3 research outputs found

    Efficacy of differents treatments in guinea figs (Cavia porcellus) infected with Chirodiscoides caviae

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    Para um melhor controle sanitário das colônias de cobaias, determinou-se a presença e identificação de ectoparasitos, bem como a porcentagem de eficácia dos ectoparasiticidas mais comumente utilizados no controle de ácaros. Numa colônia de cobaias foi detectado alto grau de infestação, 314 ácaros/cm2 de pêlo. As cobaias infestadas foram submetidas a tratamentos com Cipermetrina high-cis (0,1%), Triclorfon (0,1%), Malation (0,2%) e Monossulfiram (12,5%). Os produtos testados apresentaram alta eficácia.In order to improve the sanitary control of a guinea pig colony, a study was conducted to determine the presence and identification of ectoparasites as well the efficacy of ectoparasiticides most commonly used in mites control. The guinea pigs mite Chirodiscoides caviae was identified with a high level of infestation, 314 mites per cm2 of hair. The infested guinea pigs were submitted to different treatment with Cypermethrin high-cis (0.1%), Trichlorfon (0.1%), Malathion (0.2%) and Monossulfiran (12.5%). All there products showed efficacy

    Efficacy of Ivermectin, FenbendazoIe, Mebendazole and Mebendazole combined with Piperazine Citrate, in the control of cyathostomes of Mangalarga Paulista equids

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    The anthelmintic efficacy of Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Mebendazole and Mebendazole combined with Piperazine Citrate for the control of cyathostomes of Mangalarga Paulista equids were analyzed. In all cases of positive eggs per gram (epg) counts before and after treatment, pure populations of cyathostome larvae with eight gut cells in faecal cultures were consistently observed. The percentages of efficacy were evaluated between the 7th and 72nd days post-treatment. Confronting the epg mean values of Ivermectin in respect of the others anthelmintics, significant differences were found between the 7th and 57th days; Fenbendazole and Mebendazole did not show significant differences during the experiment. The association of Mebendazole combined with Piperazine Citrate indicated a significantly higher efficacy than Fenbendazole and Mebendazole between the 7th and 30th days.Através de estudo comparativo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência anti-helmíntica de Ivermectina, de Fenbendaole, de Mebendazole e de Mebendazole associado ao Citrato de Piperazina, no controle de ciatostomíneos de equinos da raça Mangalarga Paulista. As coproculturas realizadas antes e após os tratamentos levaram consistentemente ao encontro de populações puras de ciatostomíneos com oito células intestinais. Os percentuais de eficácia foram avaliados do 7º ao 72º dias pós-tratamento. Comparando os valores médios de opg de Ivermectina em relação aos outros anti-helmínticos, observou-se diferença significante do 7º ao 57º dias: Fenbendazole e Mebendazole não mostraram diferenças significantes durante o experimento. A combinação de Mebendazole associado ao Citrato de Piperazina foi significantemente superior ao Fenbendazole e ao Mebendazole do 7º ao 30º dias

    Eficácia de diferentes tratamentos em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) infestadas por Chirodiscoides caviae

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