40 research outputs found

    Shock-treated Lunar Soil Simulant: Preliminary Assessment as a Construction Material

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    In an effort to examine the feasibility of applying dynamic compaction techniques to fabricate construction materials from lunar regolith, preliminary explosive shock-loading experiments on lunar soil simulants were carried out. Analysis of our shock-treated samples suggests that binding additives, such as metallic aluminum powder, may provide the necessary characteristics to fabricate a strong and durable building material (lunar adobe) that takes advantage of a cheap base material available in abundance: lunar regolith

    A sensitive time-resolved radiation pyrometer for shock-temperature measurements above 1500 K

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    An optical system has been developed which can determine time-resolved temperatures in shocked materials by measuring the spectral radiance of light emitted from shocked solid samples in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range (0.5–1.0 µm). It can measure temperatures as low as 1500 K and has been successfully used to observe shock-induced chemical reactions in powder samples. The high sensitivity of this radiation pyrometer can be attributed to the large angular aperture (0.06 sr), the large bandwidth per channel (up to 0.1 µm), the large photodiode detection areas (1.0 cm^2), and the small number of calibrated channels (4) among which light is divided. Improved calibration techniques, as well as the layout of the instrument, eliminate certain sources of error encountered in previous shock-temperature experiments. Errors in the measured spectral radiance were reduced by: (1) recalibration before every experiment to account for changes in optical components; (2) direct calibration of voltage recorded at each digitizer to prevent transfer error by an intermediate step; (3) use of a spectral irradiance calibration lamp to exclude errors due to spatial inhomogeneities associated with spectral radiance sources; and (4) obtaining a large spatial average of light at each wavelength from the same portion of the sample to eliminate errors from possible inhomogeneities in the sample. The magnitude each of these errors could previously contribute was 1%–2% of the total signal. Absolute temperature uncertainties, determined from the standard deviation of the measured spectral radiances from the least-squares-fit values, are typically about 5%. Emissivities are poorly constrained by spectral radiance data because of a weak functional dependence, and uncertainties can easily exceed 50% for temperatures of around 2000 K

    Shock wave properties of anorthosite and gabbro

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    Shock wave experiments have been conducted on San Gabriel anorthosite and San Marcos gabbro to peak stresses between 5 and 11 GPa using a 40-mm-bore propellant gun. Particle velocity wave profiles were measured directly at several points in each target by means of electromagnetic gauges, and Hugoniot states were calculated by determining shock transit times from the gauge records. The particle velocity profiles yielded sound velocities along the release adiabats which indicate a retention of shear strength upon shock compression for anorthosite, with a loss of strength upon release to nearly zero stress. Sound velocities of anorthosite shocked to peak stresses between 6 and 10 GPa were measured to be between 5.1 and 5.3 km/s upon release to nearly zero stress as compared to ∼6.9 and 5.4 km/s for the expected longitudinal and bulk wave speeds. Stress density release paths in the anorthosite indicate possible transformation of albite to Jadeite + (quartz or coesite), with the amount of albite transformed ranging from as low as 0.05 to as much as 0.19 mass fraction in the 6–10 GPa shock stress range. Electrical interference effects precluded the determination of accurate release paths for San Marcos gabbro. Because of the apparent loss of shear strength during unloading from the shocked state, the fluidlike rheology of anorthosite which is indicated implies that calculations of energy partitioning due to impact onto planetary surfaces based on elastic-plastic models will underestimate the amount of internal energy deposited in the impacted surface material

    The Arctic as a Test Case for an Assessment of Climate Impacts on National Security

