10,955 research outputs found

    Using Automatic Differentiation for Adjoint CFD Code Development

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    This paper addresses the concerns of CFD code developers who are facing the task of creating a discrete adjoint CFD code for design optimisation. It discusses how the development of such a code can be greatly eased through the selective use of Automatic Differentiation, and how the software development can be subjected to a sequence of checks to ensure the correctness of the final software

    Coercivity of domain wall motion in thin films of amorphous rare earth-transition metal alloys

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    Computer simulations of a two dimensional lattice of magnetic dipoles are performed on the Connection Machine. The lattice is a discrete model for thin films of amorphous rare-earth transition metal alloys, which have application as the storage media in erasable optical data storage systems. In these simulations, the dipoles follow the dynamic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation under the influence of an effective field arising from local anisotropy, near-neighbor exchange, classical dipole-dipole interactions, and an externally applied field. Various sources of coercivity, such as defects and/or inhomogeneities in the lattice, are introduced and the subsequent motion of domain walls in response to external fields is investigated

    Observations of transients and pulsars with LOFAR international stations

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    The LOw FRequency ARray - LOFAR is a new radio telescope that is moving the science of radio pulsars and transients into a new phase. Its design places emphasis on digital hardware and flexible software instead of mechanical solutions. LOFAR observes at radio frequencies between 10 and 240 MHz where radio pulsars and many transients are expected to be brightest. Radio frequency signals emitted from these objects allow us to study the intrinsic pulsar emission and phenomena such as propagation effects through the interstellar medium. The design of LOFAR allows independent use of its stations to conduct observations of known bright objects, or wide field monitoring of transient events. One such combined software/hardware solution is called the Advanced Radio Transient Event Monitor and Identification System (ARTEMIS). It is a backend for both targeted observations and real-time searches for millisecond radio transients which uses Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) technology to remove interstellar dispersion and detect millisecond radio bursts from astronomical sources in real-time using a single LOFAR station.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Electromagnetic Radiation from Pulsars and Magnetars conference, Zielona Gora, 2012. 4 pages, 1 figur

    Spectral variation in the X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 during a low-flux episode

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    The X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 was observed with the RXTE satellite for a total of 51ks between 1996 July 19 - 21. During this period the flux decreased smoothly from an initial mean level of ~ 6 X 10^36 erg/s to a minimum of ~ 4 X 10^35 erg/s (2-60 keV, assuming a source distance of 10 kpc) before partially recovering towards the initial level at the end of the observation. BATSE pulse timing measurements indicate that a torque reversal took place approximately 10 d after this observation. Both the mean pulse profile and the photon spectrum varied significantly. The observed variation in the source may provide important clues as to the mechanism of torque reversals. The single best-fitting spectral model was based on a component originating from thermal photons with kT ~ 1 keV Comptonised by a plasma of temperature kT \~ 7 keV. Both the flux modulation with phase during the brightest interval and the evolution of the mean spectra over the course of the observation are consistent with variations in this model component; with, in addition, a doubling of the column density nH contributing to the mean spectral change. A strong flare of duration 50 s was observed during the interval of minimum flux, with the peak flux ~ 20 times the mean level. Although beaming effects are likely to mask the true variation in Mdot thought to give rise to the flare, the timing of a modest increase in flux prior to the flare is consistent with dual episodes of accretion resulting from successive orbits of a locally dense patch of matter in the accretion disc.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Algorithm Developments for Discrete Adjoint Methods

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    This paper presents a number of algorithm developments for adjoint methods using the 'discrete' approach in which the discretisation of the non-linear equations is linearised and the resulting matrix is then transposed. With a new iterative procedure for solving the adjoint equations, exact numerical equivalence is maintained between the linear and adjoint discretisations. The incorporation of strong boundary conditions within the discrete approach is discussed, as well as a new application of adjoint methods to linear unsteady flow in turbomachinery

    LES of additive and non-additive pulsatile flows in a model arterial stenosis

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    Transition of additive and non-additive pulsatile flows through a simple 3D model of arterial stenosis is investigated by using a large eddy simulation (LES) technique. We find in both the pulsatile cases that the interaction of the two shear layers, one of which separates from the nose of the stenosis and the another one from its opposite wall, causes recirculation in the flow downstream of the stenosis where the nature of the transient flow becomes turbulent. The strength of this recirculation is found to be quite high from the non-additive pulsations when the flow Reynolds numbers, Re ≥ 1500, for which both the pressure and shearing stresses take on an oscillating form at the post-stenotic region. Potential medical consequences of these results are discussed in the paper. In addition, some comparisons of the non-additive pulsatile results are given with those of both the additive pulsatile and steady flows. The capability of using LES to simulate the pulsatile transitional flow is also assessed, and the present results show that the smaller (subgrid) scales (SGS) contributes about 78% energy dissipation to the flow when the Reynolds number is taken as 2000. The level of SGS dissipation decreases as the Reynolds number is decreased. The numerical results are validated with the experimental data available in literature where a quite good agreement is found

    Fallacious, misleading and unhelpful:The case for removing ‘systematic review’ from bioethics nomenclature

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    Attempts to conduct systematic reviews of ethical arguments in bioethics are fundamentally misguided. All areas of enquiry need thorough and informative literature reviews, and efforts to bring transparency and systematic methods to bioethics are to be welcomed. Nevertheless, the raw materials of bioethical articles are not suited to methods of systematic review. The eclecticism of philosophy may lead to suspicion of philosophical methods in bioethics. Because bioethics aims to influence medical and scientific practice it is tempting to adopt scientific language and methods. One manifestation is the increasing innovation in, and use of, systematic reviews of ethical arguments in bioethics. Yet bioethics, as a broadly philosophical area of enquiry, is unsuited to systematic review. Bioethical arguments are evaluative, so notions of quality and bias are inapplicable. Bioethical argument is conceptual rather than numerical, and the classification of concepts is itself a process of argument that cannot aspire to neutrality. Any ‘systematic review’ of ethical arguments in bioethics thus falls short of that name. Furthermore, labels matter. Although the bioethics research community may find that adopting the language and the outward methods of clinical science offers apparent prospects of credibility, policy influence and funding, we argue that such misdirection carries risks and is unlikely to pay dividends in the long term. Bioethical sources are amenable to the review methods of the social sciences, and it is on these methods that specific methods of bioethics literature review should be built

    The nuclear spectrum of the radio galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)

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    We present near-infrared spectra of the nuclear disk in the nearby radio galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A). On the basis of the observed strengths of the [S III] 0.9532um and [Fe II] 1.2567um lines, we classify NGC 5128 as a LINER. Modeling of the strengths of these and additional lines suggests that the nuclear region is powered by shocks rather than photoionization.Comment: 12 pages including 2 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter