86 research outputs found

    Measuring the health systems impact of disease control programmes: a critical reflection on the WHO building blocks framework.

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    BACKGROUND: The WHO health systems Building Blocks framework has become ubiquitous in health systems research. However, it was not developed as a research instrument, but rather to facilitate investments of resources in health systems. In this paper, we reflect on the advantages and limitations of using the framework in applied research, as experienced in three empirical vaccine studies we have undertaken. DISCUSSION: We argue that while the Building Blocks framework is valuable because of its simplicity and ability to provide a common language for researchers, it is not suitable for analysing dynamic, complex and inter-linked systems impacts. In our three studies, we found that the mechanical segmentation of effects by the WHO building blocks, without recognition of their interactions, hindered the understanding of impacts on systems as a whole. Other important limitations were the artificial equal weight given to each building block and the challenge in capturing longer term effects and opportunity costs. Another criticism is not of the framework per se, but rather how it is typically used, with a focus on the six building blocks to the neglect of the dynamic process and outcome aspects of health systems.We believe the framework would be improved by making three amendments: integrating the missing "demand" component; incorporating an overarching, holistic health systems viewpoint and including scope for interactions between components. If researchers choose to use the Building Blocks framework, we recommend that it be adapted to the specific study question and context, with formative research and piloting conducted in order to inform this adaptation. SUMMARY: As with frameworks in general, the WHO Building Blocks framework is valuable because it creates a common language and shared understanding. However, for applied research, it falls short of what is needed to holistically evaluate the impact of specific interventions on health systems. We propose that if researchers use the framework, it should be adapted and made context-specific

    How Cosmic Web Environment Affects Galaxy Quenching Across Cosmic Time

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    We investigate how cosmic web structures affect galaxy quenching in the IllustrisTNG (TNG-100) cosmological simulations by reconstructing the cosmic web in each snapshot using the DisPerSE framework. We measure the distance from each galaxy with stellar mass log(M*/Msun)>=8 to the nearest node (dnode) and the nearest filament spine (dfil) and study the dependence of both median specific star formation rate () and median gas fraction () on these distances. We find that of galaxies is only dependent on cosmic web environment at z<2, with the dependence increasing with time. At z<=0.5, 8<=log(M*/Msun)<9 galaxies are quenched at dnode<1 Mpc, and significantly star formation-suppressed at dfil<1 Mpc, trends which are driven mostly by satellite galaxies. At z of log(M*/Msun)=10 galaxies actually experience an upturn in at dnode<0.2 Mpc (this is caused by both satellites and centrals). Much of this cosmic web-dependence of star formation activity can be explained by the evolution in . Our results suggest that in the past ~10 Gyr, low-mass satellites are quenched by rapid gas stripping in dense environments near nodes and gradual gas starvation in intermediate-density environments near filaments, while at earlier times cosmic web structures efficiently channeled cold gas into most galaxies. State-of-the-art ongoing spectroscopic surveys such as SDSS and DESI, as well as those planned with JWST and Roman are required to test our predictions against observations.Comment: 5 Figures, 15 pages, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Lessons learnt from human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 45 low- and middle-income countries.

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    OBJECTIVE: To synthesise lessons learnt and determinants of success from human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine demonstration projects and national programmes in low- and middle-income countries (LAMICs). METHODS: Interviews were conducted with 56 key informants. A systematic literature review identified 2936 abstracts from five databases; after screening 61 full texts were included. Unpublished literature, including evaluation reports, was solicited from country representatives; 188 documents were received. A data extraction tool and interview topic guide outlining key areas of inquiry were informed by World Health Organization guidelines for new vaccine introduction. Results were synthesised thematically. RESULTS: Data were analysed from 12 national programmes and 66 demonstration projects in 46 countries. Among demonstration projects, 30 were supported by the GARDASIL® Access Program, 20 by Gavi, four by PATH and 12 by other means. School-based vaccine delivery supplemented with health facility-based delivery for out-of-school girls attained high coverage. There were limited data on facility-only strategies and little evaluation of strategies to reach out-of-school girls. Early engagement of teachers as partners in social mobilisation, consent, vaccination day coordination, follow-up of non-completers and adverse events was considered invaluable. Micro-planning using school/ facility registers most effectively enumerated target populations; other estimates proved inaccurate, leading to vaccine under- or over-estimation. Refresher training on adverse events and safe injection procedures was usually necessary. CONCLUSION: Considerable experience in HPV vaccine delivery in LAMICs is available. Lessons are generally consistent across countries and dissemination of these could improve HPV vaccine introduction

    HPV vaccine introduction in Rwanda: Impacts on the broader health system.

