12 research outputs found

    Presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in woody chips used as ajuvant in wines, vinegars and distillates.

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    Samples of 15 commercially available batches of wood cheps, used in alcoholic beverage industry, were extracted and anlyzed for their content in polyciclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Total amonts of PHAs varyng between 0.96 and 15.1 ng/g of wood were found, with medium to low MW compounds being mainly present. Carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene was faund in such a value, however, not alarming if maximum mandatory levels in food are considered. PHAs content in chips qas unaffected by wood origin, size or toasting level while further investigation dealing with phenomena occuring during the wood seasoning could be necessary

    Characterisation of volatiles in extracts from oak chips aobtained by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE)

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    Sixteen commercially available oak chips, differing in origin (French or American) and toastin level, were extracted by an accelerated solvent extraction method and characterized by their volatile composition. About 80 compounds were identified and quantified, a great part of them from the thermodegradation of lignin and cellulose. one furanone (solerone) and two C-13 norisoprenoids (3-oxo-a-ionol and a 3-oxoretro-a-ionol isomer)were also tentatively identified and reported for the first time intoasted wood

    Quantification of hen's egg white lysozyme in wine by an improved HPLC-FLD analytical method

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    An improved RP-HPLC method for determination of lysozyme in red and white wines was devised and validated. Fluorometric detection increased sensitivity up to 10 times over the widely used UV detection at 280 nm. Variables that could influence the performance and reliability of the method were evaluated, such as chromatographic separation, matrix-binding phenomena, sample acidification, and phluorometric-response stability. The method demonstrated good linearity, precision and accurancy together with a valuable decrease in the minimum detectable amount of lysozyme (equal to 0,18 mg/L). The method can be applied to wines either for technological purposes or to quantify residual lysozyme in the final product, thereby reducing the risk of unexpected allergenic responses in sesitive consumers

    Optimization of the determination of organic acid and sugars in fruit juices by ion-exclusion liquid chromatography

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    An HPLC method for the determination of the main organic acids and sugars in friuts juices is proposed. Nine acids (includind oxalic, citric, malic, quinic, galacturonic, ascorbic, succinic and fumaric acid) and three sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose) were separeted by ion-exclusion chromatography using a resin-based Aminex HPX 87H column after a sample clean-up with Sax cartridges. In spite of the suitable chromatographyc conditions, quantification of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acid was affected by on-column degradation of the former into the latter. For all the other analytes the mothod showed a good precision and linearity and, as an application, eigtheen commercial juices from 4 different friut were tested

    Determinazione del contenuto in piombo (II) nei vini, mediante stripping cronopotenziometrico

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    Nel presente lavoro vengono presentati i risultati della messaa punto di una metodica di quantificazione del piombo nei vini mediante una tecnica elettrochimica basata sullo stripping potenziomentric. Tale metodica permette di limitare le fasi di preparazione del campione alla sola acidificazione, abbreviando i tempi di analisi, La tecnica ha dimostrato buoni valori di ripetibilit\ue0 e riproducibilit\ue0, assieme ad un idoneo limite di rilevabilit\ue0 (< 2 microgrammi/L). essa \ue8 stata applicata all'analisi di 43 campioni di vino rosso e bianco e comparata con la metodica ufficiale, verso la quale ha rivelato un ottimo grado di correlazione

    La componente polifenolica in un vino rosso affinato con tecnologie innovative

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    I trucioli in affinamento modificano la componente polifenolica e sensoriale dei vini, ma le differenze non sono sempre apprezzabili. La micro-ossigenazione migliora le caratteristiche cromatiche, anche se comporta una diminuzione dei flavani e degli antociani monomeri. La feccia fine favorisce ulteriormente la stabilit\ue0 e migliora il profilo sensoriale