118 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Analysis and Chemodynamic Exploration of the Milky Way with Million-Star Surveys

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    The Milky Way is traditionally depicted as a composite of three main stellar components: the halo, disk, and bulge. The closer we look and the more information we gather, this picture becomes more complicated. The components are in fact overlapping in stellar properties, such as positions, kinematics, ages, and chemical composition. The most promising way to further our understanding of the formation of the Milky Way, the main aim of Galactic Archaeology, is to explore chemical information and stellar ages with large stellar surveys. In Chapter 1, we motivate this exploration in more detail and describe the challenges that come with the collection of big data from spectroscopic surveys. In Chapter 2, we introduce the large-scale spectroscopic `Galactic Archaeology with HERMES' (GALAH) survey, whose spectra were analysed in the course of this Thesis in order to estimate stellar properties. The very large data flow of stellar surveys has been referred to as the industrial revolution of Galactic archaeology and the analysis requires new efficient and automated techniques. This Thesis describes the spectroscopic analyses of the more than 650,000 stars in the GALAH survey, which deliver up to 30 abundances with unprecedented accuracy on such scales, based on the papers by Buder et al. (2018) and Buder et al. (in prep. b). In Chapter 3, we use the chemical information from GALAH together with dynamical information and stellar ages to analyse the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood, which has shown to be assembled from two populations. This work is published by Buder et al. (2019) and we find that the two populations of the disk can be separated more clearly when using stellar chemical composition and age, rather than phase-space information. In Chapter 4, we use chemodynamic information and stellar ages to analyse the transition between the disk and halo. This work will be submitted by Buder et al. (in prep. a) and we confirm that the old disk overlaps significantly with the halo. With our performed chemodynamic decompositions we are able to link the disk population that is enhanced in alpha-element abundances with the high-alpha halo population identified by Nissen & Schuster (2010). We further show that the accreted halo population of the `Sausage', identified by Belokurov et al. (2018), is strongly correlated with the low-alpha halo population identified by Nissen & Schuster (2010). Our stellar age estimates suggest that the halo components and the oldest high-alpha disk stars are coeval and show no strong age gradient, which would rule out several formation scenarios of the Milky Way. In Chapter 5, we conclude the work of this Thesis and outline further ways to continue the research in the field of Galactic archaeology with large stellar surveys

    Chemical Doppelgangers in GALAH DR3: the Distinguishing Power of Neutron-Capture Elements Among Milky Way Disk Stars

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    The observed chemical diversity of Milky Way stars places important constraints on Galactic chemical evolution and the mixing processes that operate within the interstellar medium. Recent works have found that the chemical diversity of disk stars is low. For example, the APOGEE "chemical doppelganger rate," or the rate at which random pairs of field stars appear as chemically similar as stars born together, is high, and the chemical distributions of APOGEE stars in some Galactic populations are well-described by two-dimensional models. However, limited attention has been paid to the heavy elements (Z > 30) in this context. In this work, we probe the potential for neutron-capture elements to enhance the chemical diversity of stars by determining their effect on the chemical doppelganger rate. We measure the doppelganger rate in GALAH DR3, with abundances rederived using The Cannon, and find that considering the neutron-capture elements decreases the doppelganger rate from 2.2% to 0.4%, nearly a factor of 6, for stars with -0.1 < [Fe/H] < 0.1. While chemical similarity correlates with similarity in age and dynamics, including neutron-capture elements does not appear to select stars that are more similar in these characteristics. Our results highlight that the neutron-capture elements contain information that is distinct from that of the lighter elements and thus add at least one dimension to Milky Way abundance space. This work illustrates the importance of considering the neutron-capture elements when chemically characterizing stars and motivates ongoing work to improve their atomic data and measurements in spectroscopic surveys.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 1 table. Submitted to AAS Journals, comments welcome. Associated catalog of high precision, Cannon-rederived abundances for GALAH giants to be made publicly available upon acceptance and available now upon request. See Walsen et al. 2023 for a complementary, high precision, Cannon-rederived abundance catalog for GALAH solar twin