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    OBJECTIVES: Rwanda was the first country in Africa to introduce the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. This was achieved through multi-year school-based campaigns. Our study evaluated the impact of the HPV vaccine introduction on the country's immunisation programme and health system. METHODS: Thirty key informants were interviewed at national and district levels, and in participating schools. Twenty-seven health facilities completed a questionnaire exploring the effects of the new vaccine introduction on six health system building blocks, as defined by the World Health Organization. Routine service activity data were collected during a 90-day period around the introduction. RESULTS: Routine vaccination activities were not disrupted during the delivery, likely due to a strong Expanded Program on Immunization, appropriate planning and a well-resourced operation. Opportunities were seized to co-deliver other interventions targeted at children and adolescents, such as health promotion. Collaboration with the Ministry of Education was strengthened at national level. Although there were some temporary increases in staff workload, no major negative effects were reported. CONCLUSION: Despite its delivery through school-based campaigns, the HPV vaccine integrated well into the immunisation programme and health system. The introduction had no major negative effects. Some opportunities were seized to expand services and collaborations

    The impact of introducing new vaccines on the health system: case studies from six low- and middle-income countries.

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to explore the impacts of new vaccine introductions on immunization programmes and health systems in low- and middle-income countries. METHODS: We conducted case studies of seven vaccine introductions in six countries (Cameroon, PCV;Ethiopia, PCV; Guatemala, rotavirus; Kenya, PCV; Mali, Meningitis A; Mali, PCV; Rwanda, HPV). Inter-views were conducted with 261 national, regional and district key informants and questionnaires were completed with staff from 196 health facilities. Routine data from districts and health facilities were gathered on vaccination and antenatal service use. Data collection and analysis were structured around the World Health Organisation health system building blocks. FINDINGS: The new vaccines were viewed positively and seemed to integrate well into existing health systems. The introductions were found to have had no impact on many elements within the building blocks framework. Despite many key informants and facility respondents perceiving that the new vaccine introductions had increased coverage of other vaccines, the routine data showed no change. Positive effects perceived included enhanced credibility of the immunisation programme and strengthened health workers' skills through training. Negative effects reported included an increase in workload and stock outs of the new vaccine, which created a perception in the community that all vaccines were out of stock in a facility. Most effects were found within the vaccination programmes; very few were reported on the broader health systems. Effects were primarily reported to be temporary, around the time of introduction only. CONCLUSION: Although the new vaccine introductions were viewed as intrinsically positive, on the whole there was no evidence that they had any major impact, positive or negative, on the broader health systems

    New pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introductions in four sub-Saharan African countries: a cross-country analysis of health systems\u2019 impacts

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    Background: Pneumonia is a main cause of under-five mortality in low-income settings. The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) has been introduced in many countries as a tool in the disease\u2019s prevention. Although PCV\u2019s effectiveness has been established, less is known about the effects of introducing additional injectable vaccines into routine immunisation programmes, particularly in the context of resource-constrained settings. Objectives: To explore the effects of PCV introduction on the immunisation programmes and health systems in four low-income countries. Methods: This study was carried out in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya and Mali. Three to four regions and nine to 10 districts were selected within each country. Semi-structured interviews were carried out at national, regional and district levels (n=173). Researcher-administered questionnaires were completed with facility staff (n=124). Routine data on monthly vaccination activities were collected at district and facility levels. Results: PCV was generally well integrated into existing routine immunisation. Little or no impact was found in most areas of the health systems. Some minor effects were found on immunisation programmes, particularly in areas with either planning activities or investments e.g. staff skills were strengthened and there were limited improvements in surveillance. Although health sector workers perceived increases in the coverage of other vaccines following the introduction of PCV, routine service data did not confirm this claim. No substantial impacts were seen in health system management, service delivery or performance. Conclusions: The introduction of PCV had marginal impacts on the Expanded Programme for Immunisation and little to none on broader health systems

    Functionally Inert HIV-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Do Not Play a Major Role in Chronically Infected Adults and Children

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    The highly sensitive quantitation of virus-specific CD8+ T cells using major histocompatibility complex–peptide tetramer assays has revealed higher levels of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in acute and chronic virus infections than were recognized previously. However, studies in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection have shown that tetramer assays may include measurement of a substantial number of tetramer-binding cells that are functionally inert. Such phenotypically silent CTLs, which lack cytolytic function and do not produce interferon (IFN)-γ, have been hypothesized to explain the persistence of virus in the face of a quantitatively large immune response, particularly when CD4 help is impaired. In this study, we examined the role of functionally inert CTLs in chronic HIV infection. Subjects studied included children and adults (n = 42) whose viral loads ranged from <50 to >100,000 RNA copies/ml plasma. Tetramer assays were compared with three functional assays: enzyme-linked immunospot (Elispot), intracellular cytokine staining, and precursor frequency (limiting dilution assay [LDA]) cytotoxicity assays. Strong positive associations were observed between cell numbers derived by the Elispot and the tetramer assay (r = 0.90). An even stronger association between tetramer-derived numbers and intracellular cytokine staining for IFN-γ was present (r = 0.97). The majority (median 76%) of tetramer-binding cells were consistently detectable via intracellular IFN-γ cytokine staining. Furthermore, modifications to the LDA, using a low input cell number into each well, enabled LDAs to reach equivalence with the other methods of CTL enumeration. These data together show that functionally inert CTLs do not play a significant role in chronic pediatric or adult HIV infection
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