61 research outputs found

    Des intentions aux actes : la volition en conseil en orientation

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    À un modèle limité au construit de motivation, qui ne peut prétendre à rendre compte de la résolution des problèmes d'autorégulation liés aux obstacles pouvant se dresser sur le chemin qui conduit à la fixation d'un but vocationnel, il convient de substituer un modèle articulant la volition à la motivation. En particulier, de nombreux travaux empiriques attestent la fécondité des intentions d'exécution pour aider au démarrage de l'action, à la protection de la poursuite du but contre des influences indésirables et au désengagement de voies stériles. Nous proposons d'étendre l'application de cet outil cognitif volitionnel au conseil en orientation.A model limited to motivation construct to explain the way to setting a vocational goal cannot claim to give an account of how to overcome regulatory problems during goal striving. A model linking volition to motivation is needed. In particular, implementation intentions have been proved to be effective in helping the initiation of action, shielding goal pursuit from unwelcomed influences, and disengagement from unsuccessful courses of action. It is proposed to extend the application of this volitional cognitive tool to career counselling

    Development and validation of a questionnaire assessing volitional competencies to enhance the performance of physical activities in chronic low back pain patients

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    BACKGROUND: Motivation has long been emphasized as the most important determinant of action. However, there is a substantial gap between people's goals and their attainment. Patients may be motivated and yet unable to take action if their volitional competencies are insufficient. One of the important tasks of volition is goal-maintenance. Research has stressed the importance of a volitional tool, the implementation intentions. Implementation intentions indicate where, when, and how the action leading to the goal will be performed. Forming implementation intentions favours the execution of goal-directed efforts, and reinforces the relationship between intentions and behaviours. Results from various studies clearly suggest that volitional competencies and implementation intentions could play a role in low back pain (LBP) patients. However, there is at present no questionnaire allowing assessing the capacity of implementation intentions of physical activities in LBP patients. METHODS/DESIGN: This study will develop such a questionnaire, using a 3-step approach. A first qualitative step to build categories and generate items; 30 patients suffering chronic LBP will be invited to participate in semi-structured interviews; verbatim and derived items will then be submitted to a panel of experts, using a Delphi method; a second quantitative step to examine the properties of items, and determine the factorial structure of the questionnaire; 100 patients suffering chronic LBP will be recruited to respond to this phase; and third, preliminary psychometric analyses (item-scale correlations, construct validity, reliability); 180 chronic LBP patients will be recruited for this phase of the study. The relationships between implementation intentions and variables affecting physical activity on chronic LBP patients, i.e. pain, physical capacities, fear-avoidance beliefs, kinesiophobia, work status, and level of physical activity will be considered. DISCUSSION: Developing a questionnaire to assess implementation intentions would allow investigating the role of these intentions in the transition from acute to chronic LBP. The results of this study should contribute to the understanding of the psychological processes at stake in the development of chronic LBP, and in particular to the identification of factors eventually favouring patients' participation in and adherence to active physical treatments

    Determinants of intentions and related factors by lifelong learning educational graduating students

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    peer reviewedThe aims of the present study are twofold: to apply the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to intention of presenting a critical exam in a specific educational context, to examine whether expanding the model by additional variables provides better understanding of the psychological processes implied. Some empirical results support the efficacy of the TPB as a predictor of the intention. The necessity of distinguishing perceived behavioral control and self‐efficacy is emphasized. Evidence for a link between intention and additional variables like self‐concept is provided, and models integrating major variables with mediational paths are proposed

    Extension de la théorie du comportement planifié comme modèle des influences cognitives et motivationnelles sur la performance académique

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    peer reviewedIn the theory of planned behavior [1,2], which is a widely applied expectancy-value model of attitude-behavior relationship, the individual’s intention to perform a given behavior is central. Intentions are assumed to capture the motivational factors that influence behavior. Intentions are determined by attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. This paper examines some ways of expanding the model in the specific area of academic performance by the addition of other variables such as implemented intentions and action control. Some exploratory results from a field experiment are presented

