13 research outputs found

    Significance of controlling the intensity of various types of effort in football

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    The problem of evaluating and defining physical endurance of athletes has been the subject of a great body of research and scientific discussion. In team sports, especially football, the energy protection of working muscles in players requires the use of almost all metabolic pathways: aerobic, anaerobic and aerobic-anaerobic. Because of the varying pace of action, the share of energy conversions in muscle cells changes rapidly during a match. Another concern voiced by scientists and football coaches is the question of whether fitness training should always be performed with football balls. The aim of this paper was to present the necessity of monitoring the development of aerobic fitness in football players, and also to answer the question of whether motoric training in football may be performed with balls

    The Impact of the Progressive Efficiency Test on a Rowing Ergometer on White Blood Cells Distribution and Clinical Chemistry Changes in Paralympic Rowers During the Preparatory Stage Before the Paralympic Games in Rio, 2016 – A Case Report

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    There is a large gap in knowledge regarding research on post-exercise blood changes in disabled athletes. There are relatively few data on adaptive mechanisms to exercise in disabled athletes, including disabled rowers. Two rowers from a Polish adaptive rowing settle TAMix2x that qualified for the Paralympic Games in Rio, 2016 took part in this study. They performed a progressive test on a rowing ergometer until exhaustion. The cardiorespiratory fitness measures, complete blood count, white blood cells’ distribution and 30 clinical chemistry variables describing laboratory diagnostic profiles and general health were determined. The extreme effort induced changes in all studied metabolites (glucose, creatinine, urea, uric acid, total and direct bilirubin), albumin, total protein levels in both participants. Furthermore, a post-exercise increase in aspartate transaminase activity, yet a 2-fold decrease during the recovery time in both rowers were found. White blood cell count increased 2-fold after the test. The percentages of natural killer cells were higher and total T lymphocytes were lower after the exercise protocol. There were higher percentages of suppressor/cytotoxic and lower percentages of helper/inducer T lymphocyte subsets in both studied rowers. No changes in B lymphocytes distribution were observed. Lack of inflammatory symptoms during the experiment suggests a high level of rowers’ biological adaptation to the physical effort. The different changes in physiological, biochemical and immunological variables are related to the adaptive mechanism to physical exercise allowing for improvement of performance


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    Abstract. The problem of evaluating and defining physical endurance of athletes has been the subject of a great body of research and scientific discussion. In team sports, especially football, the energy protection of working muscles in players requires the use of almost all metabolic pathways: aerobic, anaerobic and aerobic-anaerobic. Because of the varying pace of action, the share of energy conversions in muscle cells changes rapidly during a match. Another concern voiced by scientists and football coaches is the question of whether fitness training should always be performed with football balls. The aim of this paper was to present the necessity of monitoring the development of aerobic fitness in football players, and also to answer the question of whether motoric training in football may be performed with balls. Key words: football, effort, intensity, aerobic/anaerobic trainin

    Rozwój fizyczny dzieci z wadami postawy i upośledzeniem umysłowym na tle dzieci zdrowych w uzdrowisku Połczyn Zdrój

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    Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Nr 384

    Budowa somatyczna oraz wiek zawodników uczestniczących w mistrzostwach świata w piłce nożnej Korea/Japonia 2002

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    Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Nr 384

    Trening sportowy a dysproporcje funkcjonalne mięśni zginaczy i prostowników kolana

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    Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Nr 444

    Blood Biomarkers of Recovery Efficiency in Soccer Players

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    Physical exercise strongly affects human metabolism and causes biochemical changes. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between routine plasma biomarker levels and recovery efficiency in soccer players during an entire competitive match season. The players participating in the study were divided into a midfielder/defender group (seven midfielders and seven defenders) and a goalie/substitute group (six persons—goalkeepers and players with a short cumulative match-time). The fasting capillary blood samples were taken 17–24 h after each competitive match. The blood plasma was used to determine the creatinine, urea, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate and alanine aminotransferase, iron and magnesium levels of the athletes. The levels of (AST) (aspartate aminotransferase), (ALT) (alanine aminotransferase) and (Cr) creatinine were higher in the midfielder/defender group than in the control group, but only AST and Cr significantly varied over time (AST decreased, and Cr increased with time). The (LDH) (lactate dehydrogenase) activity and urea level were significantly lower in the midfielder/defender group than in the goalie/substitute group, and it significantly varied over time (LDH decreased, and urea increased with time). No differences in the (CK) creatine kinase and (ALP) alkaline phosphatase activities between the groups was found, although CK increased significantly with time in the midfielder/defender group (particularly midfielders in the spring round). In midfielders, the AST activity and the iron level were significantly lower in the spring than in the autumn round. On the contrary, ALT, CK, urea and magnesium levels were significantly higher in the spring than in autumn round. A long-term measurement of biochemical parameters in elite soccer players indicated that AST, CK, LDH and creatinine levels, when analyzed together, could constitute a useful set of markers for monitoring recovery periods