9 research outputs found

    Framing the text: ‘Background studies’ and New Testament interpretation

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    Understanding a text always demands knowledge of its context. Possible reasons why context is frequently regarded as a subordinate part of interpretation are analysed. Interpretation within a communicative perspective, and facets of contextualisation are discussed; some theoretical aspects concerning contextual issues are clarified. The notion ‘framing the text’ is defended to emphasise that history is constructed and always pre supposes a perspective. Framing is a comprehensive activity which adds complexity. Because it engages in historical interpretation and describes aspects of the various levels of context, one’s framing activity can be criticised and improved. Framing arises from oscillation between intensive interpretation of details and generalisation

    Jesus the Jew: some reflections on current investigations

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    Gelykenisse in konteks: Aantekeninge oor Matteus 24:45�25:30

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    Parables in conte:d: some comments on Matthew 24:45-25:30 The� three parables� in Matthew� 24:45-25:30 are usually� read as advice� to the� church� on� how� to� behave while waiting for the� return� of� the Lord.� An alternative� reading� is� proposed� in� this� article:� Matthew� discusses� the relationship� between� various� Jewish� groups,� explaining� who the� disciples of� the� Kingdom� are� and� why� fonnative� Judaism,� competing� for� the allegiance� of� Jews� of� the� late first� century,� is� not a� viable� option for� the future of� Israel's� inheritance


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