39 research outputs found

    Perancangan Logo dan Media Promosi Software Ritelaa Berbasis Pop Art sebagai Upaya Menciptakan Brand Awareness

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    Logo and Media Campaign on the identity of a product is to make these products are able to compete and easily recognizable in the minds of the public / consumers. In East Java alone so many companies that need a logo and promotional media to be known well in the minds of consumers. Media promotion of adequate capable of making a product has a high value. Taking one CV in Surabaya, CV. Dapurmedia to do branding logo creation and promotion of media-based software Ritelaa pop art as an effort to create brand awareness. Problems in this final project is how to design a logo and promotional media on the Ritelaa products to create brand awareness in the minds of consumers in order to be known. Logo designed a simple design style pop art that aims to be easily recognized and remembered in the minds of the people and brought the color and characteristics of simple shapes. The research method uses qualitative methods with data collection technique using observation, interviews, literature, and FGD. The concept used in the design is the "modern" sharp and straight. Lead to the design are clear in terms of design firm, clear, and precise. The concept will be applied to any design that include logos and other penndukung media. Results from logo creation and media campaign against Ritelaa software is an attempt menggembangkan CV. Dapurmedia to have high competitiveness in terms of logo / brand. designed logo is a form of identity CV product. Dapurmedia namely Ritelaa people to easily recognize and remember the product

    Perancangan Media Promosi Video Youtube Koleksi Sanggar Gubug Wayang Mojokerto Berbasis Budaya sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    The purpose of design media promotion Sanggar Gubug Wayang Mojokerto in video youtube based culture in an effort to increase brand awareness is as a source of information in order that the large public can know and preserve the culture of Indonesia. Than, this research using analysis research with descriptive-qualitative that is observation, interview, and literature study to get the data used to support the production of design media promotion Sanggar Gubug Wayang Mojokerto in video youtube. And analyzed using several stages, that is observation Extend, Improve persistence, Triangulation, negative case analysis, use of reference materials, Using check. After analysis of the data found a design concept or keyword design media promotion that is "interest". Description of "interest" is interesting. The concept of "interest" the purpose to influence adolescent and lovers of culture and art community Indonesia which has the properties Conserve (preserve) and Art (creating something of high value). This means that with the concept of "interest" is expected Sanggar Gubug Wayang more known the large public and especially adolescents can get to know and be able to preserve the culture of Indonesia

    Perancangan Video Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Alat Kontrasepsi Berbasis Online sebagai Sarana Informasi Program Keluarga Berencana

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    Fungsian failure problems or lack of contraception is still quite common among people who use family planning program. At least the report noted the failure of contraception in the period 2010-2013 amounted to 3846 report (BKKBN). Responding to the issue of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) gives advice to follow family planning method Long Term (LTM). LTM with contraceptive tool, the contraceptive IUD and implants, it has a higher success rate in controlling the birth rate. In addition to a higher level of security, long-term contraception tool also has a longer lifetime of 5-10 years as user preferences, so that the contraceptive is also considered more efficient in cost pemakiannya. But people still do not know clearly about contraceptives and more use of short-term contraceptives that birth control pills and injectables which also has a lower level of security. Of the existing problems the author aims to design video public service announcements online-based contraceptives as a means of family planning information program

    Perancangan Buku Ruang Terbuka Hijau Surabaya dengan Teknik Essay Photography Guna Meningkatkan Kesadaran Lingkungan Hijau Masyarakat Kota Surabaya

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    Surabaya can be the learning object to study about how metropolitan city manage their area so that it has the existence of suitable green open space, concerning the fact that it has important role for environment. It is associated with the way the government of Surabaya City maintain and sought the existence of green open space in the middle of high land requirements as the Metropolitan City. Green open space is the most needed thing especially in urban area. The benefit of keeping the green environment especially in urban area is: direct benefit (within the meaning of quick and tangible) is shaping beauty and comfort (shady, fresh and cool) and gaining thing to be sold (woods, flowers and fruits), indirect benefit (long term and intangible), which is cleaning the air effectively, conserving and continuance of groundwater supply, preserving environmental function along with the content of flora and fauna exist (biological conservation and diversity)

    Penciptaan Buku Sejarah Musik Balada dari Masa ke Masa Berbasis Teknik Aquarel sebagai Upaya Pengenalan Kembali pada Masyarakat Surabaya

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    Seeing the development of music in Surabaya today is very much different from the previous era , there are many musicians from Surabaya are able to vibrate with amazing work . tOne of them is Ballad music genres , there are some big names of Ballads legendary musicians from the city of Surabaya , as Gombloh , Franky Sahilatua , and Leo Kristi . But unfortunately this genre of music began to be abandoned by the people of Surabaya . Especially after Gombloh and Franky died , and Leo Kristi began to move to Bandung . This music is no longer heard in the city of Surabaya . It is also due to the absence participate publish media , in particular through the book . In this study show the history of the development of music Ballad in Surabaya in the 70s until the 2000s by using characters Ballad Surabaya musicians

    Perancangan Buku Fotografi Empon-empon dengan Teknik Environmental Portrait sebagai Sarana Pengenalan Kepada Remaja

