10 research outputs found

    Homologous PNA Hybridization to Noncanonical DNA G‑Quadruplexes

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    Potential guanine (G) quadruplex-forming sequences (QFSs) found throughout the genomes and transcriptomes of organisms have emerged as biologically relevant structures. These G-quadruplexes represent novel opportunities for gene regulation at the DNA and RNA levels. Recently, the definition of functional QFSs has been expanding to include a variety of unconventional motifs, including relatively long loop sequences (i.e., >7 nucleotides) separating adjacent G-tracts. We have identified a QFS within the 25S rDNA gene from <i>Saccharomyces cerevisae</i> that features a long loop separating the two 3′-most G-tracts. An oligonucleotide based on this sequence, QFS3, folds into a stable G-quadruplex in vitro. We have studied the interaction between QFS3 and several loop mutants with a small, homologous (G-rich) peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligomer that is designed to form a DNA/PNA heteroquadruplex. The PNA successfully invades the DNA quadruplex target to form a stable heteroquadruplex, but with surprisingly high PNA:DNA ratios based on surface plasmon resonance and mass spectrometric results. A model for high stoichiometry PNA–DNA heteroquadruplexes is proposed, and the implications for quadruplex targeting by G-rich PNA are discussed

    Hybridization of G‑Quadruplex-Forming Peptide Nucleic Acids to Guanine-Rich DNA Templates Inhibits DNA Polymerase η Extension

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    The guanine quadruplex (G-quadruplex) is a highly stable secondary structure that forms in G-rich repeats of DNA, which can interfere with DNA processes, including DNA replication and transcription. We showed previously that short guanine-rich peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) can form highly stable hybrid quadruplexes with DNA. We hypothesized that such structures would provide a stronger block to polymerase extension on G-rich templates than a native DNA homoquadruplex because of the greater thermodynamic stability of the PNA–DNA hybrid structures. To test this, we analyzed the DNA primer extension activity of polymerase η, a translesion polymerase implicated in synthesis past G-quadruplex blocks, on DNA templates containing guanine repeats. We observed a PNA concentration-dependent decrease in the level of polymerase η extension to the end of the template and an increase in the level of polymerase η inhibition at the sequence prior to the G-rich repeats. In contrast, the addition of a complementary C-rich PNA that hybridizes to the G-rich repeats by Watson–Crick base pairing led to a decrease in the level of polymerase inhibition and an increase in the level of full-length extension products. The G-quadruplex-forming PNA exhibited inhibition (IC<sub>50</sub> = 16.2 ± 3.3 nM) of polymerase η DNA synthesis on the G-rich templates stronger than that of the established G-quadruplex-stabilizing ligand BRACO-19 (IC<sub>50</sub> = 42.5 ± 4.8 nM). Our results indicate that homologous PNA targeting of G-rich sequences creates stable PNA–DNA heteroquadruplexes that inhibit polymerase η extension more effectively than a DNA homoquadruplex. The implications of these results for the potential development of homologous PNAs as therapeutics for halting proliferating cancer cells are discussed

    Twisted Cyanines: A Non-Planar Fluorogenic Dye with Superior Photostability and its Use in a Protein-Based Fluoromodule

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    The cyanine dye thiazole orange (TO) is a well-known fluorogenic stain for DNA and RNA, but this property precludes its use as an intracellular fluorescent probe for non-nucleic acid biomolecules. Further, as is the case with many cyanines, the dye suffers from low photostability. Here, we report the synthesis of a bridge-substituted version of TO named α-CN-TO, where the central methine hydrogen of TO is replaced by an electron withdrawing cyano group, which was expected to decrease the susceptibility of the dye toward singlet oxygen-mediated degradation. An X-ray crystal structure shows that α-CN-TO is twisted drastically out of plane, in contrast to TO, which crystallizes in the planar conformation. α-CN-TO retains the fluorogenic behavior of the parent dye TO in viscous glycerol/water solvent, but direct irradiation and indirect bleaching studies showed that α-CN-TO is essentially inert to visible light and singlet oxygen. In addition, the twisted conformation of α-CN-TO mitigates nonspecific binding and fluorescence activation by DNA and a previously selected TO-binding protein and exhibits low background fluorescence in HeLa cell culture. α-CN-TO was then used to select a new protein that binds and activates fluorescence from the dye. The new α-CN-TO/protein fluoromodule exhibits superior photostability to an analogous TO/protein fluoromodule. These properties indicate that α-CN-TO will be a useful fluorogenic dye in combination with specific RNA and protein binding partners for both in vitro and cell-based applications. More broadly, structural features that promote nonplanar conformations can provide an effective method for reducing nonspecific binding of cationic dyes to nucleic acids and other biomolecules

