35,361 research outputs found

    Simultaneous release of glutamate and acetylcholine from single magnocellular "cholinergic" basal forebrain neurons

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    Basal forebrain (BF) neurons provide the principal cholinergic drive to the hippocampus and cortex. Their degeneration is associated with the cognitive defects of Alzheimer's disease. Immunohistochemical studies suggest that some of these neurons contain glutamate, so might also release it. To test this, we made microisland cultures of single BF neurons from 12- to 14-d-old rats. Over 1-8 weeks in culture, neuronal processes made autaptic connections onto the neuron. In 34 of 36 cells tested, a somatically generated action potential was followed by a short-latency EPSC that was blocked by 1 mM kynurenic acid, showing that they released glutamate. To test whether the same neuron also released acetylcholine, we placed a voltage-clamped rat myoball expressing nicotinic receptors in contact with a neurite. In six of six neurons tested, the glutamatergic EPSC was accompanied by a nicotinic (hexamethonium-sensitive) myoball current. Stimulation of the M-2-muscarinic presynaptic receptors ( characterized using tripitramine and pirenzepine) produced a parallel inhibition of autaptic glutamatergic and myoball nicotinic responses; metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation produced similar but less consistent and weaker effects. Atropine enhanced the glutamatergic EPSCs during repetitive stimulation by 25 +/- 6%; the anti-cholinesterase neostigmine reduced the train EPSCs by 37 +/- 6%. Hence, synaptically released acetylcholine exerted a negative-feedback inhibition of coreleased glutamate. We conclude that most cholinergic basal forebrain neurons are capable of releasing glutamate as a cotransmitter and that the release of both transmitters is subject to simultaneous feedback inhibition by synaptically released acetylcholine. This has implications for BF neuron function and for the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer's disease

    P2Y₂ Nucleotide Receptors Expressed Heterologously in Sympathetic Neurons Inhibit Both N-Type Ca²⁺ and M-Type K⁺ Currents

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    The P2Y₂ receptor is a uridine/adenosine triphosphate (UTP/ATP)-sensitive G-protein-linked nucleotide receptor that previously has been reported to stimulate the phosphoinositide signaling pathway. Messenger RNA for this receptor has been detected in brain tissue. We have investigated the coupling of the molecularly defined rat P2Y₂ receptor to neuronal N-type Ca²⁺ channels and to M-type K⁺ channels by heterologous expression in rat superior cervical sympathetic (SCG) neurons. After the injection of P2Y₂cRNA, UTP inhibited the currents carried by both types of ion channel. As previously reported [Filippov AK, Webb TE, Barnard EA, Brown DA (1997) Inhibition by heterologously expressed P2Y₂nucleotide receptors of N-type calcium currents in rat sympathetic neurones. Br J Pharmacol 121:849–851], UTP inhibited the Ca²⁺ current (I_{Ca(N)} by up to 64%, with an IC₅₀ of ∼0.5 μm. We now find that UTP also inhibited the K⁺_{M} current (I_{K(M)} by up to 61%, with an IC₅₀ of ∼1.5 μm. UTP had no effect on either current in neurons not injected with P2Y₂ cRNA. Structure–activity relations for the inhibition of I_{Ca(N)} and I_{K(M)} in P2Y₂ cRNA-injected neurons were similar, with UTP ≥ ATP > ITP ≫ GTP,UDP. However, coupling to these two channels involved different G-proteins: pretreatment withPertussis toxin (PTX) did not affect UTP-induced inhibition of I_{K(M)} but reduced inhibition of I_{Ca(N)} by ∼60% and abolished the voltage-dependent component of this inhibition. In unclamped neurons, UTP greatly facilitated depolarization-induced action potential discharges. Thus, the single P2Y₂ receptor can couple to at least two G-proteins to inhibit both Ca²⁺_{N} and K⁺_{M} channels with near-equal facility. This implies that the P2Y₂ receptor may induce a broad range of effector responses in the nervous system

