167 research outputs found

    Proof-of-principle demonstration of vertical gravity gradient measurement using a single proof mass double-loop atom interferometer

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    We demonstrate a proof-of-principle of direct Earth gravity gradient measurement with an atom interferometer-based gravity gradiomter using a single proof mass of cold 87 rubidium atoms. The atomic gradiometer is implemented in the so-called double-loop configuration, hence providing a direct gravity gradient dependent phase shift insensitive do DC acceleration and constant rotation rate. The atom interferometer (AI) can be either operated as a gravimeter or a gradiomter by simply adding an extra Raman π\pi-pulse. We demonstrate gravity gradient measurements first using a vibration isolation platform and second without seismic isolation using the correlation between the AI signal and the vibration signal measured by an auxilliary classical accelerometer. The simplicity of the experimental setup (a single atomic source and unique detection) and the immunity of the AI to rotation-induced contrast loss, make it a good candidate for onboard gravity gradient measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    New concepts of inertial measurements with multi-species atom interferometry

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    In the field of cold atom inertial sensors, we present and analyze innovative configurations for improving their measurement range and sensitivity, especially attracting for onboard applications. These configurations rely on multi-species atom interferometry, involving the simultaneous manipulation of different atomic species in a unique instrument to deduce inertial measurements. Using a dual-species atom accelerometer manipulating simultaneously both isotopes of rubidium, we report a preliminary experimental realization of original concepts involving the implementation of two atom interferometers first with different interrogation times and secondly in phase quadrature. These results open the door to a new generation of atomic sensors relying on high performance multi-species atom interferometric measurements

    Local gravity measurement with the combination of atom interferometry and Bloch oscillations

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    We present a local measurement of gravity combining Bloch oscillations and atom interferometry. With a falling distance of 0.8 mm, we achieve a sensitivity of 2x10-7 g with an integration time of 300 s. No bias associated with the Bloch oscillations has been measured. A contrast decay with Bloch oscillations has been observed and attributed to the spatial quality of the laser beams. A simple experimental configuration has been adopted where a single retro-reflected laser beam is performing atoms launch, stimulated Raman transitions and Bloch oscillations. The combination of Bloch oscillations and atom interferometry can thus be realized with an apparatus no more complex than a standard atomic gravimeter

    Zero-velocity atom interferometry using a retroreflected frequency chirped laser

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    International audienceAtom interferometry using stimulated Raman transitions in a retroreflected configuration is the first choice in high-precision measurements because it provides low phase noise, a high-quality Raman wave front, and a simple experimental setup. However, it cannot be used for atoms at zero velocity because two pairs of Raman lasers are simultaneously resonant. Here we report a method which allows this degeneracy to be lifted by using a frequency chirp on the Raman lasers. Using this technique, we realize a Mach-Zehnder atom interferometer hybridized with a force balanced accelerometer which provides horizontal acceleration measurements with a short-term sensitivity of 3.2×10−5ms−2/Hz. This technique could be used for multiaxis inertial sensors, tiltmeters, or atom interferometry in a microgravity environment

    Absolute airborne gravimetry with a cold atom sensor

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    Measuring gravity from an aircraft is essential in geodesy, geophysics and exploration. Today, only relative sensors are available for airborne gravimetry. This is a major drawback because of the calibration and drift estimation procedures which lead to important operational constraints and measurement errors. Here, we report an absolute airborne gravimeter based on atom interferometry. This instrument has been first tested on a motion simulator leading to gravity measurements noise of 0.3 mGal for 75 s filtering time constant. Then, we realized an airborne campaign across Iceland in April 2017. From a repeated line and crossing points, we obtain gravity measurements with an estimated error between 1.7 and 3.9 mGal. The airborne measurements have also been compared to upward continued ground gravity data and show differences with a standard deviation ranging from 3.3 to 6.2 mGal and a mean value ranging from-0.7 mGal to-1.9 mGal

    I.C.E.: a Transportable Atomic Inertial Sensor for Test in Microgravity

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    We present our the construction of an atom interferometer for inertial sensing in microgravity, as part of the I.C.E. (\textit{Interf\'{e}rom\'{e}trie Coh\'{e}rente pour l'Espace}) collaboration. On-board laser systems have been developed based on fibre-optic components, which are insensitive to mechanical vibrations and acoustic noise, have sub-MHz linewidth, and remain frequency stabilised for weeks at a time. A compact, transportable vacuum system has been built, and used for laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping. We will use a mixture of quantum degenerate gases, bosonic 87^{87}Rb and fermionic 40^{40}K, in order to find the optimal conditions for precision and sensitivity of inertial measurements. Microgravity will be realised in parabolic flights lasting up to 20s in an Airbus. We show that the factors limiting the sensitivity of a long-interrogation-time atomic inertial sensor are the phase noise in reference frequency generation for Raman-pulse atomic beam-splitters and acceleration fluctuations during free fall

    Thermométrie Raman rotationnelle pour la caractérisation du flux d'air au sein d'un banc d'essai turbomachine

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    International audienceNon-invasive and accurate measurements are essential to study the reactive flows in aeronautical engines. This paper reports the results of a unique measurement campaign providing the temperature flowfield in a large scale facility turbomachine test rig using spontaneous rotational Raman scattering technique. Different planes of interest and operating conditions are probed, showing good agreement with thermocouple measurements. Fast temperature variations (>7.7 kHz) could be probed thanks to synchronization of the laser pulse with the rotor clock. Results outline the performance of in situ Raman technique to investigate steady and unsteady flows in turbine's conditions

    Navigation à l'aide d'un gravimètre atomique

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    International audienceCold atom interferometer is a promising technology to obtain a highly sensitive and accurate absolute gravimeter. With the help of an anomalies gravity map, local measurements of gravity allow a terrain-based navigation. This paper follows the one we published in Fusion 2017. Based on an atomic gravimeter we present a method to map the gravity anomaly. We propose a modification of the Laplace-based particle filter so as to make it more robust. Some simulation results demonstrate a better robustness of the proposed filter.L'interférométrie à atomes froids est une technologie prometteuse pour obtenir un gravimètre absolu de grande sensibilité et précision. A partir d'une carte d'anomalies gravimétriques, la mesure locale de la gravité permet une navigation par corrélation de terrain. Ce papier fait suite à celui publié au congrès Fusion 2017. Nous présentons une méthode d'élaboration de cartes d’anomalies gravimétriques à partir du gravimètre atomique. Nous proposons une modification du filtre Particulaire de Laplace qui offre une meilleure robustesse. Des résultats de simulation montrent une meilleure robustesse de ce filtre

    I.C.E.: An Ultra-Cold Atom Source for Long-Baseline Interferometric Inertial Sensors in Reduced Gravity

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    The accuracy and precision of current atom-interferometric inertialsensors rival state-of-the-art conventional devices using artifact-based test masses . Atomic sensors are well suited for fundamental measurements of gravito-inertial fields. The sensitivity required to test gravitational theories can be achieved by extending the baseline of the interferometer. The I.C.E. (Interf\'erom\'etrie Coh\'erente pour l'Espace) interferometer aims to achieve long interrogation times in compact apparatus via reduced gravity. We have tested a cold-atom source during airplane parabolic flights. We show that this environment is compatible with free-fall interferometric measurements using up to 4 second interrogation time. We present the next-generation apparatus using degenerate gases for low release-velocity atomic sources in space-borne experiments