    Twisted Cyanines: A Non-Planar Fluorogenic Dye with Superior Photostability and its Use in a Protein-Based Fluoromodule

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    The cyanine dye thiazole orange (TO) is a well-known fluorogenic stain for DNA and RNA, but this property precludes its use as an intracellular fluorescent probe for non-nucleic acid biomolecules. Further, as is the case with many cyanines, the dye suffers from low photostability. Here, we report the synthesis of a bridge-substituted version of TO named α-CN-TO, where the central methine hydrogen of TO is replaced by an electron withdrawing cyano group, which was expected to decrease the susceptibility of the dye toward singlet oxygen-mediated degradation. An X-ray crystal structure shows that α-CN-TO is twisted drastically out of plane, in contrast to TO, which crystallizes in the planar conformation. α-CN-TO retains the fluorogenic behavior of the parent dye TO in viscous glycerol/water solvent, but direct irradiation and indirect bleaching studies showed that α-CN-TO is essentially inert to visible light and singlet oxygen. In addition, the twisted conformation of α-CN-TO mitigates nonspecific binding and fluorescence activation by DNA and a previously selected TO-binding protein and exhibits low background fluorescence in HeLa cell culture. α-CN-TO was then used to select a new protein that binds and activates fluorescence from the dye. The new α-CN-TO/protein fluoromodule exhibits superior photostability to an analogous TO/protein fluoromodule. These properties indicate that α-CN-TO will be a useful fluorogenic dye in combination with specific RNA and protein binding partners for both in vitro and cell-based applications. More broadly, structural features that promote nonplanar conformations can provide an effective method for reducing nonspecific binding of cationic dyes to nucleic acids and other biomolecules

    In Vitro Reversible Translation Control Using γPNA Probes

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    On-demand regulation of gene expression in living cells is a central goal of chemical biology and antisense therapeutic development. While significant advances have allowed regulatory modulation through inserted genetic elements, on-demand control of the expression/translation state of a given native gene by complementary sequence interactions remains a technical challenge. Toward this objective, we demonstrate the reversible suppression of a luciferase gene in cell-free translation using Watson–Crick base pairing between the mRNA and a complementary γ-modified peptide nucleic acid (γPNA) sequence with a noncomplementary toehold. Exploiting the favorable thermodynamics of γPNA−γPNA interactions, the antisense sequence can be removed by hybridization of a second, fully complementary γPNA, through a strand displacement reaction, allowing translation to proceed. Complementary RNA is also shown to displace the bound antisense γPNA, opening up possibilities of in vivo regulation by native gene expression

    RNA G‑Quadruplex Invasion and Translation Inhibition by Antisense γ‑Peptide Nucleic Acid Oligomers

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    We have examined the abilities of three complementary γ-peptide nucleic acid (γPNA) oligomers to invade an RNA G-quadruplex and potently inhibit translation of a luciferase reporter transcript containing the quadruplex-forming sequence (QFS) within its 5′-untranslated region. All three γPNA oligomers bind with low nanomolar affinities to an RNA oligonucleotide containing the QFS. However, while all probes inhibit translation with low to midnanomolar IC<sub>50</sub> values, the γPNA designed to hybridize to the first two G-tracts of the QFS and adjacent 5′-overhanging nucleotides was 5–6 times more potent than probes directed to either the 3′-end or internal regions of the target at 37 °C. This position-dependent effect was eliminated after the probes and target were preincubated at an elevated temperature prior to translation, demonstrating that kinetic effects exert significant control over quadruplex invasion and translation inhibition. We also found that antisense γPNAs exhibited similarly potent effects against luciferase reporter transcripts bearing QFS motifs having G<sub>2</sub>, G<sub>3</sub>, or G<sub>4</sub> tracts. Finally, our results indicate that γPNA oligomers exhibit selectivity and/or potency higher than those of other antisense molecules such as standard PNA and 2′-OMe RNA previously reported to target G-quadruplexes in RNA

    Fluoromodules Consisting of a Promiscuous RNA Aptamer and Red or Blue Fluorogenic Cyanine Dyes: Selection, Characterization, and Bioimaging