    Bifurcated polarization rotation in bismuth-based piezoelectrics

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    ABO3 perovskite-type solid solutions display a large variety of structural and physical properties, which can be tuned by chemical composition or external parameters such as temperature, pressure, strain, electric, or magnetic fields. Some solid solutions show remarkably enhanced physical properties including colossal magnetoresistance or giant piezoelectricity. It has been recognized that structural distortions, competing on the local level, are key to understanding and tuning these remarkable properties, yet, it remains a challenge to experimentally observe such local structural details. Here, from neutron pair-distribution analysis, a temperature-dependent 3D atomic-level model of the lead-free piezoelectric perovskite Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) is reported. The statistical analysis of this model shows how local distortions compete, how this competition develops with temperature, and, in particular, how different polar displacements of Bi3+ cations coexist as a bifurcated polarization, highlighting the interest of Bi-based materials in the search for new lead-free piezoelectrics

    Acetylcholine and cholinergic receptors

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    This review provides a distillate of the advances in knowledge about the neurotransmitter functions of acetylcholine over the 50-year period between 1967 and 2017, together with incremental information about the cognate nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, and some brief comments on possible advances in the near future. The text is supplemented by a timelines figure indicating the dates of some key advances in knowledge about acetylcholine receptors and a box-figure providing a snapshot of selected papers about acetylcholine published in the year 1967

    Neurons, Receptors, and Channels

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    Here, I recount some adventures that I and my colleagues have had over some 60 years since 1957 studying the effects of drugs and neurotransmitters on neuronal excitability and ion channel function, largely, but not exclusively, using sympathetic neurons as test objects. Studies include effects of centrally active drugs on sympathetic transmission; neuronal action and neuroglial uptake of GABA in the ganglia and brain; the action of muscarinic agonists on sympathetic neurons; the action of bradykinin on neuroblastoma-derived cells; and the identification of M-current as a target for muscarinic action, including experiments to determine its distribution, molecular composition, neurotransmitter sensitivity, and intracellular regulation by phospholipids and their hydrolysis products. Techniques used include electrophysiological recording (extracellular, intracellular microelectrode, whole-cell, and single-channel patch-clamp), autoradiography, messenger RNA and complementary DNA expression, antibody injection, antisense knockdown, and membrane-targeted lipidated peptides. I finish with some recollections about my scientific career, funding, and changes in laboratory life and pharmacology research over the past 60 years

    Predicting wind turbine blade loads using vorticity transport and RANS methodologies

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    Two computational methods, one based on the solution of the vorticity transport equation, and a second based on the solution of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, have been used to simulate the aerodynamic performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine. Comparisons have been made against data obtained during Phase VI of the NREL Unsteady Aerodynamics Experimental and against existing numerical data for a range of wind conditions. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes method demonstrates the potential to predict accurately the flow around the blades and the distribution of aerodynamic loads developed on them. The Vorticity Transport Model possesses a considerable advantage in those situtations where the accurate, but computationally efficient, modelling of the structure of the wake and the associated induced velocity is critical, but where the prediction of blade loads can be achieved with sufficient accuracy using a lifting-line model augmented by incorporating a semi-empirical stall delay model. The largest benefits can be extracted when the two methods are used to complement each other in order to understand better the physical mechanisms governing the aerodynamic performance of wind turbines

    Presynaptic actions of 4-Aminopyridine and γ-aminobutyric acid on rat sympathetic ganglia in vitro

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    Responses to bath-applications of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) and -aminobutyric acid (GABA) were recorded intracellularly from neurones in the rat isolated superior cervical ganglion. 4-aminopyridine (0.1–1.0 mmol/l) usually induced spontaneous action potentials and excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), which were blocked by hexamethonium. Membrane potential was unchanged; spike duration was slightly increased. Vagus nerve B-and C-fibre potentials were prolonged. In 4-AP solution (0.1–0.3 mmol/l), GABA (0.1 mmol/l), 3-aminopropanesulphonic acid or muscimol evoked bursts of spikes and EPSPs in addition to a neuronal depolarization. These bursts, which were not elicited by glycine, glutamate, taurine or (±)-baclofen, were completely antagonised by hexamethonium, tetrodotoxin or bicuculline methochloride. It is concluded that: (a) 4-AP has a potent presynaptic action on sympathetic ganglia; (b) presynaptic actions of GABA can be recorded postsynaptically in the presence of 4-AP; and (c) the presynaptic GABA-receptors revealed in this condition are similar to those on the postsynaptic membrane

    Apical endosomes isolated from kidney collecting duct principal cells lack subunits of the proton pumping ATPase.

