10 research outputs found
Using openEHR Archetypes for Automated Extraction of Numerical Information from Clinical Narratives
Up to 80% of medical information is documented by unstructured data such as clinical reports written in natural language. Such data is called unstructured because the information it contains cannot be retrieved automatically as straightforward as from structured data. However, we assume that the use of this flexible kind of documentation will remain a substantial part of a patientâs medical record, so that clinical information systems have to deal appropriately with this type of information description. On the other hand, there are efforts to achieve semantic interoperability between clinical application systems through information modelling concepts like HL7 FHIR or openEHR. Considering this, we propose an approach to transform unstructured documented information into openEHR archetypes. Furthermore, we aim to support the field of clinical text mining by recognizing and publishing the connections between openEHR archetypes and heterogeneous phrasings. We have evaluated our method by extracting the values to three openEHR archetypes from unstructured documents in English and German language
An Approach to Calculate and Visualize Intraoperative Scattered Radiation Exposure
During the intraoperative radiograph generation process with mobile image intensifier systems (C-arm) most of the radiation exposure for patient, surgeon and operation room personal is caused by scattered radiation. The intensity and propagation of scattered radiation depend on different parameters, e.g. the intensity of the primary radiation, and the positioning of the mobile image intensifier. Exposure through scattered radiation can be minimized when all these parameters are adjusted correctly. Because radiation is potentially dangerous and could not be perceived by any human sense the current education on correct adjustment of a C-arm is designed very theoretical. This paper presents an approach of scattered radiation calculation and visualization embedded in a computer based training system for mobile image intensifier systems called virtX. With the help of this extension the virtX training system should enrich the current radiation protection training with visual and practical training aspects
Results of a Literature Review to Prepare Data Modelling in the Context of Kidney Transplant Rejection Diagnosis
Due to demographic change the number of serious kidney diseases and thus required transplantations will increase. The increased demand for donor organs and a decreasing supply of these organs underline the necessity for effective early rejection diagnostic measures to improve the lifetime of transplants. Expert systems might improve rejection diagnostics but for the development of such systems data models are needed that encompass the relevant information to enable optimal data aggregation and evaluation. Results of a literature review concerning published data models and information systems concerned with kidney transplant rejection diagnostic lead to a set of data elements even if no papers could be identified that publish data models explicitly
Visualizing Study Profiles Using the GMDS Competency Catalog for Medical Informatics Programs
Background: Medical informatics programs cover a variety of topics.
Objectives: To test the utility of the GMDS medical informatics competency catalog in comparing programs by developing study profiles.
Methods: Coverage of 234 competencies is recorded and visualized in a spider diagram.
Results: Spider diagrams allow visualizing various study profiles.
Conclusion: The GMDS catalog seems useful for comparing medical informatics study programs, e.g., for interested students, employers, or accreditation reviewers
Integration of Unstructured Data into a Clinical Data Warehouse for Kidney Transplant Screening â Challenges & Solutions
After kidney transplantation graft rejection must be prevented. Therefore, a multitude of parameters of the patient is observed pre- and postoperatively. To support this process, the Screen Reject research project is developing a data warehouse optimized for kidney rejection diagnostics. In the course of this project it was discovered that important information are only available in form of free texts instead of structured data and can therefore not be processed by standard ETL tools, which is necessary to establish a digital expert system for rejection diagnostics. Due to this reason, data integration has been improved by a combination of methods from natural language processing and methods from image processing. Based on state-of-the-art data warehousing technologies (Microsoft SSIS), a generic data integration tool has been developed. The tool was evaluated by extracting Banff-classification from 218 pathology reports and extracting HLA mismatches from about 1700 PDF files, both written in german language
Teaching Trends 2018 : die PrÀsenzhochschule und die digitale Transformation
Der Tagungsband der Teaching Trends 2018 bietet allen Leser*innen spannende Einblicke in PrĂ€senzhochschulen, die in geschickten Szenarien verschiedene digitale Medien fĂŒr den Kompetenzerwerb ihrer Studierenden nutzen. In einer breiten Sicht auf die Digitalisierung beschĂ€ftigen sich die TagungsbeitrĂ€ge mit neuen Lernformaten wie Blended Learning und Inverted Classroom, deren aktuellen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in DSGVO und Urheberrecht und technischen Grundlagen, z.B. in Augmented / Virtual Reality oder Audience Response. DarĂŒber hinaus jedoch kommen ĂŒbergreifende Strategien und Entwicklungskonzepte zu Wort, die die Hochschule in eine digitale Zukunft fĂŒhren. In allen Bereichen berichteten die Vortragenden sowohl direkt aus ihrer Lehrpraxis als auch aus der begleitenden Forschung. Zur Abrundung der Tagung haben die Herausgeber*innen das einleitende StreitgesprĂ€ch zur Bedeutung der digitalen Transformation fĂŒr UniversitĂ€ten, die Podiumsdiskussion zu Herausforderungen, die sich daraus fĂŒr das Studium ergeben, sowie eine Keynote zur Architektur von LernrĂ€umen zu Papier gebracht