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    An RNA aptamer selected for binding to the fluorogenic cyanine dye, dimethylindole red (DIR), also binds and activates another cyanine, oxazole thiazole blue (OTB), giving two well-resolved emission colors. The aptamer binds to each dye with submicromolar <i>K</i><sub>D</sub> values, and the resulting fluoromodules exhibit fluorescence quantum yields ranging from 0.17 to 0.51 and excellent photostability. The aptamer was fused to a second aptamer previously selected for binding to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) to create a bifunctional aptamer that labels cell-surface EGFR on mammalian cells. The fluorescent color of the aptamer-labeled EGFR can be switched between blue and red in situ simply by exchanging the dye in the medium. The promiscuity of the aptamer can also be used to distinguish between cell-surface and internalized EGFR on the basis of the addition of red or blue fluorogen at different times

    Bright Fluorescent Nanotags from Bottlebrush Polymers with DNA-Tipped Bristles

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    Bright signal outputs are needed for fluorescence detection of biomolecules at their native expression levels. Increasing the number of labels on a probe often results in crowding-induced self-quenching of chromophores, and maintaining the function of the targeting moiety (e.g., an antibody) is a concern. Here we demonstrate a simple method to accommodate thousands of fluorescent dye molecules on a single antibody probe while avoiding the negative effects of self-quenching. We use a bottlebrush polymer from which extend hundreds of duplex DNA strands that can accommodate hundreds of covalently attached and/or thousands of noncovalently intercalated fluorescent dyes. This polymer–DNA assembly sequesters the intercalated fluorophores against dissociation and can be tethered through DNA hybridization to an IgG antibody. The resulting fluorescent nanotag can detect protein targets in flow cytometry, confocal fluorescence microscopy, and dot blots with an exceptionally bright signal that compares favorably to commercially available antibodies labeled with organic dyes or quantum dots

    A Variable Light Domain Fluorogen Activating Protein Homodimerizes To Activate Dimethylindole Red

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    Novel fluorescent tools such as green fluorescent protein analogues and fluorogen activating proteins (FAPs) are useful in biological imaging for tracking protein dynamics in real time with a low fluorescence background. FAPs are single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) selected from a yeast surface display library that produce fluorescence upon binding a specific dye or fluorogen that is normally not fluorescent when present in solution. FAPs generally consist of human immunoglobulin variable heavy (V<sub>H</sub>) and variable light (V<sub>L</sub>) domains covalently attached via a glycine- and serine-rich linker. Previously, we determined that the yeast surface clone, V<sub>H</sub>-V<sub>L</sub> M8, could bind and activate the fluorogen dimethylindole red (DIR) but that the fluorogen activation properties were localized to the M8V<sub>L</sub> domain. We report here that both nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction methods indicate the M8V<sub>L</sub> forms noncovalent, antiparallel homodimers that are the fluorogen activating species. The M8V<sub>L</sub> homodimers activate DIR by restriction of internal rotation of the bound dye. These structural results, together with directed evolution experiments with both V<sub>H</sub>-V<sub>L</sub> M8 and M8V<sub>L</sub>, led us to rationally design tandem, covalent homodimers of M8V<sub>L</sub> domains joined by a flexible linker that have a high affinity for DIR and good quantum yields

    Antitumor Effects of EGFR Antisense Guanidine-Based Peptide Nucleic Acids in Cancer Models

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    Peptide nucleic acids have emerged over the past two decades as a promising class of nucleic acid mimics because of their strong binding affinity and sequence selectivity toward DNA and RNA, and resistance to enzymatic degradation by proteases and nucleases. While they have been shown to be effective in regulation of gene expression <i>in vitro</i>, and to a small extent <i>in vivo</i>, their full potential for molecular therapy has not yet been fully realized due to poor cellular uptake. Herein, we report the development of cell-permeable, guanidine-based peptide nucleic acids targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in preclinical models as therapeutic modality for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A GPNA oligomer, 16 nucleotides in length, designed to bind to EGFR gene transcript elicited potent antisense effects in HNSCC and NSCLC cells in preclinical models. When administered intraperitoneally in mice, EGFRAS-GPNA was taken-up by several tissues including the xenograft tumor. Systemic administration of EGFRAS-GPNA induced antitumor effects in HNSCC xenografts, with similar efficacies as the FDA-approved EGFR inhibitors: cetuximab and erlotinib. In addition to targeting wild-type EGFR, EGFRAS-GPNA is effective against the constitutively active EGFR vIII mutant implicated in cetuximab resistance. Our data reveals that GPNA is just as effective as a molecular platform for treating cetuximab resistant cells, demonstrating its utility in the treatment of cancer