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    Endocytic vesicles that are involved in the vasopressin-stimulated recycling of water channels to and from the apical membrane of kidney collecting duct principal cells were isolated from rat renal papilla by differential and Percoll density gradient centrifugation. Fluorescence quenching measurements showed that the isolated vesicles maintained a high, HgCl2-sensitive water permeability, consistent with the presence of vasopressin-sensitive water channels. They did not, however, exhibit ATP-dependent luminal acidification, nor any N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive ATPase activity, properties that are characteristic of most acidic endosomal compartments. Western blotting with specific antibodies showed that the 31- and 70-kD cytoplasmically oriented subunits of the vacuolar proton pump were not detectable in these apical endosomes from the papilla, whereas they were present in endosomes prepared in parallel from the cortex. In contrast, the 56-kD subunit of the proton pump was abundant in papillary endosomes, and was localized at the apical pole of principal cells by immunocytochemistry. Finally, an antibody that recognizes the 16-kD transmembrane subunit of oat tonoplast ATPase cross-reacted with a distinct 16-kD band in cortical endosomes, but no 16-kD band was detectable in endosomes from the papilla. This antibody also recognized a 16-kD band in affinity-purified H+ ATPase preparations from bovine kidney medulla. Therefore, early endosomes derived from the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells fail to acidify because they lack functionally important subunits of a vacuolar-type proton pumping ATPase, including the 16-kD transmembrane domain that serves as the proton-conducting channel, and the 70-kD cytoplasmic subunit that contains the ATPase catalytic site. This specialized, non-acidic early endosomal compartment appears to be involved primarily in the hormonally induced recycling of water channels to and from the apical plasma membrane of vasopressin-sensitive cells in the kidney collecting duct

    Relationship between membrane phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and receptor-mediated inhibition of native neuronal M channels

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    The relationship between receptor-induced membrane phosphatidylinositol-4'5'-bisphosphate (PIP2) hydrolysis and M-current inhibition was assessed in single-dissociated rat sympathetic neurons by simultaneous or parallel recording of membrane current and membrane-to-cytosol translocation of the fluorescent PIP2/inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-binding peptide green fluorescent protein-tagged pleckstrin homology domain of phospholipase C (GFP-PLC delta-PH). The muscarinic receptor agonist oxotremorine-M produced parallel time- and concentration-dependent M-current inhibition and GFP-PLC delta-PH translocation; bradykinin also produced parallel time- dependent inhibition and translocation. Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase (PI5-K) overexpression reduced both M-current inhibition and GFP-PLC delta-PH translocation by both oxotremorine-M and bradykinin. These effects were partly reversed by wortmannin, which inhibits phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase (PI4-K). PI5-K overexpression also reduced the inhibitory action of oxotremorine-M on PIP2-gated G-protein-gated inward rectifier (Kir3.1/3.2) channels; bradykinin did not inhibit these channels. Overexpression of neuronal calcium sensor-1 protein (NCS-1), which increases PI4-K activity, did not affect responses to oxotremorine-M but reduced both fluorescence translocation and M-current inhibition by bradykinin. Using an intracellular IP3 membrane fluorescence-displacement assay, initial mean concentrations of membrane [PIP2] were estimated at 261 mu M (95% confidence limit; 192-381 mu M), rising to 693 mu M (417-1153 mu M) in neurons overexpressing PI5-K. Changes in membrane [PIP2] during application of oxotremorine-M were calculated from fluorescence data. The results, taken in conjunction with previous data for KCNQ2/3 (Kv7.2/Kv7.3) channel gating by PIP2 (Zhang et al., 2003), accorded with the hypothesis that the inhibitory action of oxotremorine-M on M current resulted from depletion of PIP2. The effects of bradykinin require additional components of action, which might involve IP3-induced Ca2+ release and consequent M-channel inhibition (as proposed previously) and stimulation of PIP2 synthesis by Ca2+-dependent activation of NCS-1