233 research outputs found

    Linear-scaling algorithm for rapid computation of inelastic transitions in the presence of multiple electron scattering

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    Strong multiple scattering of the probe in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) means image simulations are usually required for quantitative interpretation and analysis of elemental maps produced by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). These simulations require a full quantum-mechanical treatment of multiple scattering of the electron beam, both before and after a core-level inelastic transition. Current algorithms scale quadratically and can take up to a week to calculate on desktop machines even for simple crystal unit cells and do not scale well to the nanoscale heterogeneous systems that are often of interest to materials science researchers. We introduce an algorithm with linear scaling that typically results in an order of magnitude reduction in computation time for these calculations without introducing additional error and discuss approximations that further improve computational scaling for larger-scale objects with modest penalties in calculation error. We demonstrate these speedups by calculating the atomic resolution STEM-EELS map using the L-edge transition of Fe, for a nanoparticle 80 Ã… in diameter, in 16 hours, a calculation that would have taken at least 80 days using a conventional multislice approach

    Patterned probes for high precision 4D-STEM bragg measurements.

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    Nanoscale strain mapping by four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) relies on determining the precise locations of Bragg-scattered electrons in a sequence of diffraction patterns, a task which is complicated by dynamical scattering, inelastic scattering, and shot noise. These features hinder accurate automated computational detection and position measurement of the diffracted disks, limiting the precision of measurements of local deformation. Here, we investigate the use of patterned probes to improve the precision of strain mapping. We imprint a "bullseye" pattern onto the probe, by using a binary mask in the probe-forming aperture, to improve the robustness of the peak finding algorithm to intensity modulations inside the diffracted disks. We show that this imprinting leads to substantially improved strain-mapping precision at the expense of a slight decrease in spatial resolution. In experiments on an unstrained silicon reference sample, we observe an improvement in strain measurement precision from 2.7% of the reciprocal lattice vectors with standard probes to 0.3% using bullseye probes for a thin sample, and an improvement from 4.7% to 0.8% for a thick sample. We also use multislice simulations to explore how sample thickness and electron dose limit the attainable accuracy and precision for 4D-STEM strain measurements

    Exploring the origins of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in amorphous Tb-Co via changes in medium-range ordering

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    Amorphous thin films of Tb17_{17}Co83_{83} (a-Tb-Co) grown by magnetron co-sputtering exhibit changes in magnetic anisotropy with varying growth and annealing temperatures. The magnetic anisotropy constant increases with increasing growth temperature, which is reduced or vanishes upon annealing at temperatures above the growth temperature. The proposed explanation for this growth-induced anisotropy in high orbital moment Tb-based transition metal alloys such as a-Tb-Co is an amorphous phase texturing with preferential in-plane and out-of-plane local bonding configurations for the rare-earth and transition metal atoms. Scanning nanodiffraction performed in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) is applied to a-Tb17_{17}Co83_{83} films deposited over a range of temperatures to measure relative changes in medium-range ordering (MRO). These measurements reveal an increase in MRO with higher growth temperatures and a decrease in MRO with higher annealing temperatures. The trend in MRO indicates a relationship between the magnetic anisotropy and local atomic ordering. Tilting select films between 0∘^{\circ} and 40∘^{\circ} in the TEM measures variations in the local atomic structure a function of orientation within the films. The findings support claims that preferential ordering along the growth direction results from temperature-mediated adatom configurations during deposition, and that oriented MRO correlates with the larger anisotropy constants.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Nanoscale mosaicity revealed in peptide microcrystals by scanning electron nanodiffraction.

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    Changes in lattice structure across sub-regions of protein crystals are challenging to assess when relying on whole crystal measurements. Because of this difficulty, macromolecular structure determination from protein micro and nanocrystals requires assumptions of bulk crystallinity and domain block substructure. Here we map lattice structure across micron size areas of cryogenically preserved three-dimensional peptide crystals using a nano-focused electron beam. This approach produces diffraction from as few as 1500 molecules in a crystal, is sensitive to crystal thickness and three-dimensional lattice orientation. Real-space maps reconstructed from unsupervised classification of diffraction patterns across a crystal reveal regions of crystal order/disorder and three-dimensional lattice tilts on the sub-100nm scale. The nanoscale lattice reorientation observed in the micron-sized peptide crystal lattices studied here provides a direct view of their plasticity. Knowledge of these features facilitates an improved understanding of peptide assemblies that could aid in the determination of structures from nano- and microcrystals by single or serial crystal electron diffraction

    Nanoscale Oxygen Defect Gradients in the Actinide Oxides

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    Oxygen defects govern the behavior of a range of materials spanning catalysis, quantum computing, and nuclear energy. Understanding and controlling these defects is particularly important for the safe use, storage, and disposal of actinide oxides in the nuclear fuel cycle, since their oxidation state influences fuel lifetimes, stability, and the contamination of groundwater. However, poorly understood nanoscale fluctuations in these systems can lead to significant deviations from bulk oxidation behavior. Here we describe the first use of aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy to resolve changes in the local oxygen defect environment in UO2_2 surfaces. We observe large image contrast and spectral changes that reflect the presence of sizable gradients in interstitial oxygen content at the nanoscale, which we quantify through first principles calculations and image simulations. These findings reveal an unprecedented level of excess oxygen incorporated in a complex near-surface spatial distribution, offering new insight into defect formation pathways and kinetics during UO2_2 oxidation.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure
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