3 research outputs found

    Gas-Phase Fractionation Data-Independent Acquisition Analysis of 3D Cocultured Spheroid Tumor Model Reveals Altered Translational Processes and Signaling Using Proteomics

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) contains considerable heterogeneity; therefore, models of the disease must also reflect the multifarious components. Compared to traditional 2D models, 3D cellular models, such as tumor spheroids, have the utility to determine the drug efficacy of potential therapeutics. Monoculture spheroids are well-known to recapitulate gene expression, cell signaling, and pathophysiological gradients of avascularized tumors. However, they fail to mimic the stromal cell influence present in CRC, which is known to perturb drug efficacy and is associated with metastatic, late-stage colorectal cancer. This study seeks to develop a cocultured spheroid model using carcinoma and noncancerous fibroblast cells. We characterized the proteomic profile of cocultured spheroids in comparison to monocultured spheroids using data-independent acquisition with gas-phase fractionation. Specifically, we determined that proteomic differences related to translation and mTOR signaling are significantly increased in cocultured spheroids compared to monocultured spheroids. Proteins related to fibroblast function, such as exocytosis of coated vesicles and secretion of growth factors, were significantly differentially expressed in the cocultured spheroids. Finally, we compared the proteomic profiles of both the monocultured and cocultured spheroids against a publicly available data set derived from solid CRC tumors. We found that the proteome of the cocultured spheroids more closely resembles that of the patient samples, indicating their potential as tumor mimics

    Gas-Phase Fractionation Data-Independent Acquisition Analysis of 3D Cocultured Spheroid Tumor Model Reveals Altered Translational Processes and Signaling Using Proteomics

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) contains considerable heterogeneity; therefore, models of the disease must also reflect the multifarious components. Compared to traditional 2D models, 3D cellular models, such as tumor spheroids, have the utility to determine the drug efficacy of potential therapeutics. Monoculture spheroids are well-known to recapitulate gene expression, cell signaling, and pathophysiological gradients of avascularized tumors. However, they fail to mimic the stromal cell influence present in CRC, which is known to perturb drug efficacy and is associated with metastatic, late-stage colorectal cancer. This study seeks to develop a cocultured spheroid model using carcinoma and noncancerous fibroblast cells. We characterized the proteomic profile of cocultured spheroids in comparison to monocultured spheroids using data-independent acquisition with gas-phase fractionation. Specifically, we determined that proteomic differences related to translation and mTOR signaling are significantly increased in cocultured spheroids compared to monocultured spheroids. Proteins related to fibroblast function, such as exocytosis of coated vesicles and secretion of growth factors, were significantly differentially expressed in the cocultured spheroids. Finally, we compared the proteomic profiles of both the monocultured and cocultured spheroids against a publicly available data set derived from solid CRC tumors. We found that the proteome of the cocultured spheroids more closely resembles that of the patient samples, indicating their potential as tumor mimics

    An Efficient Approach to Evaluate Reporter Ion Behavior from MALDI-MS/MS Data for Quantification Studies Using Isobaric Tags

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    Protein quantification, identification, and abundance determination are important aspects of proteome characterization and are crucial in understanding biological mechanisms and human diseases. Different strategies are available to quantify proteins using mass spectrometric detection, and most are performed at the peptide level and include both targeted and untargeted methodologies. Discovery-based or untargeted approaches oftentimes use covalent tagging strategies (i.e., iTRAQ, TMT), where reporter ion signals collected in the tandem MS experiment are used for quantification. Herein we investigate the behavior of the iTRAQ 8-plex chemistry using MALDI-TOF/TOF instrumentation. The experimental design and data analysis approach described is simple and straightforward, which allows researchers to optimize data collection and proper analysis within a laboratory. iTRAQ reporter ion signals were normalized within each spectrum to remove peptide biases. An advantage of this approach is that missing reporter ion values can be accepted for purposes of protein identification and quantification without the need for ANOVA analysis. We investigate the distribution of reporter ion peak areas in an equimolar system and a mock biological system and provide recommendations for establishing fold-change cutoff values at the peptide level for iTRAQ data sets. These data provide a unique data set available to the community for informatics training and analysis