36 research outputs found

    Model Based Systems Engineering zur UnterstĂĽtzung der Baukastenentwicklung im Kontext der FrĂĽhen Phase der Produktgenerationsentwicklung

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    In Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wird ein Framework zur Produktmodellierung vorgestellt, das Entwickler bei der Synthese und Analyse von Baukästen und den dazugehörigen Produkten unterstützt. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie Informationen aus vorherigen Produktgenerationen genutzt werden können, um Produktmodelle mithilfe des Model Based Systems Engineering Ansatzes, im Kontext der Frühen Phase der Produktgenerationsentwicklung, effizient zu erstellen

    Model Based Requirements Engineering for the Development of Modular Kits

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    The introduction of modular design increases complexity within product development and especially within Requirements Engineering. To handle this complexity, the approach of Model Based Systems Engineering is applied in this contribution. First, the origins of complexity in modular product development are introduced. Key challenges within Requirements Engineering are drawn up and then verified. A modeling method for requirements of modular kits is introduced and validated in the series development of hybrid drivetrain systems at a German automotive manufacturer. Increases in quality and a requirements reusability of over 80% were achieved. Thus, the capability of the modeling method is verified

    Influence of Agility on the Innovation Capability of Organizations – A Systematic Review of Influencing Factors

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    The increasing dynamization of markets, changing customer requirements and unpredictable occurrences pose new challenges for product development and design. Agile methods and processes can serve as a solution to secure the innovation capability of organizations in this environment. Since the areas of agility and innovation capability of organizations have mostly been treated separately in research, this research effort is focusing at hollistically collecting success factors for agility and success factors for the innovation capability of organizations and analyzing them in detail - including collecting indicators and directional characteristics. The analyzed factors are specifically focused on the development of mechatronic products and are intended to serve as a type of library that enables organizations and researchers to understand their own situation as best as possible, select appropriate recommendations for action in a targeted manner, and track their implementation / operationalization on the basis of the corresponding indicators and characteristics. This research work thus makes a contribution to sustainably increasing innovation capability and agility of industrial organizations

    Validating a method to enable distributed development teams in an engineering simulator

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    To improve distributed collaboration of product development teams, the EDiT method (Enabling Distributed Teams) was developed as support. To successfully introduce the EDiT method into development practice, it is essential to validate the method in a practice-oriented but at the same time controllable environment. Therefore, this contribution aims to validate the EDiT method in the laboratory-based validation environment of an engineering simulator. The engineering simulator covers the further development of a bending machine within two agile sprints in two days. Through the validation in a test and control group design, the effects of the EDiT method on the teams’ collaboration are investigated based on three criteria: functional fulfillment, monetary return, and improvement in fields of potential. The analysis of the functional fulfillment of the developed bending machines shows that only the test groups were able to achieve comprehensive functional fulfillment. Moreover, the test groups achieve an average monetary return of €21, whereas the control group recorded a loss of €3. Finally, a subjective evaluation of the satisfaction in the fields of potential based on a 1 (not satisfied) to 5 (totally satisfied) scale shows an improvement in all measured fields of potential for the test groups compared to only one improved field of potential for the control group

    Approach for model-based requirements engineering for the planning of engineering generations in the agile development of mechatronic systems

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    The crucial factor for a successful usage of modeling approaches of systems engineering is the interaction of language, method, and tool. For this, specific challenges arise for the application of MBSE in agile requirements engineering. From observations in agile development practice at a machine tool manufacturer, the challenges for model-based requirements engineering are described and each is assigned to its critical aspect of modeling: The language must formally represent the requirements data model, especially for planning engineering generations. The tool must support collaborative, interdisciplinary cooperation, and consider the dynamics of the requirements model during the development process. The method must individually support the requirements engineering activities, which are carried out several times in a sprint during the development process and must enable a target-oriented process for bundling the requirements into engineering generations. Taking these demands into account, an approach is then presented providing activity-based views in conjunction with activity steps based on a consistent ontology for the description of product requirements and verification activities. The activity steps are composed in activity patterns and support the user in making use of the views for modeling requirements for the engineering generations. The approach is implemented in the software JIRA at a machine tool manufacturer. The subsequent evaluation shows that the approach is used in development practice and offers the potential to plan engineering generation systematically and comprehensibly and to ensure a regular review of the implemented requirements


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    Usage data of reference systems can be analyzed in the development process for the validation of system elements. The process model for data-driven validation of elements in the system of objectives aids developers in performing such data analyses. The conducted studies show that the basis for an efficient analysis process is a common understanding of the system and the goal of the analysis. Therefore, a template was derived over the course of case studies describing the elements in the system of objectives. The template covers the three descriptive dimensions general information, technical system and data. It allows a comprehensive description of analysis use cases. On average it takes 11 minutes for developers to aggregate all necessary information and consequently fill out the template. An A/B-Test confirmed the comprehensibility and applicability of the template even for developers of different domain knowledge. Through its contribution to a sustainable knowledge management the template provides an added value for the developers for conducting analysis


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    Due to the increasing importance of advanced systems, whose development calls for interdisciplinary and integrative approaches, and fundamental changes in the work environment, leaders are required to have a wide range of competences. Therefore, the aim of this work is to identify competences of future leaders, that are specifically relevant in Advanced Systems Engineering (ASE). Thus, professional, social, methodological, and self competences developed by a literature review are validated through expert interviews and prioritized by a survey. The insights are then presented in a competence portfolio including 30 areas of competences. The portfolio consists of areas of competence that are either relevant in the context of ASE (e.g. intercultural and interdisciplinary competence), New Work (e.g. competence to empower employees) or are relevant to leaders in general. It was possible to add further aspects that are necessary in ASE to the aspects from the literature review. The experts interviewed emphasized various aspects of interdisciplinary work and made clear that in future, leaders should place their employees at the heart of their activities and empower them according to their strengths and weaknesses

    Data-driven modelling of the functional level in model-based systems engineering – Optimization of module scopes in modular development

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    The modelling of the functional level of technical systems can be supported by the analysis of machine usage data. By creating an understanding of the actual use of provided functions of offered machine configurations, the definition of module scopes in modular development can be optimized. Characteristics of specific machine usage can be assigned to physical elements using model-based systems engineering. Analyses on a purely functional system level can thus be placed in context with each other via the connection to physical elements. Consequently, critical elements in the system design can be systematically uncovered