2,711 research outputs found

    Generalized modified gravity with the second order acceleration equation

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    In the theories of generalized modified gravity, the acceleration equation is generally fourth order. So it is hard to analyze the evolution of the Universe. In this paper, we present a class of generalized modified gravity theories which have the acceleration equation of second order derivative. Then both the cosmic evolution and the weak-field limit of the theories are easily investigated. We find that not only the Big-bang singularity problem but also the current cosmic acceleration problem could be easily dealt with.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Dynamics of Small Instanton Phase Transitions

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    The small instanton transition of a five-brane colliding with one end of the S1/Z2 interval in heterotic M-theory is discussed, with emphasis on the transition moduli, their potential function and the associated non-perturbative superpotential. Using numerical methods, the equations of motion of these moduli coupled to an expanding Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime are solved including non-perturbative interactions. It is shown that the five-brane collides with the end of the interval at a small instanton. However, the moduli then continue to evolve to an isolated minimum of the potential, where they are trapped by gravitational damping. The torsion free sheaf at the small instanton is ``smoothed out'' into a vector bundle at the isolated minimum, thus dynamically completing the small instanton phase transition. Radiative damping at the origin of moduli space is discussed and shown to be insufficient to trap the moduli at the small instanton point.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 7 figures; minor corrections, references adde

    Covariant Harmonic Supergraphity for N = 2 Super Yang--Mills Theories

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    We review the background field method for general N = 2 super Yang-Mills theories formulated in the N = 2 harmonic superspace. The covariant harmonic supergraph technique is then applied to rigorously prove the N=2 non-renormalization theorem as well as to compute the holomorphic low-energy action for the N = 2 SU(2) pure super Yang-Mills theory and the leading non-holomorphic low-energy correction for N = 4 SU(2) super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 17 pages, LAMUPHYS LaTeX, no figures; based on talks given by I. Buchbinder and S. Kuzenko at the International Seminar ``Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries'', July 1997, Dubna; to be published in the proceeding

    Zeta-Functions for Non-Minimal Operators

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    We evaluate zeta-functions ζ(s)\zeta(s) at s=0s=0 for invariant non-minimal 2nd-order vector and tensor operators defined on maximally symmetric even dimensional spaces. We decompose the operators into their irreducible parts and obtain their corresponding eigenvalues. Using these eigenvalues, we are able to explicitly calculate ζ(0)\zeta(0) for the cases of Euclidean spaces and NN-spheres. In the NN-sphere case, we make use of the Euler-Maclaurin formula to develop asymptotic expansions for the required sums. The resulting ζ(0)\zeta(0) values for dimensions 2 to 10 are given in the Appendix.Comment: 26 pages, additional reference

    Quantum evolution of Schwarzschild-de Sitter (Nariai) black holes

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    We calculate the one-loop effective action for conformal matter (scalars, spinors and vectors) on spherically symmetric background. Such effective action (in large NN approximation and expansion on curvature) is used to study quantum aspects of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes (SdS BHs) in nearly degenerated limit (Nariai BH). We show that for all types of above matter SdS BHs may evaporate or anti-evaporate in accordance with recent observation by Bousso and Hawking for minimal scalars. Some remarks about energy flow for SdS BHs in regime of evaporation or anti-evaporation are also done. Study of no boundary condition shows that this condition supports anti-evaporation for nucleated BHs (at least in frames of our approximation). That indicates to the possibility that some pair created cosmological BHs may not only evaporate but also anti-evaporate. Hence, cosmological primordial BHs may survive much longer than it is expected.Comment: Latex file, 20 pages, shortened versio

    Matter instability in modified gravity

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    The Dolgov-Kawasaki instability discovered in the matter sector of the modified gravity scenario incorporating a 1/R correction to Einstein gravity is studied in general f(R) theories. A stability condition is found in the metric version of these theories to help ruling out models that are unviable from the theoretical point of view.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. In the revised version, an error concerning the Palatini version of these theories has been corrected and the references update

    On the Heterotic World-sheet Instanton Superpotential and its individual Contributions

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    For supersymmetric heterotic string compactifications on a Calabi-Yau threefold XX endowed with a vector bundle VV the world-sheet superpotential WW is a sum of contributions from isolated rational curves \C in XX; the individual contribution is given by an exponential in the K\"ahler class of the curve times a prefactor given essentially by the Pfaffian which depends on the moduli of VV and the complex structure moduli of XX. Solutions of DW=0DW=0 (or even of DW=W=0DW=W=0) can arise either by nontrivial cancellations between the individual terms in the summation over all contributing curves or because each of these terms is zero already individually. Concerning the latter case conditions on the moduli making a single Pfaffian vanish (for special moduli values) have been investigated. However, even if corresponding moduli - fulfilling these constraints - for the individual contribution of one curve are known it is not at all clear whether {\em one} choice of moduli exists which fulfills the corresponding constraints {\em for all contributing curves simultaneously}. Clearly this will in general happen only if the conditions on the 'individual zeroes' had already a conceptual origin which allows them to fit together consistently. We show that this happens for a class of cases. In the special case of spectral cover bundles we show that a relevant solution set has an interesting location in moduli space and is related to transitions which change the generation number.Comment: 47 page

    On Low-Energy Effective Actions in N = 2, 4 Superconformal Theories in Four Dimensions

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    We study some aspects of low-energy effective actions in 4-d superconformal gauge theories on the Coulomb branch. We describe superconformal invariants constructed in terms of N=2 abelian vector multiplet which play the role of building blocks for the N=2,4 supersymmetric low-energy effective actions. We compute the one-loop effective actions in constant N=2 field strength background in N=4 SYM theory and in N=2 SU(2) SYM theory with four hypermultiplets in fundamental representation. Using the classification of superconformal invariants we then find the manifestly N=2 superconformal form of these effective actions. While our explicit computations are done in the one-loop approximation, our conclusions about the structure of the effective actions in N=2 superconformal theories are general. We comment on some applications to supergravity - gauge theory duality in the description of D-brane interactions.Comment: 18 pages, latex, comments/reference adde

    The Spectra of Heterotic Standard Model Vacua

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    A formalism for determining the massless spectrum of a class of realistic heterotic string vacua is presented. These vacua, which consist of SU(5) holomorphic bundles on torus-fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds with fundamental group Z_2, lead to low energy theories with standard model gauge group (SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y)/Z_6 and three families of quarks and leptons. A methodology for determining the sheaf cohomology of these bundles and the representation of Z_2 on each cohomology group is given. Combining these results with the action of a Z_2 Wilson line, we compute, tabulate and discuss the massless spectrum.Comment: 41+1pp, 2 fig

    The Particle Spectrum of Heterotic Compactifications

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    Techniques are presented for computing the cohomology of stable, holomorphic vector bundles over elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds. These cohomology groups explicitly determine the spectrum of the low energy, four-dimensional theory. Generic points in vector bundle moduli space manifest an identical spectrum. However, it is shown that on subsets of moduli space of co-dimension one or higher, the spectrum can abruptly jump to many different values. Both analytic and numerical data illustrating this phenomenon are presented. This result opens the possibility of tunneling or phase transitions between different particle spectra in the same heterotic compactification. In the course of this discussion, a classification of SU(5) GUT theories within a specific context is presented.Comment: 77 pages, 3 figure
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