26 research outputs found

    SWOT analysis of renewable energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland): current progress, prospects and policy implications

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    Renewable energy (RE) plays an increasingly important role in the economy of almost every country in the world. In order to examine the state of renewable energy (RE) in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland), a literature review was carried out, anonymous sur-veys were conducted, a SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and TOWS analysis were carried out and the potential of RE in Mazowieckie voivodship was estimated. The total capacity of all installations is equal to 712 MW. In recent months, number of prosumers have increased to 11,742 in the Voivodeship, and the capacity of their installations is estimated at 66 MW. Simplification of legal regulations and educating society is strongly recommended. Respondents in the survey and SWOT analysis on the future of the energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship show that solar energy (35.5% of respondents) and wind energy (24.5% of respondents) have the greatest chances for the development. Development of the RE sector in the Voivodeship means new jobs, both in this sector and around it. Significant RE potential together with large project financing pos-sibilities may cause Mazowieckie Voivodeship to be a leader in RE production in Poland. It is this Voivodeship (with its capital Warsaw) that can serve as an example of the energy transformation towards 100% RE

    Wind energy in Poland – History, current state, surveys, Renewable Energy Sources Act, SWOT analysis

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    The history, current state and prospects for the development of the wind power sector in Poland have been presented. Poland has a long tradition of using wooden windmills, mainly post mills for economic purposes. Basing on the data of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, the speed of wind was calculated in Poland at a height of 100 m. The highest wind speed in Poland is noted in the northern part, the central part and, most of all, in the south-western part. In the December 2015 there were 1016 wind installations in Poland of total power of 5100 MW in Poland. There are also 37 wind farms. At the largest farm – Margonin – there are 60 wind turbines in operation, each of power of 2 MW. The new formal and legal framework for the wind power sector in Poland was described in relation to the new Renewable Energy Sources Act (RES Act). The new regulations on funding the wind power sector; that is, an auction system, were presented. The outcomes of the sociometric surveys conducted among investors were described. The SWOT analysis of the wind power sector in Poland was presented. The three scenarios of the development of the wind power sector in Poland were described

    Potencjał techniczny odpadowej biomasy stałej na cele energetyczne w Polsce

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    Potencjał odpadowej biomasy w Polsce

    Autoclaved aerated concrete with an addition of waste from semi-dry flue gas desulfurization process – thermal stability and xrd investigations

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    The article presents the results of research on autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) produced according to the manufacturer recipe and modified AAC with the addition of waste from the semi-dry flue gas desulfurization installation. Produced cubes of concrete were analysed using thermogravimetry in a temperature regime of 0–1200°C in order to determine thermal stability. Samples were also tested using X-ray diffractometer to determine the differences in the content of tobermorite 1.1 nm, the compound which is responsible for the mechanical properties of tested concrete

    Energia odnawialna w województwie łódzkim : stan aktualny, potencjał techniczny, analiza SWOT, 157 s.

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    Energia odnawialna w województwie łódzkim.W ostatnich latach obserwuje się szybki rozwój energetyki odnawialnej na świecie. Również w Polsce, między innymi w województwie łódzkim, co raz częściej stawiane są elektrownie odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE). Celem pracy było przedstawienie aktualnego stanu energetyki odnawialnej w województwie łódzkim w podziale na poszczególne sektory OZE. Wykorzystując metodę GIS, obliczono potencjał energetyki odnawialnej w województwie. Analiza SWOT przedstawiła mocne i słabe strony, szanse i zagrożenia OZE w badanym regionie. W każdym rozdziale zwrócono również uwagę na aspekty społeczne związane z rozwojem energetyki odnawialnej. Rozwój OZE to więcej miejsc pracy niż w sektorze paliw kopalnych. Jest to praca dość dobrze płatna i bezpieczniejsza niż górnika pod ziemią. W każdym rozdziale przeprowadzono analizę SWOT, która jest kompleksową metodą analizy strategicznej, uwzględniającej zarówno badanie wnętrza przedsięwzięcia/organizacji, jak i badanie jej otoczenia zewnętrznego. Na podstawie analizy SWOT otrzymuje się zestaw: – silnych stron, które należy wzmacniać, – słabych stron, które należy niwelować/redukować, – szans, które należy wykorzystywać, – zagrożeń, których należy unikać

    Technologie bioenergetyczne, 318 s.

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    Biomasa w energetyce.Technologie bioenergetyczne w energetyce

    Technologie aeroenergetyczne, 217 s.

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    Utilisation of synthetic soda-ash industry by-products

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    A method of soda-ash industry waste utilisation was analysed in this study. Two waste streams, distiller waste and sludge, were considered. The method described is based on calcium sulphate precipitation. The aims of this study were to find the optimal precipitation parameters and to perform simple economic analysis of the process. Except for calculating the direct (running) costs, the authors applied a simple method for environmental cost estimation. The optimal precipitation conditions were obtained by using the simplex optimisation method. Based on optimal conditions of calcium sulphate precipitation, the material balance was calculated. The provided economic analysis takes into account both the investment costs and the running costs. For the Polish case study, this technology can generate 135,000[euro] profit per year. The overall effect (direct plus environmental) is estimated to be 363,000[euro] per year.

    Technologie geoenergetyczne, 169 s.

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