    3D NLTE Lithium abundances for late-type stars in GALAH DR3

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    Lithium's susceptibility to burning in stellar interiors makes it an invaluable tracer for delineating the evolutionary pathways of stars, offering insights into the processes governing their development. Observationally, the complex Li production and depletion mechanisms in stars manifest themselves as Li plateaus, and as Li-enhanced and Li-depleted regions of the HR diagram. The Li-dip represents a narrow range in effective temperature close to the main-sequence turn-off, where stars have slightly super-solar masses and strongly depleted Li. To study the modification of Li through stellar evolution, we measure 3D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) Li abundance for 581 149 stars released in GALAH DR3. We describe a novel method that fits the observed spectra using a combination of 3D NLTE Li line profiles with blending metal line strength that are optimized on a star-by-star basis. Furthermore, realistic errors are determined by a Monte Carlo nested sampling algorithm which samples the posterior distribution of the fitted spectral parameters. The method is validated by recovering parameters from a synthetic spectrum and comparing to 26 stars in the Hypatia catalogue. We find 228 613 Li detections, and 352 536 Li upper limits. Our abundance measurements are generally lower than GALAH DR3, with a mean difference of 0.23 dex. For the first time, we trace the evolution of Li-dip stars beyond the main sequence turn-off and up the subgiant branch. This is the first 3D NLTE analysis of Li applied to a large spectroscopic survey, and opens up a new era of precision analysis of abundances for large surveys.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The role of carbon in red giant spectro-seismology

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    Although red clump stars function as reliable standard candles, their surface characteristics (i.e. TeffT_\text{eff}, logg\log g, and [Fe/H]) overlap with those of red giant branch stars, which are not standard candles. Recent results have revealed that spectral features containing carbon (e.g. CN molecular bands) carry information correlating with the "gold-standard" asteroseismic classifiers that distinguish red clump from red giant branch stars. However, the underlying astrophysical processes driving the correlation between these spectroscopic and asteroseismic quantities in red giants remain inadequately explored. This study aims to enhance our understanding of this "spectro-seismic" effect, by refining the list of key spectral features predicting red giant evolutionary state. In addition, we conduct further investigation into those key spectral features to probe the astrophysical processes driving this connection. We employ the data-driven The Cannon algorithm to analyse high-resolution (R80,000R\sim80,000) Veloce Rosso spectra from the Anglo-Australian Telescope for 301 red giant stars (where asteroseismic classifications from the TESS mission are known for 123 of the stars). The results highlight molecular spectroscopic features, particularly those containing carbon (e.g. CN), as the primary indicators of the evolutionary states of red giant stars. Furthermore, by investigating CN isotopic pairs (that is, 12^{12}C14^{14}N and 13^{13}C14^{14}N) we find suggestions of statistically significant differences in the reduced equivalent widths of such lines, suggesting that physical processes that change the surface abundances and isotopic ratios in red giant stars, such as deep mixing, are the driving forces of the "spectro-seismic" connection of red giants.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Chemically peculiar A and F stars with enhanced s-process and iron-peak elements: stellar radiative acceleration at work

