316 research outputs found

    The Greedy Dirichlet Process Filter - An Online Clustering Multi-Target Tracker

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    Reliable collision avoidance is one of the main requirements for autonomous driving. Hence, it is important to correctly estimate the states of an unknown number of static and dynamic objects in real-time. Here, data association is a major challenge for every multi-target tracker. We propose a novel multi-target tracker called Greedy Dirichlet Process Filter (GDPF) based on the non-parametric Bayesian model called Dirichlet Processes and the fast posterior computation algorithm Sequential Updating and Greedy Search (SUGS). By adding a temporal dependence we get a real-time capable tracking framework without the need of a previous clustering or data association step. Real-world tests show that GDPF outperforms other multi-target tracker in terms of accuracy and stability

    Die fiskalische und verteilungspolitische Problematik von Berlindarlehen

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    SchĂĽlervorstellungen zu ''Energie im biologischen Kontext'' : Ermittlungen, Analysen und Schlussfolgerungen

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    Burger J. Schülervorstellungen zu ''Energie im biologischen Kontext'' : Ermittlungen, Analysen und Schlussfolgerungen. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2001.Zahlreiche Untersuchungen zur Effizienz des aktuellen naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts machen auch auf einen mangelnden Kompetenzzuwachs der Schüler im Biologieunterricht aufmerksam. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Verminderung von Lernschwierigkeiten im Biologieunterricht der Sekundarstufen durch vermehrte Berücksichtigung von Schülervorstellungen zu "Energie im biologischen Kontext" in konstruktivistischer Lernumgebung. Es werden zwei Lösungsansätze verfolgt: Der inhaltliche Ansatz versucht, durch das vermehrte Analysieren von Phänomenen des Lebendigen aus energetischer Sicht Lernschwierigkeiten im Biologieunterricht zu vermindern. Der methodische Ansatz versucht, durch eine vermehrte Berücksichtigung von Schülervorstellungen bei der inhaltlichen und methodischen Planung und Durchführung von Biologieunterricht eine effektivere Vermittlung naturwissenschaftlichen Wissens zu ermöglichen. Zur unterrichtlichen Umsetzung der beiden Ansätze wurden zunächst die themenrelevanten Schülervorstellungen zu "Energie im biologischen Kontext" ermittelt und analysiert. Die hierzu nötige Befragung wurde 1996 mit Schülern von 6 Gymnasien und einer Gesamtschule aus städtischen und ländlichen Regionen Nordrhein-Westfalens in einer Fragebogenstudie durchgeführt. Zur qualitativen Absicherung der erhobenen Vorstellungen fanden zum einen eine Interviewstudie und zum anderen neun eigenständige Begleitstudien zu eingegrenzten Aspekten der Thematik "Energie im biologischen Kontext" statt

    Fast 3D Extended Target Tracking using NURBS Surfaces

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    This paper proposes fast and novel methods to jointly estimate the target's unknown 3D shape and dynamics. Measurements are noisy and sparsely distributed 3D points from a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor. The methods utilize non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) surfaces to approximate the target's shape. One method estimates Cartesian scaling parameters of a NURBS surface, whereas the second method estimates the corresponding NURBS weights, too. Major advantages are the capability of estimating a fully 3D shape as well as the fast processing time. Real-world evaluations with a static and dynamic vehicle show promising results compared to state-of-the-art 3D extended target tracking algorithms.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 201

    A revised density split statistic model for general filters

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    Studying the statistical properties of the large-scale structure in the Universe with weak gravitational lensing is a prime goal of several current and forthcoming galaxy surveys. The power that weak lensing has to constrain cosmological parameters can be enhanced by considering statistics beyond second-order shear correlation functions or power spectra. One such higher-order probe that has proven successful in observational data is the density split statistics (DSS), in which one analyses the mean shear profiles around points that are classified according to their foreground galaxy density. In this paper, we generalise the most accurate DSS model to allow for a broad class of angular filter functions used for the classification of the different local density regions. This approach is motivated by earlier findings showing that an optimised filter can provide tighter constraints on model parameters compared to the standard top-hat case. We build on large deviation theory approaches and approximations thereof to model the matter density PDF, and on perturbative calculations of higher-order moments of the density field. The novel addition relies on the generalisation of these previously employed calculations to allow for general filter functions and is validated on several sets of numerical simulations. The revised model fits well the simulation measurements, with a residual systematic offset that is small compared to the statistical accuracy of current weak lensing surveys. The accuracy of the model is slightly lower for a compensated filter than for a non-negative filter function, and that it increases with the filter size. Using a Fisher matrix approach, we find constraints comparable to the commonly used two-point cosmic shear measures. Hence, our DSS model can be used in competitive analyses of current cosmic shear data, while it may need refinements for forthcoming lensing surveys.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Efficient assessment of noise transmission through highly flexible slender structures

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    In this work, we propose an efficient methodology for the assessment of noise transmission through cables and hoses. An interactive simulation with a geometrically exact Cosserat rod enables simple and fast modelling of various configurations. Subsequently, we linearise the equations of motion at the static equilibrium for given boundary conditions and, using the resulting system matrices, compute the mechanical impedance matrix. The computation result, i.e. the impedance matrix, is available within seconds. The impedance matrix either can be used to compute reaction forces for given excitation or, if the excitation is unknown, allows to analyse the transmission of noise by looking at single matrix elements. The latter is especially useful in early, purely virtual development phases

    Y-SNPs Do Not Indicate Hybridisation between European Aurochs and Domestic Cattle

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    Background: Previous genetic studies of modern and ancient mitochondrial DNA have confirmed the Near Eastern origin of early European domestic cattle. However, these studies were not able to test whether hybridisation with male aurochs occurred post-domestication. To address this issue, Götherström and colleagues (2005) investigated the frequencies of two Y-chromosomal haplotypes in extant bulls. They found a significant influence of wild aurochs males on domestic populations thus challenging the common view on early domestication and Neolithic stock-rearing. To test their hypothesis, we applied these Y-markers on Neolithic bone specimens from various European archaeological sites. Methods and Findings: Here, we have analysed the ancient DNA of 59 Neolithic skeletal samples. After initial molecular sexing, two segregating Y-SNPs were identified in 13 bulls. Strikingly, our results do not support the hypothesis that these markers distinguish European aurochs from domesticated cattle. Conclusions: The model of a rapid introduction of domestic cattle into Central Europe without significant crossbreeding with local wild cattle remains unchallenged
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