30 research outputs found

    Correlation Between Shallow Benthic Zones and Calcareous Plankton Zones at the Bartonian–Priabonian Transition: Preliminary Results from the Varignano Section (Trento Province, Northern Italy)

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    The Varignano section (Trento province, northern Italy), the sediments of which were deposited in a bathyal palaeoenvironment, contains eight resedimented bioclastic levels with larger foraminifera, thus providing an excellent opportunity to directly correlate the shallow benthic zones (SBZs) with the standard calcareous planktonic zones around the Bartonian–Priabonian transition. Moreover, this section is located only 80 km from the Alano di Piave section (Veneto region), a candidate to host the GSSP of the base of Priabonian, where this direct correlation is hampered by the absence of resedimented levels across the critical interval. The preliminary results of the integrated study of calcareous plankton and larger foraminifera reveal that the extinction of morozovellids and large acarininids (E13–E14 boundary) occurs within SBZ18 and not at the SBZ18–SBZ19 boundary as usually considered

    The Varignano section (Trento Province, northern Italy): a chance to correlate shallow benthic zones and calcareous plankton zones near the Bartonian -Priabonian boundary

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    The GSSP for the base of the Priabonian stage has not yet been defined, but a candidate section has been recently proposed near Alano di Piave (Veneto region, northern Italy), some 50 km far from the historical stage stratotype of Priabona. The Alano section, deposited in a bathyal setting, has been investigated for the calcareous nannoplankton, planktic foraminifera, as well as magnetostratigraphy. Unfortunately, at Alano di Piave there is no way to directly correlate with the larger foraminiferal shallow-water biozones, namely the Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ). We present the results of the calcareous plankton and SBZ data from the Varignano section (Trento Province, northern Italy), that provides a unique chance for a direct correlation between shallow- and deep-water environments across the Bartonina-Priabonian boundary

    Geological and stratigraphical setting of the Bolca area

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    Description of the stratigraphy and geological setting of the Bolca area with its famous fossiliferous sites, located in the eastern part of the Lessini Mountains of the Southern Alps

    El uso de acaricidas para el control de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) (Acari: Ixodidae) en la Argentina

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    Se realizó un estudio para conocer los acaricidas y las técnicas de aplicación utilizadas para el control de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus en el área favorable o intermedia para el desarrollo de esta garrapata del vacuno. Para ello se efectuaron 438 encuestas en establecimientos ganaderos del norte argentino donde se constató que el 81,5% de los establecimientos destinados a la producción bovina se dedican a la actividad de cría y el resto a la invernada o ciclo completo. Los acaricidas a base de piretroides (42,5%), formamidina (24,7%) y avermectinas (3,7%) junto con la combinación de piretroides y avermectinas (17,8%) son los preferidos por los ganaderos. Las técnicas de aplicación más comunes son los baños de inmersión (35,8%), la vía tópica (26,8%) y las combinaciones de inyectables con tópicos (11,6%) o con inmersión (6,2%). El predominio del uso de piretroides sugiere que la mayoría de las poblaciones de garrapatas son susceptibles a estos acaricidas. Sin embargo, se observó una relación directa entre el área favorable para la garrapata, la mayor frecuencia anual de tratamientos acaricidas y el uso de formamidina en Corrientes y, en menor medida, en Misiones y Santa Fe, zonas donde las poblaciones de R. microplus resistentes a los piretroides son más frecuentes. Ello alerta sobre las mayores chances para el desarrollo de garrapatas resistentes a la formamidina en esas zonas. Se considera conveniente poner a punto las técnicas de laboratorio para el diagnóstico de la resistencia de R. microplus contra los acaricidas alternativos a los piretroides, especialmente para la formamidina y a las avermectinas

    A new Fossil-Lagerstätte from the Early Eocene of Lessini Mountains (northeastern Italy): a multidisciplinary approach

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    Hemipelagic dark limestones within calciturbiditic deposits at Monte Solane in the western Lessini Mountains of northern Italy yield a fish fauna dominated by stomiiforms. A minor component of the fossil assemblage is represented by a macroalgal non-calcareous flora associated with rarer terrestrial components including few angiosperm leaves and seeds. Micropaleontological (foraminifera, dinoflagellate cysts), sedimentological and geochemical proxies (TEX86) indicate a deposition of the fossil-bearing bed in a hypoxic to possibly anoxic, warm, restricted basin. High-precision dating based on rich foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton content allows ascribing the site to the upper part of the Ypresian (Lower Eocene). The site is slightly older than the Ypresian worldwide-famous shallow-water Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte located in the same region. Convergent paleoenvironmental clues based on both microfossils and ichthyofauna indicate that the sediments were deposited in the upper bathyal zone, probably between 300 and 600 m. Solane is therefore one of the rare and precious Eocene Lagerstätte to have fossilized in a deep marine setting. The site contains the oldest Cenozoic record of an ichthyofauna dominated by meso-bathypelagic taxa

    The Situation and Comparative Advantage of Soybean Production in the Mekong River Delta of Viet Nam

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    The study briefly described the current situation of soybean production in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) by using the policy analysis matrix method (PAM). It revealed that farmers have obtained about 521,000 VND as profit and soybean has a comparative advantage. Especially, we discovered that agricultural policies given by government almost have no positive impacts on farmers. They even reduce the effect of soybean production. By analyzing the sensitivity of a PAM, the study also shown if any of the following forecasts becomes true, soybean production still has a comparative advantage: the decrease of soybean tariff from 15% to 5%, the increase of fertilizer prices of 10%, an increase in exchange rate VND/USD of 10%

    A new fossil-lagerstätte from the lower eocene of lessini mountains (northern Italy): A multidisciplinary approach

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    Hemipelagic dark limestones within calciturbiditic deposits at Monte Solane in the western Lessini Mountains of northern Italy yield a fish fauna dominated by stomiiforms. A minor component of the fossil assemblage is represented by a macroalgal non-calcareous flora associated with rarer terrestrial components including few angiosperm leaves and seeds. Micropaleontological (foraminifera, dinoflagellate cysts), sedimentological and geochemical proxies (TEX86) indicate a deposition of the fossil-bearing bed in a hypoxic to possibly anoxic, warm, restricted basin. High-precision dating based on rich foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton content allows ascribing the site to the upper part of the Ypresian (Lower Eocene). The site is slightly older than the Ypresian worldwide-famous shallow-water Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte located in the same region. Convergent paleoenvironmental clues based on both microfossils and ichthyofauna indicate that the sediments were deposited in the upper bathyal zone, probably between 300 and 600m. Solane is therefore one of the rare and precious Eocene Lagerstätte to have fossilized in a deep marine setting. The site contains the oldest Cenozoic record of an ichthyofauna dominated by meso-bathypelagic taxa