36 research outputs found

    Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for <i>p</i> > 1 Million

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    <p>Many have suggested a bootstrap procedure for estimating the sampling variability of principal component analysis (PCA) results. However, when the number of measurements per subject (<i>p</i>) is much larger than the number of subjects (<i>n</i>), calculating and storing the leading principal components (PCs) from each bootstrap sample can be computationally infeasible. To address this, we outline methods for fast, exact calculation of bootstrap PCs, eigenvalues, and scores. Our methods leverage the fact that all bootstrap samples occupy the same <i>n</i>-dimensional subspace as the original sample. As a result, all bootstrap PCs are limited to the same <i>n</i>-dimensional subspace and can be efficiently represented by their low-dimensional coordinates in that subspace. Several uncertainty metrics can be computed solely based on the bootstrap distribution of these low-dimensional coordinates, without calculating or storing the <i>p</i>-dimensional bootstrap components. Fast bootstrap PCA is applied to a dataset of sleep electroencephalogram recordings (<i>p</i> = 900, <i>n</i> = 392), and to a dataset of brain magnetic resonance images (MRIs) (<i>p</i> ≈ 3 million, <i>n</i> = 352). For the MRI dataset, our method allows for standard errors for the first three PCs based on 1000 bootstrap samples to be calculated on a standard laptop in 47 min, as opposed to approximately 4 days with standard methods. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.</p

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    To train novice students adequately, it is crucial to understand where they start and how they develop their skills. This study examined the impact of novice students’ characteristics on their initial clinical micro-skills when treating simulated patients with cognitive behavior therapy. The sample consisted of 44 graduate psychology students treating seven simulated patients. Clinical micro-skills were measured both using video-based ratings in reaction to short video clips of simulated patients (via the Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS) performance task) and by using video-based ratings within a session with a simulated patient (using the Inventory of Therapeutic Interventions and Skills; ITIS). Two separate LASSO regressions were performed using machine learning to select potential predictors for both skills assessments. Subsequently, a bootstrapping algorithm with 10,000 iterations was used to examine the variability of regression coefficients. Using LASSO regression, we identified two predictors for clinical micro-skills in standardized scenarios: extraversion (b = 0.10) and resilience (b = 0.09), both were not significantly associated with clinical micro-skills. Together, they explained 15% of the skill variation. Bootstrapping confirmed the stability of these predictors. For clinical micro-skills in sessions, only competitiveness was excluded by LASSO regression, and all predictors showed significant instability. The results provide initial evidence that trainees’ resilience and extraversion should be promoted in the clinical training of cognitive behavior therapy. More studies on clinical micro-skills and training with larger sample sizes are needed to fully understand clinical development.</div

    Distribution of regression coefficients across all 10,000 iterations.

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    Vertical lines in the violin plots indicate the median and 25% quartiles. Predictors excluded by the LASSO regression are printed in italics. a) Skills in Standardized Situations, b) Skills in Sessions.</p

    Flow chart of in- and excluded students.

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    ITIS = Inventory of Therapeutic Interventions and Skills: used to measure clinical micro-skills in-session; FIS = Facilitative Interpersonal Skills: used to measure clinical micro-skills in standardized situations. Six students’ responses to the video clips were not ratable with the FIS because their comments were based on hypothetical considerations rather than being a direct response in the form of interaction.</p

    Descriptive statistics of all potential predictors of clinical micro-skills.

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    Descriptive statistics of all potential predictors of clinical micro-skills.</p

    Anatomic and functional parameters, as assessed by echocardiography, in WT and NSML mice starting at 12 weeks of age and treated for the indicated length of time with vehicle or ARQ 092.

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    <p>Anatomic and functional parameters, as assessed by echocardiography, in WT and NSML mice starting at 12 weeks of age and treated for the indicated length of time with vehicle or ARQ 092.</p