4 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of A modified sequence capture approach allowing standard and methylation analyses of the same enriched genomic DNA sample

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    Table S1. Drought tolerance associated genes. 120-mer probes were tiled end-to-end across these genes of particular interest [15–18]. (PDF 81 kb

    Additional file 2: of A modified sequence capture approach allowing standard and methylation analyses of the same enriched genomic DNA sample

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    Figure S2. Design of the 12 Mbp wheat gene capture array. The 110 Mbp design target sequence for the capture probe set is as described by Gardiner et al. (Gardiner et al., 2015). The RNA baits for this SureSelect Methyl-Seq Target Enrichment system are all 120 bp in length, unique, non-repetitive and are evenly placed across the available wheat genic target sequence according to the design illustrated. (PDF 187 kb

    Additional file 1: of A modified sequence capture approach allowing standard and methylation analyses of the same enriched genomic DNA sample

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    Figure S1. Depth of coverage summarised for the non-bisulphite treated samples per extended bait sequence reference contig. Reference extended bait sequence contigs here are organized using POPseq chromosomal pseudomolecules. a) Displays data for the NBTS sample and b) displays data for the NBTF sample. (PDF 1425 kb