5 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Silika Mesopori Mcm-48-nh2 sebagai Adsorben Ion Cu2+

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    Ion Cu2+ merupakan unsur yang berbahaya jika terkontaminasi ke dalam lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, keberadaannya dalam lingkungan perairan harus dikurangi. Adsorpsi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengurangi kandungan ion Cu2+ dalam larutan. Adsorpsi ion Cu2+ oleh MCM-48-NH2 dipelajari dengan variasi waktu kontak, pH, dan konsentrasi dari Cu2+. Isotermal Langmuir dan Freundlich digunakan untuk mempelajari isotermal adsorpsi Cu2+ oleh MCM-48-NH2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adsorpsi Cu2+ oleh MCM-48-NH2 lebih sesuai dengan isotermal adsorpsi Langmuir. Nilai kapasitas adsorpsi Cu2+ oleh MCM-48-NH2 adalah 0,52 mmol g-1.Kata Kunci : Adsorpsi, MCM-48-NH2, Cu2+, isotermal Cu2+ ion is an element harmful if contaminated into the environment. Therefore, its presence in the aquatic environment must be reduced. Adsorption is one method to reduce thecontent of Cu2+ ion in solution. Adsorption of Cu2+ ion by MCM-48-NH2 was studied with variation of contact time, pH, and concentration of Cu2+ ion. Langmuir and Freundlich models were used to study the adsorption isotherm of Cu2+ by MCM-48-NH2. The result showed that adsorption of Cu2+ by MCM-48-NH2 more suitable with Langmuir models. The adsorption capacity of Cu2+ by MCM-48-NH2 was 0.52 mmol g-1

    Kandungan Logam Berat Pb-cd dan Kualitas Air di Perairan Biringkassi, Bungoro, Pangkep

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    Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) PT Semen Tonasa, akan terus menghasilkan limbah logam berat yang dapat mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas perairan di sekitar areal tambak masyarakat Desa Bulu Cindea, Bungoro, Pangkep. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kualitas air dan kandungan logam berat timbale (Pb) dan cadmium (Cd) oleh pembuangan limbah Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) PT Semen Tonasa di Pelabuhan Biringkassi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu mengamati dan menganalisis parameter oseanografi fisik dan kimia. Titik pengambilan sampel berada di empat lokasi dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi geografis dan karakteristik lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan parameter kualitas air di empat lokasi pengambilan sampel, nilai pH, temperatur, dan DO tidak melebihi ambang baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, sedangkan salinitas masih tergolong alami. Nilai BOT antara 20,22-41,08 mg/liter, melebihi baku mutu pemerintah. Kadar COD di lokasi berkisar 22,7-26,8 mg/liter, melebihi baku mutu. Kandungan Pb dan Cd di dalam air dan gastropoda (kerang), masih di bawah ambang baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah, yaitu 0,05 ppm, Sedangkan pada sedimen di stasiun 1 dan stasiun 2 melebihi baku mutu dengan nilai 0,220 dan 0,151. Kandungan Cd dalam air dan gastropoda (kerang) di bawah ambang baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah, yaitu 0,01 ppm, sedangkan pada sedimen di empat stasiun melebihi baku mutu, berturut-turut nilainya 0,172, 0,12, 0,06, dan 0,01

    E-Module Development for Midwifery Care of Childbirth First Stage on Partograph Documentation System Success Improvement

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of the e-module of childbirth on the success of the partograph documentation system of midwifery DIII students using the Magguru application. Methods: This study uses a Quasi Experiment method. The number of samples was 90 people who were taken using total sampling technique. This design observation is carried out twice, namely before the treatment is carried out and according to the treatment. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test to determine the effect of the e-module childbirth intervention on increasing learning success. Results: Based on the results of the study, the pretest scores were obtained in the demonstration/control group (10%), e-module (23.3%), e-module and demonstration (26.6%), and post-test scores in the demonstration/control group. (10%), e-module (100%), e-module and demonstration (100%). In the demonstration (control) group there was no increase in learning success, while in the e-module group and the e-module group with demonstrations there was an increase in learning success with a P-value of 0,000.Conclusion: Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the e-module (Magguru application) significantly improves the learning success of midwifery DIII students on partograph documentation knowledge

    Effect of E-module Stage IV Childbirth Care with Blended Learning Model on Skills Improvement of Midwifery Students

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    Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of education on improving midwifery students' skills in improving management skills for stage IV labor. Methods: This study used a Quasi Experiment (Pre-test post-test design). The population of all students who program the subject of childbirth care is 90 students. The sampling technique was total sampling, then analyzed using the Chisquare and Mann withney. Results: The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect; the value (p = 0.000, p <0.05) improves the skills of D-III midwifery students regarding stage IV delivery care in the Module group and the demonstration method compared to the Module group. Conclusions: Based on the results, the Android-based application of learning mag guru for childbirth improves Midwifery Diploma students' skills in managing stage IV childbirth care