28 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi pada Pembeli dan Pengguna Honda Beat Series di Astra Honda Motor Gajahmada Semarang)

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    Products with various advantages. One of the automotive products that often discussed is hondabeat series. To face up fierce business competition honda beat series needs to influenceconsumers to choose and buy products honda beat series. Many factors affect consumers inmaking purchases, including Product Quality and Promotion. This study aims to determine thequality of products and promotion for product purchase decision of honda beat series partiallyand simultaneously. This type of research is explanatory research.The questionnaire primary data is used and distributed to Semarang people who decided to buyand use honda beat series at astra honda motor gajahmada semarang dealer, counted as many as100 people. In the analysis used validity and reliability, correlation coefficient, coefficient ofdetermination, simple and multiple regression analysis, and significance test (t test and F test)using SPSS 22.The result of this study showed that the contribution given by product's quality (X1) towardbuying decision (Y) is 9.6%. The contribution given by promotion (X2) toward buying decision(Y) is 23.9%. The contribution given by product's quality (X1) and promotion (X2) towardbuying decision (Y) is 24.1%. From the two variables that affect buying decision, promotion isthe most significant variable that affects the customer's decision to buy Honda Beat Series

    Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen Carica Gemilang Di Wonosobo)

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    Brand Image and product quality are some factors can that influence purchasing decisions made by consumers. As a result, the company as much possible should be able to make the brand image and product quality well in the eyes of society this is so that consumer purchasing decisions against a product is high. brand image that strong and product quality reliable will be able to meet the needs and desires of consumers.The type of research is explanatory research where the sample was amounted to 100 people white purposive sampling technique. Data source used is primary data and secondary data, The selected respondents are consumers who did purchasing decision of carica gemilang 2017 year in Wonosobo. The methodology was to analyzing the primary data in this research validity test, reliability test, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and Significance test (t and F test) with SPSS 16.0. The result of the research showed that brand image had significant effect on purchasing decision by donating 33,1% and the rest was explained by other factor basides brand image. Product quality had a significant effect to purchasing decision by donating 33,5% and the rest was explained by other factor basides product quality. Meanwhile, simultaneously brand image and product quality had significant effect to purchasing decisionby donating 35,4% and the rest was explained by other factor basides brand image and product quality. This means that the better brand image and product quality, the higher the decision to buy a brilliant carica in Wonosobo. In addition, product quality had the most dominant influence with regression ceofficient value of 0.321. Based on the result of research, researcher suggest UD. Gemilang Kencana re-analyzes the level of consumer loyalty in order to get a better brand image, improve the resulting taste in order to get a better product quality and give a good impression to consumer

    Pengaruh Iklan, Atribut Produk, Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Pembeli Dan Pengguna Oppo Smartphonedi Kota Semarang)

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    The increasingly fierce competition among the smartphone manufacturers are competing to launch products with a variety of advantages. One of the products discussed are crowded smartphone OPPO Smartphone. In the face of tight business competition Smartphone OPPO need to influence consumers to choose and buy products OPPO Smartphone. Many factors influence consumers in making a purchase, such as advertising, product attributes, and price. This study aims to determine the effect of advertising, product attributes, and prices on product purchasing decisions OPPO Smartphone partially or simultaneously. This type of research is explanatory research. Primary data used questionnaires distributed to the public Semarang central mobile phone sales Matahari Mall Semarang who have bought and used the products OPPO Smartphone as many as 100 people. In the analysis used validity and reliability, the correlation coefficient, the coefficient of determination, cross tabulations, simple and multiple regression analysis and significance test (t test and F) with SPSS 21. The results showed a variable adverstising positive influence on purchasing decisions by 23.1%. Variable product attributes positive influence on purchasing decisions by 17.9%. And variable price positive influence on purchasing decisions by 23.6%. Through research also found that the three independent variables simultaneously significant positive effect on purchasing decisions and are able to explain 46.9% of purchasing decisions. Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested that OPPO Smartphone manufacturers maximize advertising concept which will be displayed in order to load the excess product is clearly and understood by consumers. And to attract more consumers, manufacturers are expected to innovate on product design to make it look more attractive than other smartphone brands. Manufacturers are also expected not to take profit too large, so that product prices more affordable by the consumers\u27 income. Moreover, manufacturers are expected to improve the quality and specifications of the products to be robust, as the society of this era that requires sophisticated smartphones

    Effect of Price and Quality of Service Customer Loyalty (Study on Railway Passenger Blora Jaya PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop IV Semarang)

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    Development and transportation services business competition is increasing rapidly. They compete in providing the best service to retain customers. This research was conducted at PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Regional Operations IV Semarang object KA (train) Blora Jaya. Of user data KA Blora Jaya known of the fluctuations in the number of service users KA Blora Jaya and their number of user complaints Blora Jaya train services relating to facilities, infrastructure, and operational support services. As a company engaged in the field of services, PT.KAI (Persero) DAOP IV Semarang must provide good service to customers, good service offset by price according to what is given by PT. KAI (Persero) DAOP IV Semarang.This study aims to determine the effect of price (X1) and quality of service (X2) on customer loyalty (Y) railway services Blora Jaya. This type of research uses explanatory research with data collection method using interviews and data collection tools used questionnaires to a sample of 100 respondents KA customers Blora Jaya using purposive sampling method. Using analytical techniques validity, reliability, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and F test by means of SPSS 16.The results showed that the quality of service has a strong influence on customer loyalty by 49.4%, while the price is quite a strong effect on customer loyalty by 21,7%. This indicates that the variable quality of service to customer loyalty variable effect is higher than the variable price.Advice can be given to increase customer loyalty is to improve the quality of railway services Blora Jaya which is considered important by the service user, but still less attention from the company such as the availability of bins, seating capacity, the slow ticket officer in providing service that is the least number of counters that opened and have not been applied to tickets purchased online services

    Pengaruh Pemberian Instentif, Motivasi Kerja Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Bri) Cabang Pandanaran Semarang)

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    Human resource had by company have to be powered and paid attention so that they earn to work better for the shake of continuity of company life. See importantly of human resource nya in continuity of life an company, hence company have to design and manage its human resource correctly utilize. Or failure efficacy an company supported by at its employees performance. Good performance, hence existing human resource in company have to have the quality of good also. Some factor able to influence employees performance is giving of incentive, motivation work and organizational culture. With the background, hence target of which is applied from this research is to know influence giving of incentive, motivation work and organizational culture to employees performance at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Pandanaran Branch Semarang.This research which become sampel is Bank Rakyat Indonesia employees (BRI) Pandanaran Branch Semarang amounting to 55 employees from population equal to 120 employees with calculations Slovin. Used by Data type is primary data and sekunder while the analysis of data using frequency tables, cross tables, corelation product moment, simple regression, multiple regression using at SPSS 1.6.Result of research of giving of incentive by parsial have an effect on positive and signifikan to officer performance. Motivation work by parsial positive bepengaruh and signifikan to officer performance. Cultural of organization by parsial there are positive influence and signifikan to officer performance. Giving] of Incentive, motivation work and organizational culture have an effect on by simultan to officer performance. Equal to 69,5% officer performance can influence by giving] of incentive, organizational culture and motivation. While the rest 30,5% explained by other causes outside variable giving of incentive, motivation work and organizational cultur