34 research outputs found

    Application of PestLCI model to site-specific soil and climate conditions: the case of maize production in Northern Italy

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    The calculation of emissions from the use of pesticides is a critical issue in LCA studies of agrifood products and only occasionally discussed in details in literature studies. The objective of this study is to assess the results of the application of PestLCI 2.0 model to the production of maize in Northern Italy using site-specific soil and climate data, which were added for this purpose in PestLCI database. In this way, the application of the tool and its database were tailored to that area. Moreover, the results were compared with those obtained assuming maize cultivation on other soil typologies in the surrounding areas. Results show that soil variation scarcely affects the emissions to air and surface water are whereas it affects significantly the emissions to groundwater. Finally, some features of PestLCI were highlighted and comments for a further improvement of the model were provided


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    Abstract Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) abundances in top soil and along the soil profiles from areas affected by different anthropogenic inputs were investigated.. The study area is located within the Ravenna Municipality, a complex territorial system highly affected by industrial (a large petrolchemical complex) agricultural activities. Three zones with distinct environmental features were identified: the San Vitale Pinewood affected by atmospheric deposition pollutans from the industrial complex (PW1, PW4, PW6 and PW8 soil profiles); a public garden within the Ravenna city center, mainly affected by traffic pollution (GP1 soil profile); the "Luigi Perdisa" farm located immediately northwards Ravenna was selected due to the use of fertilizers as well as atmospheric deposition (PER2 soil profile). The total concentration of PTEs (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn) was determined by X ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), and the pseudo-total concentration with aqua regia digestion (AR) and ICP-OES quantification in order to evaluate the extractability of the elements. Results showed a significant increase of some PTEs (Cu, Pb, Zn) in the top soil compared to the pedological substrate. In the Ravenna urban park (GP1 station), Pb and Zn concentrations exceeded the threshold values established by current Italian laws for soils from "public, residential and private areas" (D. Lgs 152/2006). The correlation between top soil and the subsoil highlighted that some PTEs, such as Cu, Pb and Zn, are anthropogenic and they are mainly associated to the deposition of airborne pollutants, whereas other elements (Cr and Ni) are lithologenic. Key-words: heavy metals; enrichment factor; soil profiles; Pinewood San Vitale; ICP-OES;XRF Résumé Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer le taux de concentration d'éléments potentiellement toxiques (EPT) dans les horizons supérieurs et le long du profil de sols intéressés par les différents impacts anthropiques. Les études ont été conduites dans la zone qui englobe la commune de Ravenne, caractérisée par un système territorial complexe en raison de la présence d'un pôle pétrochimique mais aussi d'une agriculture très productive. Trois zones avec des impacts différents pour l'environnement ont été identifiées : la Pinède de San Vitale touchée par des dépôts atmosphériques dérivant de l'activité de l'industrie pétrolochimique (profils pédologiques PW1, PW4, PW6 et PW8) ; un jardin public qui se trouve dans le centre historique de la ville de Ravenne et qui subit une pollution due à la circulation automobile (profil pédagogique GP1). Pour finir, l'entreprise agricole "Luigi Perdisa" située immédiatement au nord-est de Ravenne a été choisie aussi bien à cause de la contamination possible par des produits chimiques utilisés en agriculture que pour les différents types de dépôts atmosphériques (profil pédologique PER2). Les études ont permis de déterminer les concentrations totales en spectrométrie de fluorescence aux rayons X (XRF) mais aussi pseudo-totales avec solubilisation dans l'eau régale (AR) de certains métaux lourds (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn), à la suite de quoi a eu lieu la lecture en ICP-OES dans le but d'évaluer dans quelle mesure ces éléments peuvent être extraits. Les déterminations effectuées démontrent un enrichissement significatif de certains EPT (Cu, Pb, Zn) dans les horizons de surface par rapport au substrat pédologique. Riassunto Scopo di questo studio è la valutazione del grado di anomalia di elementi potenzialmente tossici (EPT) negli orizzonti superficiali e subsuperficiali di suoli soggetti a differenti iuput antropogenici. L'area di studio ha interessato il comune di Ravenna, caratterizzata da un sistema territoriale complesso per la presenza di un polo petrolchimico, ma anche soggetta ad un'attività agricola intensa ed altamente produttiva. Sono state identificate tre zone potenzialmente impattate da differenti attività antropiche: la Pineta di San Vitale interessata da deposizioni EQA -Environmental quality/Qualité de l'Environnement/Qualità ambientale, 2 (2009) 1-14 DOI: 10.6092/issn.2281-4485/3822 3 atmosferiche derivanti dall'attività dell'industria petrolchimica (profili pedologici PW1, PW4, PW6 e PW8); un giardino pubblico presente nel centro storico della città di Ravenna, interessato da inquinamento da traffico veicolare (profilo pedologico GP1); l'azienda agricola "Luigi Perdisa" collocata immediatamente a nord-est di Ravenna scelta sia per la possibile contaminazione da prodotti chimici usati in agricoltura sia per i diversi tipi di deposizioni atmosferiche (profilo pedologico PER2). Di alcuni metalli pesanti (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn) sono state determinate sia le concentrazioni totali in spettrometria di fluorescenza a raggi X (XRF), sia quelle pseudo totali con solubilizzazione in aqua regia (AR) e successiva lettura in ICP-OES con lo scopo di valutare il livello di estraibilità di tali elementi. Le determinazioni effettuate mostrano un significativo arricchimento di alcuni EPT (Cu, Pb, Zn) negli orizzonti di suolo superficiale rispetto al substrato pedologico; nel parco urbano di Ravenna (GP1), le concentrazioni di Pb e Zn sono superiori ai limiti previsti dalla legislazione italiana (D. Lgs 152/2006) per le aree residenziali e di verde pubblico. La correlazione tra i valori di concentrazione di alcuni EPT, quali Cu, Pb e Zn, riscontrati negli orizzonti superficiali e di profondità evidenzia chiaramente la loro origine antropica per lo più dovuta a deposizioni di contaminanti presenti in atmosfera, mentre per altri elementi (Cr e Ni) la loro provenienza risulta litologenica. Parole chiave: EPT; fattore di arricchimento; profili del suolo; Pineta di San Vitale; ICP-OES; XRF

