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    Premi yang didapat adalah sebesar Rp. 6.750,-. Bila dibandingkan dengan hesar WTP yaitu Rp_ 21.500,-maka premi layak diierapkan untuk masyarakat pengunjung klinik S-l FKG UA khususnya perawatan karies. Pengetahuan dan kebutuhan masyarakat pengunjung klinik S-1 FKGUA terhadap asuransl kesehatan gigi dan mulut khususnya perawatan karies mendukung kelayakan program asuransi dilaksanakan di klinik S-l FKGUA

    Bleeding management after frenectomy

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    Background: An Aberrant frenum is one of the predisposing factors of periodontal tissue destruction such as gingival recession. The management of an aberrant frenum can be accomplished by frenectomy procedure. The goal of frenectomy is frenum attachment repositioning. Some complications can occur after frenectomy such as pain and bleeding. The purpose of this case report is to explain the management of bleeding after frenectomy. Case: A 20 years old female feels aesthetically discomfort of upper lip. Intraoral examination found a high attachment of frenulum at the upper lip ucosal. One week after scaling frenulum is repositioned with frenectomy procedure. Methods: local anesthesia in the operating area, frenulum is incised with V shape incision using a scalpel no. 15, remove the muscle attachment, then suturing the gingiva with 4.0 silk suture. Patient were instructed restrict the movement of the lips and were prescribed antibiotics, analgesics and mouthwash. One hour after frenectomy bleeding happened in the area of operation. After evaluation on the area of operation, found bleeding with moderate intensity from the gap between gingiva that had been sutured. Case Management: Application of eriodontal dressing in the region of postoperative area to obtain a good adaptation and to cover a narrow area that is still open, thus minimizing the risk of bleeding. Control I day 11, dressing is unattached,sutures are still attached properly. Gingiva’s colour is normal. Conclusion: Periodontal dressing after frenectomy should be done to avoid the occurrence of postoperative bleeding


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    Konsep tissue engineering dipakai dalam usaha mencapai regenerasi periodontal. Scaffold merupakan salah satu elemen kunci tissue engineering. Beberapa penelitian menetapkan bahwa membrane amnion merupakan scaffold yang paling ideal karena mempunyai banyak keuntungan. Salah satu kelemahan membrane amnion adalah sifat nya yang rapuh. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya didapatkan nilai modulus elastisitas membrane amnion adalah 1.04x103 MPa.(Amalia, 2015). Sifat rapuh ini membuat penggunaan membrane amnion dalam konsep tissue engineering terbatas. Syarat suatu scaffold harus mampu menciptakan suatu lingkungan yang cocok di area dimana suatu regenerasi periodontal diharapkan tercapai. Meningkatkan kekakuan suatu scaffold dapat meningkatkan kekuatan scaffold sehingga mampu menahan tekanan selama proses pertumbuhan jaringan yang baru (Sikavitsas et al., 2001). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan upaya meningkatkan kekakuan membrane amnion dengan cara menambah lapisan membrane amnion dari dua lapis sampai dengan sepuluh lapis. Peningkatan kekakuan ini ditandai dengan peningkatan modulus elastisitas. Metode uji Tarik dilakukan untuk mengukur nilai modulus elastisitas masing-masing membrane. Hasil modulus elastisitas tertinggi didapat pada membrane empat lapis yaitu 6.7x103 MPa. Berdasarkan uji statistic terdapat peningkatan modulus elastisitas pada membrane amnion dua sampai dengan sepuluh lapis namun tidak signifikan. Penulis menyarankan perlu penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai peningkatan modulus elastisitas dengan cara meningkatkan konsentrasi kolage

    Operasi Rekonstruksi Preprostetik pada Kasus Kehilangan Tulang Parah regio Mandibula akibat Trauma Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas: Laporan Kasus

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    Background: Attempts to successfully regenerate lost alveolar bone have always been a clinician’s dream. Placement of dental protheses in alveolar deficiencies may lead to mechanical overload and esthetic dissatisfaction. This is necessary to augment the size of the ridge. Aim: To describe the stage treatment approach and 3 months follow up of a case of severe chronic periodontitis patient with amlodipine-treated hypertension and post traffic accident trauma. Case: A 51 years old female was first examined in author’s department in May 2016 with severe anterior mandible bone loss. She had amlodipine oral administration because of hypertension. She got traffic accident 1 month ago that caused anterior mandible tooth avulsed. Clinically, there are edentulous area on anterior mandible and maxilla. On radiographic evaluation, there are severe bone loss on the anterior mandible and widen of periodontal space. The diagnosis was severe chronic periodontitis. Her treatment plan included alveolar bone augmentation to prepare dental protheses. Case Management: Nonsurgical treatments such as scaling, root planning and occlusal adjustment were performed on all teeth. One week after nonsurgical treatment, preprosthetic augmentation surgery by means of bone graft material was performed in anterior mandible. Result: Three months post-surgery, clinically the alveolar ridge level has increased. Radiographic evaluation: there are bone formation after the surgery either increasing of bone level condition as well as bone density and periodontal space recovery. Conclusion: to regenerate alveolar bone can be achieved by various methods and materials. Here we present a successful case of vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation in anterior mandible

    Tissue Movement for Better Results in Preprosthetic Reconstructive Surgery

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    Background: Alveolar bony defects can occur due to advance periodontal disease. These defects often cause a significant problems in dental treatment and rehabilitation. Many techniques exist for hard tissue augmentation. These techniques are based on specific procedures to perform preprosthetic rehabilitation. This article presents case report of preprosthetic surgery with severe bone loss in two different techniques. Purpose: To determine the superior techniques of two methods in preprosthetic surgery with severe bone loss. Case and case management: A nonsmoker 40 years old male was first examined in author’s department in August 2015with severe anterior mandible bone loss. The diagnosis was chronic periodontitis. His treatment plan included tooth extraction of hopeless teeth, bone augmentation and implant. Nonsurgical treatment was performed on all teeth, preprosthetic surgery with severe bone loss performed in anterior mandible. The first technique, incision made circularly right on each tooth sulcus without any horizontal incision on the apical of interdental papillae. Whereas the second technique, horizontal and vertical incision on the apical of interdental papillae was performed. Results: Three months post surgery, clinically the alveolar ridge level has increased. Radiographic evaluation: there are better bone formation after the second surgery either increasing of bone level condition as well as bone density and periodontal space recovery. Conclusion: The surgical technique with incision right on each sulcus of tooth and incision horizontally and vertically on the apical of interdental papillae led to novel possibilities to regenerate alveolar bone