1,268 research outputs found

    Competing Explanations of U.S. Defense Industry Consolidation in the 1990s and Their Policy Implications

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    Was the consolidation of defense industry in the 1990s driven by U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) directives, or was it driven instead by the same forces that drove consolidation in many other sectors of the U.S. economy in the 1990s? To better understand the roles of DOD policy and economy-wide forces in shaping the U.S. defense industry, we test for structural breaks in defense industry and spending data and compare our findings to those relating to other sectors and the general economy. We identify structural breaks in the defense-related data in the early 1980s and throughout the 1990s, roughly consistent with changes in the U.S. economy, including broader merger trends. Overall, our results are more consistent with the view that economy-wide factors drove defense industry consolidation, largely independent of the DOD policy changes that occurred early in the 1990s.

    Cation-Responsive and Photocleavable Hydrogels from Noncanonical Amphiphilic DNA Nanostructures.

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    Funder: Imperial College LondonThanks to its biocompatibility, versatility, and programmable interactions, DNA has been proposed as a building block for functional, stimuli-responsive frameworks with applications in biosensing, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. Of particular importance for in vivo applications is the possibility of making such nanomaterials responsive to physiological stimuli. Here, we demonstrate how combining noncanonical DNA G-quadruplex (G4) structures with amphiphilic DNA constructs yields nanostructures, which we termed "Quad-Stars", capable of assembling into responsive hydrogel particles via a straightforward, enzyme-free, one-pot reaction. The embedded G4 structures allow one to trigger and control the assembly/disassembly in a reversible fashion by adding or removing K+ ions. Furthermore, the hydrogel aggregates can be photo-disassembled upon near-UV irradiation in the presence of a porphyrin photosensitizer. The combined reversibility of assembly, responsiveness, and cargo-loading capabilities of the hydrophobic moieties make Quad-Stars a promising candidate for biosensors and responsive drug delivery carriers

    Flexibility defines structure in crystals of amphiphilic DNA nanostars.

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    DNA nanostructures with programmable shape and interactions can be used as building blocks for the self-assembly of crystalline materials with prescribed nanoscale features, holding a vast technological potential. Structural rigidity and bond directionality have been recognised as key design features for DNA motifs to sustain long-range order in 3D, but the practical challenges associated with prescribing building-block geometry with sufficient accuracy have limited the variety of available designs. We have recently introduced a novel platform for the one-pot preparation of crystalline DNA frameworks supported by a combination of Watson-Crick base pairing and hydrophobic forces (Brady et al 2017 Nano Lett. 17 3276-81). Here we use small angle x-ray scattering and coarse-grained molecular simulations to demonstrate that, as opposed to available all-DNA approaches, amphiphilic motifs do not rely on structural rigidity to support long-range order. Instead, the flexibility of amphiphilic DNA building-blocks is a crucial feature for successful crystallisation

    The Firebreak Problem

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    Suppose we have a network that is represented by a graph GG. Potentially a fire (or other type of contagion) might erupt at some vertex of GG. We are able to respond to this outbreak by establishing a firebreak at kk other vertices of GG, so that the fire cannot pass through these fortified vertices. The question that now arises is which kk vertices will result in the greatest number of vertices being saved from the fire, assuming that the fire will spread to every vertex that is not fully behind the kk vertices of the firebreak. This is the essence of the {\sc Firebreak} decision problem, which is the focus of this paper. We establish that the problem is intractable on the class of split graphs as well as on the class of bipartite graphs, but can be solved in linear time when restricted to graphs having constant-bounded treewidth, or in polynomial time when restricted to intersection graphs. We also consider some closely related problems

    Effects of Feeding a Novel Alfalfa Leaf Pellet Product (ProLEAF MAX) and Alfalfa Stems (ProFiber Plus) on Performance in the Feedlot and Carcass Quality of Beef Steers

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    Alfalfa is often included in the diets of beef animals; however, the nutrient content of alfalfa is variable depending on the region in which it is grown, climate, soil, and many other factors. The leaf portion of alfalfa has a less variable nutrient composition than the stem portion of the plant. The variability that is present in the alfalfa plant can make the development of total mixed rations of consistent nutrient content difficult. As such, the purpose of this study was to determine how the inclusion of fractionated alfalfa leaves and alfalfa stems impacts performance and carcass quality of finishing beef steers. Twenty-four steers were allocated to one of three treatments: a control group fed a typical finishing diet with alfalfa as the forage (CON; n = 8), a typical diet that replaced alfalfa with fractionated alfalfa leaf pellets and alfalfa stems (ProLEAF MAX™ + ProFiber Plus™; PLM+PFP; n = 8), or a typical diet that replaced alfalfa with alfalfa stems (PFP; n = 8) for 63 days. Steers were fed individually once daily, weighed every 14 days and ultrasound images were collected every 28 days. At the end of the feeding trial, steers were harvested at a commercial facility and carcass data was obtained. Analysis of dry matter intake demonstrated that steers receiving the PFP and CON diets consumed more feed (P \u3c 0.001) than steers consuming the PLM+PFP diet. Steers receiving the PLM+PFP diet gained less (P \u3c 0.001) weight than the steers receiving the other two dietary treatments. No differences (P \u3e 0.10) in feed efficiency or carcass characteristics were observed. Steers receiving the PFP diet had improved (P = 0.016) cost of gain (0.93perkg)whencomparedwithsteersreceivingPLM+PFP(0.93 per kg) when compared with steers receiving PLM+PFP (1.08 per kg) diet. Overall, our findings demonstrate that the inclusion of PFP in place of alfalfa hay in a finishing diet has the potential to improve cost of gain, without negatively affecting growth, performance, or carcass characteristics of finishing feedlot steers