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    Medicinal currently almost alienated and less attractive to teens because of the large reduction of land occurred and the emergence of a wide range of modern processed food. This happens due to lack of awareness to appreciate and preserve the original heritage of Indonesia. Medicinal include one legacy that must be preserved, therefore the purpose of this study was to design a photography book medicinal portrait with environmental engineering as a means of introduction to adolescents. Medicinal is part of the culture in Indonesia where the plant is located. In the midst of the massive land reduction and fast food that presents a wide range of selection, medicinal began to be forgotten among teenagers. From the analysis of these data, obtained keyword "essential" (something that is very important). The main concept can also be interpreted as the most prominent of the rival, through the selection of design minimalism medicinal expected to be more prominent than any other product or any other modern processed food is more popular today. Adolescent disinterest towards medicinal caused by the absence of the introduction to them. Medicinal also a cultural diversity depends on its type. Currently medicinal've lost identity or less popular among teenagers. Designing a photography for each medicinal alone is expected to attract teenagers to the local heritage, because at the age that is quite mature, they will be more interested in the things that are easy to digest, such as crop photos, food photography, environmental photos and other

    Perancangan Buku Referensi Karakteristik Tata Rias Tari Surabaya dengan Teknik Fotografi sebagai Sarana Informasi Masyarakat Surabaya

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    The Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) defines a reference book as a guidance, hint source, or referencing source. The designing process of this reference book will elucidate the cosmetic characteristics of Surabaya dance (Tari Surabaya) in which most of the society have less recognition about it. The character in the designing process of this reference book represents the cosmetic characteristics of Surabaya dance that. The cosmetic characteristic of Surabaya dance reference book projected to design the cosmetic characteristic of Surabaya dance reference book as an information medium for Surabaya society. In order to support the book, the research employs photography technique that believes could produce a clear, and high quality image. By the existence of the photography technique, the information about cosmetic characteristic of Surabaya dance could become informative and interesting. The informative and interesting book will amplify the reading interest

    Perancangan Buku Batik Tulis Jarak Arum Ex-lokalisasi Dolly dengan Teknik Watercolor Guna Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    Batik tulis Jarak Arum is one of the unique batik Surabaya from ex-Dolly. Jarak Arum\u27s batik has its own characteristics which is illustrated by the motifs, where the motive is to tell about the ex-Dolly localization earlier known as the second largest in Asia. Through motives contained in batik is expected to lift the image of Dolly earlier known as localization region the second largest in Asia which has now been folded Dolly now exists in name only. With this in mind to improve the image of the previous Dolly to become one of the tourist areas in Surabaya which is famous for its batik is batik tulis Jarak Arum, is expected to change the image of Dolly the better. Batik tulis Jarak Arum also including new products that require media for recognition, in order to be able to become one of the products that can be remembered and recognized by the public. Therefore, this research aims to design book of batik tulis Jarak Arum ex-Dolly with watercolor techniques in order to increase brand awareness. The design of the book batik tulis Jarak Arum ex-Dolly using qualitative data collection methods, namely by interviews, observation, literature study, existing studies and creative brief is very important to define the concept design study. From the analysis of these data, the theme of the design concept obtained is charming. Concepts Charming aims to communicate to the target market, namely the premature adults who are less familiar and interested to be more familiar and batik and recall batik tulis Jarak Arum as part of a product category, with emphasis on product charming character

    Perancangan Media Promosi Suoklat dengan Teknik Vektor sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    Suoklat is a company with a product that is first processed chocolate in Surabaya. Suoklat have a variety of processed chocolate products and has a unique packaging each product. When Suoklat studied, Suoklat only two promotion media to support the promotion of the company. Suoklat has a good potential of the market in Surabaya, therefore, the researchers wanted to reintroduce Suoklat to the public. Researcher using a design approach Suoklat promotion media to introduce to the public because promotion media which is considered to be a mass media that the effect can be immediate. media campaign that used the other researchers, billboards, flyers, mobile billboards, merchandise, website. Selection of the media campaign refers to the STP analysis as it relates to the market. Researchers expect from an alternative solution that is designed by the researchers can create Suoklat be a company known by the public

    Penciptaan Buku Pop-up Legenda Ketintang dengan Menggunakan Teknik Moveable sebagai Upaya Konservasi Budaya Lokal Surabaya

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    The purpose of this Creation so that people in Surabaya, especially in the area know of the existence Legend of Ketintang. The creation of this book will use the qualitative method by conducting interviews, observation, and literature to obtain data to supplement and support in the creation of movable pop-up book about the legend of this Ketintang. The data that collected will be analyzed using several techniques, data reduction, data presentation, conclusions or verification, as well as editing a script that will be used in the creation of movable pop-up book is. After analyzing the data, which have been collected are then found a creative concept that is used in the creation of movable pop-up book is that, "Vibrant". "Vibrant" has the sense of the word spirit. The word refers to the spirit of the character Mbah Wijil as the main character, in his determination that wanted to make a haunted forest into the settlements. With the technique of movable pop-up kids will be in the spirit of play movable effects pop-ups that are in movable pop-up book about this Legend of Ketintang. So as to make the children to be interested in reading this book will be able to introduce the legend of Ketintang the movable pop-up book as conservation of local culture Surabaya