    Career counseling: hope is not enough, volition is needed

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    Many clients have pervasive decision-making difficulties when facing the challenge of career choice or transition. Finding the relevant information needed for making a career decision, societal or organizational barriers, and the current detrimental context of economic crises of our globalized late modern society are obstacles on the route of career goals (intentions) that cannot be overcome only by motivation conceptualized in a hedonistic perspective. When hope is weak, the initiation and pursuit of actions toward the goal of managing a career and sub-goals such as career exploration, self-exploration, and environmental exploration need volition, that is self-regulatory processes determining which motivational tendencies are actually implemented, at which opportunity, and in what manner. This presentation briefly examines how conceptual distinctions between both constructs (motivation and volition) applied to career decision-making in the context of goal-directed action could bring a fresh view on decision making in vocational theory and counseling

    Aspects of individualism: Intra-concept and inter-concept validity as a function of gender

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    peer reviewedContrairement à la structure unifactorielle Indépendance compétitive découverte outre-Atlantique, cette recherche confirme une structure bifactorielle Indépendance-Compétition. Cette structure noue des liens différents avec la Conscience de soi privée et la Conscience de soi publique en fonction du sexe

    From intentions to actions : Volition in career counselling

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    A un modèle limité au construit de motivation, qui ne peut prétendre à rendre compte de la résolution des problèmes d'autorégulation liés aux obstacles pouvant se dresser sur le chemin qui conduit de la fixation d'un but vocationnel à sa réalisation, il convient de substituer un modèle articulant la volition à la motivation. En particulier, de nombreux travaux empiriques attestant la fécondité les intentions d'exécution pour aider au démarrage de l'action, au dégagement de la poursuite du but d'influences indésirables et au désengagement de voies stériles, nous proposons d'étendre l'application de cet outil cognitif volitionnel au conseil d'orientation.A model limited to motivation construct to explain the way from setting a vocational goal to its achievement cannot claim to give an account of how to overcome regulatory problems during goal striving. A model linking volition to motivation is needed. In particular, implementation intentions have been proved to be effective in helping the initiation of goal striving, shielding goal pursuit from unwelcome influences, and disengagement from not successful courses of action. It is proposed to extend the application of this volitional cognitive tool to career counselling

    Creating a research agenda of volition in career counseling

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    The purpose of this paper is to present volition construct as the basis for a research agenda in career counseling. In liquid societies of late modernity where pursuit of career in unstable and rapidly changing occupational structures is so difficult, motivation fueling vocational constructing behaviors appears to be a prerequisite of success. However, motivational processes are only half of the story. In order to overcome internal or external obstacles to a confident and peaceful reflection on their career development, individuals need more than ever to bring into play volition, that is, the capacity to regulate in difficult contexts psychological functions such as cognition, motivation, and emotion in order to determine which motivational tendencies related to career choice processes are implemented, when, where, and how. Surprisingly volition is until now largely or completely unexplored in the vocational counseling domain. In this contribution, I address some basic aspects of the overarching volition construct originating in experimental and social psychology, and recently also considered by cognitive neurosciences. Taking the psychology of action control as a lens of analysis, I outline the potential resources for career counseling of (1) action versus state orientation affect-regulatory competences which are a main component of Personality Systems Interactions theory (Kuhl, 2000) that proposed a comprehensive functional analysis of hierarchic regulatory systems mediating human motivation and personality ;(2) implementation intentions (Gollwitzer, 1999), that is, a kind of specific plans which may be activated in the post-decisional pre-actional phase of the Model of Action Phases ;(3) an attempt to disentangle volitional control from career control dimension included in the construct of career adaptability (Savickas, 2012; Johnson et al. 2013). It is argued that some leading career theories of career counseling might benefit from incorporating volitional constructs into their framework. I propose a specific agenda to address how these constructs could be explored in the vocational counseling domain in order to enrich concrete practices for helping clients, faced to an unsecured world, volitionally construct the future of their career.info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe