102 research outputs found

    Individual determinants of propensity to make purchases as part of e-commerce and m-commerce in Polish young consumers

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    The article focuses on identifying shopping intention within e-commerce and m-commerce among Polish young consumers (aged 15−24 years) and personal factors (attitude and gender) which differentiate it. Based on surveys carried out among 383 students from Kraków, the authors collected data which were statistically analysed (ANOVA). The results show a greater propensity to make a purchase by young consumers in the context of e-commerce. The intention to do shopping online (e-commerce and m-commerce) is dependent on the attitude towards these channels. Gender, on the other hand, differentiates only variables related to e-commerce

    Children as recipients of marketing communication on the Internet

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    Due to the ease of access to the Internet, children more often become the recipients of the content placed therein. They are a specific group of Internet users due to their development conditions, which in contact with persuasive content, often not directly addressed to them, raises doubt. The importance of development conditions was often analysed in relation to the understanding and the child’s response to the content placed in traditional media. The development of the advertising market makes it necessary to update knowledge in this area. The study is an attempt to systematize the issues raised in the literature regarding the reception of online marketing communication by children (under 12 years of age). The literature review helped to identify the basic principles of construction of selected communication activities (e.g. websites dedicated to children), including competence development of children. Moreover, the attention was paid to the problems that may occur in the reception of persuasive messages on the Internet by children, including in the context of the model of knowledge about persuasion


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    The attitude of Polish young adults to mobile chatbots in e-commerce : selected conditions

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    The development of technology, including work on artificial intelligence, gives marketers new opportunities regarding communication with customers with the help of chatbots (including e-commerce). The aim of the research was to determine the attitude of Polish young adults to (mobile) chatbots in accordance with the TAM model (intention, attitude, ease and convenience of use) and links with consumer innovation. Statistical analyses (ANOVA and regression analysis) confirmed that innovation measured using the DSI scale (Goldsmith and Hofacker) is related to the attitude to chatbots in the surveyed group. Respondents manifest a sceptical attitude towards this new technology, while having little experience with it

    The challenges of incorporating social media marketing within integrated marketing communication

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    The paper aims to systematise the modifications within the concept of integrated marketing communication, resulting from the usage of social media in the companies’ communication practices. Based on the literature review, the current challenges of integrating social media into marketing communication were identified. They were structured into three groups of tactical, strategic and ethical challenges. These challenges are related to both, the practical issues of marketing communication through the evolving social media and the theoretical discussion on the conceptual framework of integrated marketing communication

    Ocena nieformalnych źródeł informacji w Internecie przy podejmowaniu decyzji zakupowych przez młodych konsumentów

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    Assessment of Informal Sources of Information on The Internet When Making Purchasing Decisions by Young ConsumersThe study presents the results of a research aimed to determine the assessment of informal sources of information on the Internet by young consumers (aged 15 to 24 years). The swomystematization of literature regarding the search for information made it possible to identify the variables which were used as evaluation factors. The research shows that gender, the extent of the use of the Internet to search for information in the process of purchasing, and the prior use of informal sources diversify this assessment. This, however, is connected with the impact of a particular source on purchasing decision


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    The application of neuroimaging in consumer research : possibilities and limitations

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    Obszarami badań, które rozwijają się w ostatnim czasie, są te pozwalające na pomiar reakcji neurofizjologicznych konsumenta. Są one uzupełnieniem tradycyjnych metod badania zachowań nabywców (np. badania kwestionariuszowe, focus group), które mają charakter deklaratywny, ograniczający możliwości trafnego wnioskowania o mechanizmach zachowań. Spośród metod i technik badawczych zapożyczonych z neuronauk, pozwalających na pomiar reakcji neurofizjologicznych konsumentów, szczególnie na reklamę, często stosuje się neuroobrazowanie (neuroimaging), w tym: elektroencefalografię (EEG), funkcjonalny rezonans magnetyczny (fMRI) oraz okulografię (eye tracking - ET). Możliwościom i ograniczeniom wykorzystania ich do badań reakcji konsumentów (zwłaszcza na reklamy) poświęcone jest to opracowanie. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury zidentyfikowano warunki wykorzystania EEG i fMRI w badaniu zachowań konsumentów