3 research outputs found

    MOESM4 of Systematic quantitative analysis of H2A and H2B variants by targeted proteomics

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    Additional file 4. Details of the SRM transitions for each signature peptide. SRM assay parameters including precursor and fragment ion type, charge state, elution time as well as raw data are provided in Suppl. data. (*) Indicates peptides monitored only in their endogenous form

    MOESM9 of Systematic quantitative analysis of H2A and H2B variants by targeted proteomics

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    Additional file 9. Rules used to select or reject peptides using their transition profiles. The validation of the best transitions was performed using a signal-to-noise ratio (>聽5) and a perfect co-elution of the heavy standard peptide with the endogenous peptide. Three fragment ions (F1, F2, and F3) are represented for the heavy and the endogenous peptides. a All fragment ions can be integrated because the heavy and endogenous fragment ions co-elute in the same intensity order. b In that case, only F2 can be integrated because the ratio heavy/endogenous is different for F1 and F3. c The fragment F2 is contaminated by another analyte eluting at a slightly later time; it has to be excluded from the analysis. d Here, the signal-to-noise ratio is below five, no fragment ion can be integrated. e. The endogenous peptide traces do not co-elute with the heavy peptide traces