    An overview of indexes to evaluate terrestrial plants for phytoremediation purposes (Review)

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    This paper reviews the various factors, coefficients and indexes developed to evaluate terrestrial plant performance in respect to phytoremediation. A brief list of indexes includes the Accumulation factor, Bioabsorption coefficient, Bioaccumulation coefficient, Bioaccumulation factor, Bioconcentration, Bioconcentration coefficient, Bioconcentration factor, Biological absorption coefficient, Biological accumulation coefficient, Biological concentration factor, Biological transfer coefficient, Concentration factor, Enrichment coefficient, Enrichment factor, Extraction coefficient, Index of bioaccumulation, Mobility index, Shoot accumulation factor, Soil host transfer factor, Soil-plant transfer coefficient, Soil-plant transfer factor, Transfer factor and Translocation factor. These indexes represent the result of a ratio calculation between element concentrations in plant parts to that of substrata. In other cases indexes arise from the ratio calculation of element concentrations in two distinct plant parts. In the literature different terms have been attributed to the same ratio and this often represents an overlap in terminology. On the other hand the same term corresponds to several different ratios and this could create confusion and misinterpretation in data comparison. Furthermore, the evaluation of hyperaccumulation, phytostabilization or phytoextraction of plant species is not always performed in the same way. Different plant parts are considered as well as different extraction procedures for both plant and substrata element assessment. As a consequence, a direct comparison between obtained data is not always reliable and possible. In this paper the various available indexes are reviewed, highlighting both the similarity and differences between them with the aim of helping the community in choosing the appropriate term for both data evaluation and comparison. In this author's opinion there is no need of new terms to define indexes. I would stress the need for conformity to the original definitions and criteria


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    Suoli e vegetazione in una pineta litoranea. Un caso studio nella provincia di Ravenna

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    Vengo messe in evidenza le relazioni esistenti tra pedotipi ed associazioni vegetali in una pineta litoranea ravennat

    Assessment of metal accumulation capacity of Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter in two different Italian mine areas for contaminated soils remediation

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    The study aimed at assessing the capacity of Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter to absorb and accumulate in its tissues some potentially harmful elements (PHEs), as Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn, in order to verify its possible use as phytoremediation in polluted mine soils. Plants from two different Italian mine areas, Montevecchio and Libiola, were considered and compared with plants from unpolluted areas. In each site (n = 21), both rhizospheric soil materials and D. viscosa plants were sampled, suitably prepared and analyzed. Soil samples were examined for both total composition (XRF) and bioavailable fractions (DTPA-extraction). Dittrichia viscosa roots, stems and leaves were analyzed separately to quantify the metal presence in the different plant parts. The root/soil ratio values calculated on the basis of the total soil concentrations, displayed a generally scarce capacity of D. viscosa to absorb soils PHEs, especially those more concentrated in the substrata. Concerning the root/soil ratio calculated on the basis of DTPA-extractable soil metals, values displayed instead a greater capacity of D. viscosa to absorb metals in the roots thus behaving as a potential phytostabilization plant in both mine areas. Regarding the leaf/root ratio, this species also displayed a greater capacity, in sub alkaline mine areas, to shift PHEs from roots to aboveground tissues, along with Ca transfer, revealing interesting characteristics for phytoextraction. In sub acid mine areas, this tendency was instead weaker and PHEs tended to be accumulated in all plant parts. Dittrichia viscosa seems to be appropriate for mine soil stabilization in both sub acid and sub alkaline environments and also for phytoextraction in the latter

    Chromium occurrence and speciation in anoxic sediments from a coastal lagoon (North Adriatic, Italy)

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    Total and hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) were measured in sediment in a coastal lagoon to assess the relationship between sediment geochemistry and chromium speciation, which in turn controls the mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity of chromium. Surface (first top 5 cm) sediment samples were also tested for pH, redox potential, acid-volatile sulûdes (AVS), and organic matter content. In whole sediments, total chromium and Cr(VI) concentrations ranged from 16 to 81 mg/kg and from 0.5 to 1.9 mg/kg, respectively. Concentrations of AVS (ranging between 1.8 and 9.2 umol/g) and other geochemistry measurements indicated anoxic, reducing conditions in the majority of sediment samples. The results of this study are consistent with sediment studies conducted elsewhere indicating low chromium bioavailability in sediment under reducing conditions