    ExoMol line lists -- LIII: Empirical Rovibronic spectra of Yttrium Oxide (YO)

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    Empirical line lists for the open shell molecule 89^{89}Y16^{16}O (yttrium oxide) and its isotopologues are presented. The line lists cover the 6 lowest electronic states: X2Σ+X {}^{2}\Sigma^{+}, A2ΠA {}^{2}\Pi, A2ΔA' {}^{2}\Delta, B2Σ+B {}^{2}\Sigma^{+}, C2ΠC {}^{2}\Pi and D2Σ+D {}^{2}\Sigma^{+} up to 60000 cm1^{-1} (<0.167<0.167 μ\mum) for rotational excitation up to J=400.5J = 400.5. An \textit{ab initio} spectroscopic model consisting of potential energy curves (PECs), spin-orbit and electronic angular momentum couplings is refined by fitting to experimentally determined energies of YO, derived from published YO experimental transition frequency data. The model is complemented by empirical spin-rotation and Λ\Lambda-doubling curves and \textit{ab initio} dipole moment and transition dipole moment curves computed using MRCI. The \textit{ab initio} PECs computed using the complete basis set limit extrapolation and the CCSD(T) method with its higher quality provide an excellent initial approximation for the refinement. Non-adiabatic coupling curves for two pairs of states of the same symmetry AA/CC and BB/DD are computed using a state-averaged CASSCF and used to built diabatic representations for the A2ΠA {}^{2}\Pi, C2ΠC {}^{2}\Pi, B2Σ+B {}^{2}\Sigma^{+} and D2Σ+D {}^{2}\Sigma^{+} curves. Calculated lifetimes of YO are tuned to agree well with the experiment, where available. The BRYTS YO line lists for are included into the ExoMol data base (www.exomol.com)

    Sculpting DNA-based synthetic cells through phase separation and phase-targeted activity

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    Synthetic cells, like their biological counterparts, require internal compartments with distinct chemical and physical properties where different functionalities can be localized. Inspired by membrane-less compartmentalization in biological cells, here, we demonstrate how microphase separation can be used to engineer heterogeneous cell-like architectures with programmable morphology and compartment-targeted activity. The synthetic cells self-assemble from amphiphilic DNA nanostructures, producing core-shell condensates due to size-induced de-mixing. Lipid deposition and phase-selective etching are then used to generate a porous pseudo-membrane, a cytoplasm analog, and membrane-less organelles. The synthetic cells can sustain RNA synthesis via in vitro transcription, leading to cytoplasm and pseudo-membrane expansion caused by an accumulation of the transcript. Our approach exemplifies how architectural and functional complexity can emerge from a limited number of distinct building blocks, if molecular-scale programmability, emergent biophysical phenomena, and biochemical activity are coupled to mimic those observed in live cells

    Responsive core-shell DNA particles trigger lipid-membrane disruption and bacteria entrapment.

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    Biology has evolved a variety of agents capable of permeabilizing and disrupting lipid membranes, from amyloid aggregates, to antimicrobial peptides, to venom compounds. While often associated with disease or toxicity, these agents are also central to many biosensing and therapeutic technologies. Here, we introduce a class of synthetic, DNA-based particles capable of disrupting lipid membranes. The particles have finely programmable size, and self-assemble from all-DNA and cholesterol-DNA nanostructures, the latter forming a membrane-adhesive core and the former a protective hydrophilic corona. We show that the corona can be selectively displaced with a molecular cue, exposing the 'sticky' core. Unprotected particles adhere to synthetic lipid vesicles, which in turn enhances membrane permeability and leads to vesicle collapse. Furthermore, particle-particle coalescence leads to the formation of gel-like DNA aggregates that envelop surviving vesicles. This response is reminiscent of pathogen immobilisation through immune cells secretion of DNA networks, as we demonstrate by trapping E. coli bacteria