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    We present 15,000\gtrsim 15,000 metal-rich ([Fe/H]>0.2{\rm [Fe/H]}>-0.2dex) A and F stars whose surface abundances deviate strongly from Solar abundance ratios and cannot plausibly reflect their birth material composition. These stars are identified by their high [Ba/Fe] abundance ratios ([Ba/Fe]>1.0{\rm [Ba/Fe]}>1.0dex) in the LAMOST DR5 spectra analyzed by Xiang et al. (2019). They are almost exclusively main sequence and subgiant stars with Teff6300T_{\rm eff}\gtrsim6300K. Their distribution in the Kiel diagram (TeffT_{\rm eff}--logg\log g) traces a sharp border at low temperatures along a roughly fixed-mass trajectory (around 1.4M)1.4M_\odot) that corresponds to an upper limit in convective envelope mass fraction of around 10410^{-4}. Most of these stars exhibit distinctly enhanced abundances of iron-peak elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni) but depleted abundances of Mg and Ca. Rotational velocity measurements from GALAH DR2 show that the majority of these stars rotate slower than typical stars in an equivalent temperature range. These characteristics suggest that they are related to the so-called Am/Fm stars. Their abundance patterns are qualitatively consistent with the predictions of stellar evolution models that incorporate radiative acceleration, suggesting they are a consequence of stellar internal evolution particularly involving the competition between gravitational settling and radiative acceleration. These peculiar stars constitute 40% of the whole population of stars with mass above 1.5MM_\odot, affirming that "peculiar" photospheric abundances due to stellar evolution effects are a ubiquitous phenomenon for these intermediate-mass stars. This large sample of Ba-enhanced chemically peculiar A/F stars with individual element abundances provides the statistics to test more stringently the mechanisms that alter the surface abundances in stars with radiative envelopes.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Chasing the impact of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus merger on the formation of the Milky Way thick disc

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    We employ our Bayesian Machine Learning framework BINGO (Bayesian INference for Galactic archaeOlogy) to obtain high-quality stellar age estimates for 68,360 red giant and red clump stars present in the 17th data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the APOGEE-2 high-resolution spectroscopic survey. By examining the denoised age-metallicity relationship of the Galactic disc stars, we identify a drop in metallicity with an increase in [Mg/Fe] at an early epoch, followed by a chemical enrichment episode with increasing [Fe/H] and decreasing [Mg/Fe]. This result is congruent with the chemical evolution induced by an early-epoch gas-rich merger identified in the Milky Way-like zoom-in cosmological simulation Auriga. In the initial phase of the merger of Auriga 18 there is a drop in metallicity due to the merger diluting the metal content and an increase in the [Mg/Fe] of the primary galaxy. Our findings suggest that the last massive merger of our Galaxy, the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus, was likely a significant gas-rich merger and induced a starburst, contributing to the chemical enrichment and building of the metal-rich part of the thick disc at an early epoch.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letters (comments are welcome

    Peeking beneath the precision floor -- II. Probing the chemo-dynamical histories of the potential globular cluster siblings, NGC 288 and NGC 362

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    The assembly history of the Milky Way (MW) is a rapidly evolving subject, with numerous small accretion events and at least one major merger proposed in the MW's history. Accreted alongside these dwarf galaxies are globular clusters (GCs), which act as spatially coherent remnants of these past events. Using high precision differential abundance measurements from our recently published study, we investigate the likelihood that the MW clusters NGC 362 and NGC 288 are galactic siblings, accreted as part of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (GSE) merger. To do this, we compare the two GCs at the 0.01 dex level for 20+ elements for the first time. Strong similarities are found, with the two showing chemical similarity on the same order as those seen between the three LMC GCs, NGC 1786, NGC 2210 and NGC 2257. However, when comparing GC abundances directly to GSE stars, marked differences are observed. NGC 362 shows good agreement with GSE stars in the ratio of Eu to Mg and Si, as well as a clear dominance in the r- compared to the s-process, while NGC 288 exhibits only a slight r-process dominance. When fitting the two GC abundances with a GSE-like galactic chemical evolution model, NGC 362 shows agreement with both the model predictions and GSE abundance ratios (considering Si, Ni, Ba and Eu) at the same metallicity. This is not the case for NGC 288. We propose that the two are either not galactic siblings, or GSE was chemically inhomogeneous enough to birth two similar, but not identical clusters with distinct chemistry relative to constituent stars.Comment: Second paper in a series. Accepted for publication by MNRAS, 17 pages, 11 figure