiment.
In this paper repeatability expressions are derived and their respective ANOVA estimators obtained by using split-plot and factorial models, both in a randomized complete block design. The paper also considers different fixed and random effect models and their assumptions and restrictions. Repeatability estimates, such as the correlation between successive measurements (over time) of the same genotype, always have the same value regardless of the model used, and this allows repeatability to be calculated using models based on the mean of the experimental units (mean of blocks) of each genotype in each time. This independence was not observed for repeatability estimates at the upper limit of broad-sense heritability based on the mean of successive measurements (over time) of the same genotype. The repeatability of traits evaluated in experimental trials of different designs is also discussed
Distribution of epicenters in the Olami-Feder-Christensen model
We show that the well established Olami-Feder-Christensen (OFC) model for the
dynamics of earthquakes is able to reproduce a new striking property of real
earthquake data. Recently, it has been pointed out by Abe and Suzuki that the
epicenters of earthquakes could be connected in order to generate a graph, with
properties of a scale-free network of the Barabasi-Albert type. However, only
the non conservative version of the Olami-Feder-Christensen model is able to
reproduce this behavior. The conservative version, instead, behaves like a
random graph. Besides indicating the robustness of the model to describe
earthquake dynamics, those findings reinforce that conservative and non
conservative versions of the OFC model are qualitatively different. Also, we
propose a completely new dynamical mechanism that, even without an explicit
rule of preferential attachment, generates a free scale network. The
preferential attachment is in this case a ``by-product'' of the long term
correlations associated with the self-organized critical state. The detailed
study of the properties of this network can reveal new aspects of the dynamics
of the OFC model, contributing to the understanding of self-organized
criticality in non conserving models.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
Desempenho do híbrido de girassol BRS 321 no Rio Grande do Sul.
Girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) na região Meio-Norte do Brasil para produção de biodiesel.
Avaliação de genótipos de girassol nos municípios de Teresina e Bom Jesus, Piauí: ano agrícola 2009/2010.
No ano agrícola 2009/2010, foram conduzidos no estado do Piauí, nos municípios de Teresina e Bom Jesus, dois experimentos de avaliação de genótipos de girassol com objetivo de identificar materiais promissores para produção de grãos e óleo. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 0,80 m entre linhas com plantas distanciadas de 0,30 m. Usou-se adubação de fundação na dosagem de 200 kg da fórmula 05-30-15 ha-1 com micronutrientes (FTE BR-12) e em cobertura aos 30 dias após semeadura, usando-se 30 de N ha-1 e 30 kg de K 2O ha-1. Em Teresina, as maiores produtividades de grãos foram obtidas nos genótipos V 50070 (1.958 kg ha-1 ), V70003 (1.770 kg ha-1), Albisol 2 (1.732 kg ha-1 ) e HLA 887 (1.669 kg ha-1). O teor de óleo variou de 40,0% no genótipo M 734 a 48,9 % no HLA 887. Para rendimento de óleo verificou-se uma variação de 466 kg ha-1 no genótipo MULTISSOL a 851 kg ha-1 no V50070. Em Bom Jesus, a produtividade de grãos variou de 999 kg ha-1 a 1.208 kg ha-1 , respectivamente, nos genótipos GNZ NEON e BRS GIRA 29. Para teor de óleo houve uma variação de 41,7 % (BRS GIRA 29) ) a 49,2 % (HLA 05- 62). Quanto ao rendimento de óleo constatou-se uma variação entre 435 kg ha-1 a 531 kg ha-1 , espectivamente, nos o genótipos GNZ NEON e TRITON MAX. EVALUATION OF GENOTYPES OF SUNFLOWER IN TERESINA AND BOM JESUS, PIAUÍ STATE, BRAZIL, IN THE AGRICULTURAL YEAR 2009/2010. In the agricultural year 2009/2010, two experiments involving the evaluation of sunflower genotypes were carried out in Teresina and Bom Jesus, state of Piauí, Brazil. These experiments aimed to identify good material to oil production. Spacing used between lines with plants was 0,80 m and, between plants, 0,30 m. Fertilizers were initially used in the dosage of 200 kg ha-1 of the formula 05-30-15 with micronutrients (FTE BR-12) and coverage 30 days after sowing, using 30 kg ha-1 of N and 30 kg of K2O ha-1. In Teresina, the best grain productivities were obtained with the genotypes V 50070 (1,958 kg ha-1), V70003 (1,770 kg ha-1), Albisol 2 (1,732 kg ha-1) and HLA 887 (1,669 kg ha-1). The oil content ranged from 40 % with genotype M 734 to 48.9 % with genotype HLA 887. The oil efficiency ranged from 466 kg ha-1, with genotype MULTISSOL, to 851 kg ha-1, with genotype V50070. In Bom Jesus, the grain productivity ranged from 999 kg ha-1 to 1.208 kg ha- 1 in genotypes GNZ NEON e BRS GIRA 29, respectively. Oil content ranged from 41,7% (BRS GIRA 29) to 49.2% (HLA 05-62). Finally, oil efficiency ranged from 435 kg ha-1 to 531 kg ha-1 in genotypes GNZ NEON and TRITON MAX, respectively
Desempenho de cultivares de girassol (Helianthus annuus. L.) no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento produtivo de diversas cultivares de girassol. O ensaio foi instalado no Município de Canguaretama/RN no ano agrícola de 2007( 6º22 ? S, 35º 07? W, altitude de 5m, temperatura média anual de 25 ºC O solo é classificado como latossolo amarelo de textura arenosa. A precipitação ocorrida durante a condução do ensaio foi de 904,6 mm. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Fez-se uma adubação utilizando-se a fórmula: 60-80-60 kg/ha mais 2 kg/ha de boro.Os materiais avaliados mostraram-se precoces, com uma média de 39 dias para atingir o florescimento inicial. Os rendimentos médios de grãos das cultivares ficaram entre 1.356 kg/ha e 2.581 kg/ha, com média geral de 1.829 kg/ha.Três cultivares apresentaram rendimentos médios de grãos acima de 2.200 kg/ha, sobressaindo-se os materiais M 734, HLA 863 e GIRA 19 e com o teor de óleo superior a 42 %
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