328 research outputs found

    Biotransformations Performed by Yeasts on Aromatic Compounds Provided by Hop—A Review

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    The biodiversity of some Saccharomyces (S.) strains for fermentative activity and metabolic capacities is an important research area in brewing technology. Yeast metabolism can render simple beers very elaborate. In this review, we examine much research addressed to the study of how different yeast strains can influence aroma by chemically interacting with specific aromatic compounds (mainly terpenes) from the hop. These reactions are commonly referred to as biotransformations. Exploiting biotransformations to increase the product’s aroma and use less hop goes exactly in the direction of higher sustainability of the brewing process, as the hop generally represents the highest part of the raw materials cost, and its reduction allows to diminish its environmental impact

    Dip Hopping Technique and Yeast Biotransformations in Craft Beer Productions

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    This paper evaluates the effects of an alternative hopping technique, called dip hopping, on beer. This technique involves infusing hops in hot water (or in a portion of wort) and subsequently combining the infusion with the wort (after wort cooling) directly in the fermenter when the yeast is added for fermentation. The reference beers were produced employing the “traditional” late hopping technique, and the experimental beers were produced using the dip hopping technique. A variety of hops with a significant concentration of essential oil and a strain of yeast with high β-glucosidic activity capable of releasing aromatic molecules from precursors supplied by hops were used. The samples were analysed in terms of alcohol content, degree of attenuation, colour, and bitterness. Sensory analysis and gas chromatography analysis were also performed. The data showed statistically significant differences between the reference beers and the experimental beers, with the latter featuring greater hints of citrus, fruity, floral, and spicy aromas. As an overall effect, there was an increase in the olfactory and gustatory pleasantness of the beers produced with the dip hopping technique

    Intersecting Architectural Surfaces Between Graphic and Analytic Representations

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    Representing an architectural shape, mediating design/formal/semantic needs, means respecting its specificity according to the purposes with which one operates; therefore, teaching how to represent an architectural shape is a complex operation, especially if this happens in the first year of the degree course in Architecture where the heterogeneity of students' background requires a preliminary definition of a common language. Students are firstly introduced to theoretical geometries which underlie architectural shapes. So, they have to know the basis of Geometry (both Descriptive and Analytical) in order to proceed within these issues. This process requires to underline the two `souls' of architectural shapes: the theoretical and the build one. Moreover, it also leads to investigate two different types of theoretical shapes: the one that lies behind the design idea and the other one which underlies the built. We propose teaching examples focused on reading architectural shapes as a result of intersections of surfaces

    Universal renormalization-group dynamics at the onset of chaos in logistic maps and nonextensive statistical mechanics

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    We uncover the dynamics at the chaos threshold μ\mu_{\infty} of the logistic map and find it consists of trajectories made of intertwined power laws that reproduce the entire period-doubling cascade that occurs for μ<μ\mu <\mu_{\infty}. We corroborate this structure analytically via the Feigenbaum renormalization group (RG) transformation and find that the sensitivity to initial conditions has precisely the form of a qq-exponential, of which we determine the qq-index and the qq-generalized Lyapunov coefficient λq\lambda _{q}. Our results are an unequivocal validation of the applicability of the non-extensive generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics to critical points of nonlinear maps.Comment: Revtex, 3 figures. Updated references and some general presentation improvements. To appear published as a Rapid communication of PR

    Screen-detected vs clinical breast cancer: the advantage in the relative risk of lymph node metastases decreases with increasing tumour size

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    Screen-detected (SD) breast cancers are smaller and biologically more indolent than clinically presenting cancers. An often debated question is: if left undiagnosed during their preclinical phase, would they become more aggressive or would they only increase in size? This study considered a registry-based series (1988–1999) of 3329 unifocal, pT1a-pT3 breast cancer cases aged 50–70 years, of which 994 were SD cases and 2335 clinical cases. The rationale was that (1) the average risk of lymph node involvement (N+) is lower for SD cases, (2) nodal status is the product of biological aggressiveness and chronological age of the disease, (3) for any breast cancer, tumour size is an indicator of chronological age, and (4) for SD cases, tumour size is specifically an indicator of the duration of the preclinical phase, that is, an inverse indicator of lead time. The hypothesis was that the relative protection of SD cases from the risk of N+ and, thus, their relative biological indolence decrease with increasing tumour size. The odds ratio (OR) estimate of the risk of N+ was obtained from a multiple logistic regression model that included terms for detection modality, tumour size category, patient age, histological type, and number of lymph nodes recovered. A term for the detection modality-by-tumour size category interaction was entered, and the OR for the main effect of detection by screening vs clinical diagnosis was calculated. This increased linearly from 0.05 (95% confidence interval: 0.01–0.39) in the 2–7 mm size category to 0.95 (0.64–1.40) in the 18–22 mm category. This trend is compatible with the view that biological aggressiveness of breast cancer increases during the preclinical phase

    Incidence of nonextensive thermodynamics in temporal scaling at Feigenbaum points

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    Recently, in Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 140601 (2005), P. Grassberger addresses the interesting issue of the applicability of q-statistics to the renowned Feigenbaum attractor. He concludes there is no genuine connection between the dynamics at the critical attractor and the generalized statistics and argues against its usefulness and correctness. Yet, several points are not in line with our current knowledge, nor are his interpretations. We refer here only to the dynamics on the attractor to point out that a correct reading of recent developments invalidates his basic claim.Comment: To be published in Physica

    Nonextensive Thermostatistics and the H-Theorem

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    The kinetic foundations of Tsallis' nonextensive thermostatistics are investigated through Boltzmann's transport equation approach. Our analysis follows from a nonextensive generalization of the ``molecular chaos hypothesis". For q>0q>0, the qq-transport equation satisfies an HH-theorem based on Tsallis entropy. It is also proved that the collisional equilibrium is given by Tsallis' qq-nonextensive velocity distribution.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, corrected some typo

    L\'{e}vy scaling: the Diffusion Entropy Analysis applied to DNA sequences

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    We address the problem of the statistical analysis of a time series generated by complex dynamics with a new method: the Diffusion Entropy Analysis (DEA) (Fractals, {\bf 9}, 193 (2001)). This method is based on the evaluation of the Shannon entropy of the diffusion process generated by the time series imagined as a physical source of fluctuations, rather than on the measurement of the variance of this diffusion process, as done with the traditional methods. We compare the DEA to the traditional methods of scaling detection and we prove that the DEA is the only method that always yields the correct scaling value, if the scaling condition applies. Furthermore, DEA detects the real scaling of a time series without requiring any form of de-trending. We show that the joint use of DEA and variance method allows to assess whether a time series is characterized by L\'{e}vy or Gauss statistics. We apply the DEA to the study of DNA sequences, and we prove that their large-time scales are characterized by L\'{e}vy statistics, regardless of whether they are coding or non-coding sequences. We show that the DEA is a reliable technique and, at the same time, we use it to confirm the validity of the dynamic approach to the DNA sequences, proposed in earlier work.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure