5 research outputs found


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    Conflict, regarded from the perspective of labor, is a topic amply debated lately by a variety of national and international authors. The added value of this article lies in the fact that conflict situations have been approached by means of their impact on employment, but also on health. Beside a theoretical presentation, the article highlights the evolution - recorded during a sufficiently long period of time - of the claims triggering conflicts and strikes, making a presentation of the nature, direction and intensity of the connection between the number of conflicts and employment, using simple linear regression, but also a presentation of the results of the opinion polls carried out by Eurofound concerning the attitude of the Europeans in relation to conflict. The general hypothesis of our paper starts from the premise according to which conflict situations amplify the misbalance on the labor market, but also trigger effects regarding the physical and psychological health of the people. The conclusions of the research underline the fact that anticipation of conflict situations has beneficial effects on employment, on a micro and macroeconomic level

    An analysis of the Romanian labor market under the impact of the contemporary world’s problems using the regression function

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    Having as subject the labor market in the context of the contemporary world’s problems, this paper aims to make a theoretical and practical presentation of these concepts, which are relevant for the national and international literature. The first part, dealing with the state-of-the-art of the domain, aims to present these concepts from the perspective of many specialists in this field. The practical part of this article consists in a research based on the presentation of the labor market under the impact of the contemporary world’s problems. To support our line of reasoning, in our scientific approach we used a research based on the analysis of secondary sources, and as quantitative methods, we used: the simple linear regression and the public opinion poll. Among the contemporary world’s issues analyzed using the quantitative methods were: juvenile delinquency, violence against other peoples and population’s poverty rate. The hypothesis of this paper starts from the premise according to which lack of education generates intensification of the contemporary world’s problems, especially juvenile delinquency and poverty rate, these two having an impact upon the employment rate of the labor market, because potentially active people are convicted when referring to people above 18 years old and in special educational institutions when referring to people under 18. The most relevant conclusions of the research highlight the fact that between the labor market and the contemporary world’s problems there is interdependence, and not giving the appropriate importance to the contemporary world’s issues will generate irremediable difficulties in society

    The Contribution of Education to the Insertion of Vulnerable Groups on the Labour Market

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    Education helps man know the concept of liberty, which triggers not just benefits but also responsibilities. The teacher is the main actor of education, and his role is not just that of informing but also that of forming the pupil. This forming is viewed from several perspectives: personality, skills and aptitudes necessary to secure a position on the labour market. The work hypothesis of this article has started from the premise according to which there is interdependence between educational level and employment. The central problem pursued throughout this article is how to close the insertion gaps on the labour market for vulnerable groups, and the decisive factor is the education received in the organized environment (high schools, colleges and universities). The present article is structured into three parts. The first is dedicated to the state-of-the-art in this domain. In the second part are presented Rroma evolution statistics, Rroma representing the vulnerable group who is the subject of our study, since their slavery but also after they became free. The last part of this article presents the results of a direct questionnaire, an opinion survey, and the instrument used is a questionnaire applied on teachers from two high schools


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    The young people of the present society are the future, and the most important prospective analysis techniques are used to realize a pertinent presentation of their situations in point of educational level. The main goal of the present article starts from the idea that the decrease of the number of people benefiting of education triggers negative effects on the world. A person with no education generates much higher expenses for a society than an educated person. By means of the present analysis, we endeavor to make a projection of the future as an alarm signal meant for the people in charge with the elaboration and implementation of strategies in the domain of education