Automatisierte Bewertung in der Programmierausbildung
Praktische Ăbungen anhand von Programmieraufgaben sind ein gĂ€ngiger und zentraler Bestandteil der Programmierausbildung in der Informatik und verwandten FĂ€chern. Die manuelle Korrektur von Lösungen zu Programmieraufgaben ist jedoch zeitaufwĂ€ndig und nicht immer einfach. Gerade in Szenarien, die auf sogenanntes âformatives Assessmentâ setzen, ist jedoch ein zeitnahes Feedback zumindest zu den wesentlichen Aspekten einer Lösung sehr wĂŒnschenswert. In diesem â aber auch in weiteren Szenarien â kann eine automatisierte Bewertung der Lösungen von Programmieraufgaben einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lehre leisten. DarĂŒber hinaus ermöglichen geeignete Systeme eine Darstellung des Lernfortschritts, halten Lernende durch regelmĂ€Ăig bewertete Ăbungsaufgaben zur kontinuierlichen Mitarbeit an und unterstĂŒtzen Lehrende durch einen Ăberblick ĂŒber Lernfortschritte und LernhĂŒrden einzelner Studierender und der gesamten Gruppe bei der Planung und Ausrichtung ihrer Lehre.
Dieses Buch richtet sich an Lehrende an Hochschulen, Schulen und anderen Ausbildungseinrichtungen, an Hochschuldidaktiker mit Bezug zur Programmierausbildung und an Informatiker, die mit der Entwicklung oder Integration von Systemen zur automatischen Programmbewertung beschĂ€ftigt sind. Die Ziele dieses Buches sind zum einen, Lehrenden die praktische Relevanz und Tauglichkeit automatisierter Programmbewertung aufzuzeigen und damit den Einsatz automatischer Programmbewertung durch die Darstellung erfolgreicher AnsĂ€tze zu fördern. Zum anderen soll dem Thema der automatisierten Programmbewertung ein gröĂerer Bekanntheitsgrad in der Fachöffentlichkeit verschafft und Arbeitsergebnisse aus Forschungs- und Praxisprojekten einem gröĂeren Anwenderkreis prĂ€sentiert werden
Development of a Didactic Online Course Concept for Heterogeneous Audience Groups in the Context of Healthcare IT
Building a well-founded understanding of the concepts, tasks and limitations of IT in all areas of society is an essential prerequisite for future developments in business and research. This applies in particular to the healthcare sector and medical research, which are affected by the noticeable advances in digitization. In the transfer project âZukunftslabor Gesundheitâ (ZLG), a teaching framework was developed to support the development of further education online courses in order to teach heterogeneous groups of learners independent of location and prior knowledge. The study at hand describes the development and components of the framework
Implementation of a Mobile Application in Acute Stroke Care Documentation
Acute stroke care is a time-critical process. Improving communication
and documentation process may support a positive effect on medical outcome. To achieve this goal, a new system using a mobile application has been integrated into existing infrastructure at Hannover Medical School (MHH). Within a pilot project, this system has been brought into clinical daily routine in February 2022. Insights generated may support further applications in clinical use-cases
On Teaching International Courses on Health Information Systems
Background: Health information systems (HIS) are one of the most important areas for biomedical and health informatics. In order to professionally deal with HIS well-educated informaticians are needed. Because of these reasons, in 2001 an international course has been established: The Frank â van Swieten Lectures on Strategic Information Management of Health Information Systems.
Objectives: Reporting about the Frank â van Swieten Lectures and about our studentsâ feedback on this course during the last 16 years. Summarizing our lessons learned and making recommendations for such international courses on HIS.
Methods: The basic concept of the Frank â van Swieten lectures is to teach the theoretical background in local lectures, to organize practical exercises on modelling sub-information systems of the respective local HIS and finally to conduct Joint Three Days as an international meeting were the resulting models are introduced and compared.
Results: During the last 16 years, the Universities of Amsterdam, Braunschweig, Heidelberg/Heilbronn, Leipzig as well as UMIT were involved in running this course. Overall, 517 students from these universities participated. Our studentsâ feedback was clearly positive.
The Joint Three Days of the Frank â van Swieten Lectures, where at the end of the course all students can meet, turned out to be an important component of this course. Based on the last 16 years, we recommend common teaching materials, agreement on equivalent clinical areas for the exercises, support of group building of international student groups, motivation of using a collaboration platform, ensuring quality management of the course, addressing different levels of knowledge of the students, and ensuring sufficient funding for joint activities.
Conclusions: Although associated with considerable additional efforts, we can clearly recommend establishing such international courses on HIS, such as the Frank â van Swieten Lectures