23 research outputs found

    The gender and open data intersection

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    Au carrefour du genre et des données ouvertes

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    Open data barometer 4th edition: research handbook - v1.0 10th June 2016

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    This guide introduces the assessment process of the Open Data Barometer, including information on the methodology, guidance on the sources that researchers can use, and how to cite them. The Open Data Barometer (ODB) is a global study that aims to uncover the true prevalence and impact of open government data initiatives. It provides detailed question-by-question scoring guidance and thresholds to be consulted while working through the research process. This assessment should focus on the update of the dataset itself and not on the metadata records associated with the data. The successful/ unsuccessful or inadequate search processes can indicate the status of information access and ongoing upkeep of “living” data.World BankUnited Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID)Global Affairs Canada (GAC

    Open data barometer - getting started survey tool quick start guide : version 1.03 1st July 2016

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    The Open Data Barometer is a way to measure how governments are publishing and using open data for accountability, innovation and social impact. Research data collection is carried out using an online survey tool. This guide provides an entry point for researchers in using the survey too