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    Sandia staff members have collaborative ties to researchers from NOAA, the Naval Postgraduate School, NCAR, and other federally-sponsored organizations with active research interests and capabilities in Arctic regions.The Arctic region is rapidly changing in a way that will affect the rest of the world. Parts of Alaska, western Canada, and Siberia are currently warming at twice the global rate. This warming trend is accelerating permafrost deterioration, coastal erosion, snow and ice loss, and other changes that are a direct consequence of climate change. Climatologists have long understood that changes in the Arctic would be faster and more intense than elsewhere on the planet, but the degree and speed of the changes were underestimated compared to recent observations. Policy makers have not yet had time to examine the latest evidence or appreciate the nature of the consequences. Thus, the abruptness and severity of an unfolding Arctic climate crisis has not been incorporated into long- range planning. The purpose of this report is to briefly review the physical basis for global climate change and Arctic amplification, summarize the ongoing observations, discuss the potential consequences, explain the need for an objective risk assessment, develop scenarios for future change, review existing modeling capabilities and the need for better regional models, and finally to make recommendations for Sandia’s future role in preparing our leaders to deal with impacts of Arctic climate change on national security. Accurate and credible regional-scale climate models are still several years in the future, and those models are essential for estimating climate impacts around the globe. This study demonstrates how a scenario-based method may be used to give insights into climate impacts on a regional scale and possible mitigation. Because of our experience in the Arctic and widespread recognition of the Arctic’s importance in the Earth climate system we chose the Arctic as a test case for an assessment of climate impacts on national security. Sandia can make a swift and significant contribution by applying modeling and simulation tools with internal collaborations as well as with outside organizations. Because changes in the Arctic environment are happening so rapidly, a successful program will be one that can adapt very quickly to new information as it becomes available, and can provide decision makers with projections on the 1-5 year time scale over which the most disruptive, high-consequence changes are likely to occur. The greatest short-term impact would be to initiate exploratory simulations to discover new emergent and robust phenomena associated with one or more of the following changing systems: Arctic hydrological cycle, sea ice extent, ocean and atmospheric circulation, permafrost deterioration, carbon mobilization, Greenland ice sheet stability, and coastal erosion. Sandia can also contribute to new technology solutions for improved observations in the Arctic, which is currently a data-sparse region. Sensitivity analyses have the potential to identify thresholds which would enable the collaborative development of “early warning” sensor systems to seek predicted phenomena that might be precursory to major, high-consequence changes. Much of this work will require improved regional climate models and advanced computing capabilities. Socio-economic modeling tools can help define human and national security consequences. Formal uncertainty quantification must be an integral part of any results that emerge from this work.Sandia staff members have collaborative ties to researchers from NOAA, the Naval Postgraduate School, NCAR, and other federally-sponsored organizations with active research interests and capabilities in Arctic regions

    Hugoniot equation of state of anorthite glass and lunar anorthosite

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    Twenty-one Hugoniot experiments were conducted on an amorphous material of anorthite composition, in the pressure range 8–120 GPa, using both routine and new methods. Two Hugoniot measurements at about 120 GPa were made on lunar gabbroic anorthosite (Apollo 15, 418). Theoretical Hugoniots are constructed for both materials assuming they are disproportionate to their component oxides. These accurately predict the P-ρ behaviour of the lunar anorthosite Hugoniot at 120 GPa and the anorthite glass Hugoniot above 50 GPa, but overestimate the shock temperatures of anorthite glass. The mixed oxide model fails to predict the release paths of either material. We conclude that the mixed oxide model is a good description of the bulk properties of the high-pressure phases of anorthite, but does not represent the actual phases. A significant enrichment of calcic refractory material in the Earth's lower mantle is not precluded by the bulk properties of the anorthite high-pressure phases

    Shock temperatures in anorthite glass

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    Temperatures of CaAl_2Si_2O_8 (anorthite glass) shocked to pressures between 48 and 117 GPa have been measured in the range from 2500 to 5600 K, using optical pyrometry techniques. The pressure dependence of the shock temperatures deviates significantly from predictions based on a single high-pressure phase. Either a variable specific heat, or the existence of three phase transitions, at pressures of about 55, 85 and 100 GPa and with transition energies of about 0.5 MJ kg^(−1) each (≈ 1.5 MJ kg^(−1) total) can explain the shock-temperature data. The proposed phase transition at 100 GPa can possibly be identified with the stishovite melting transition. Theoretical models of the time dependence of the thermal radiation from the shocked anorthite based on the geometry of the experiment and the absorptive properties of the shocked material yield good agreement with observations, indicating that it is not necessary to invoke intrinsic time dependences to explain the data in many cases. Observed time dependences were used to calculate absorption coefficients of the shocked material of from about 2 mm^(−1) to greater than 24 mm^(−1) — an increasing function of shock pressure. The assumption that the shocked material radiates as a black body is supported by the theoretical model, and by the close agreement between measured and calculated black body spectral radiance as a function of wavelength

    Shock-induced color changes in nontronite: Implications for the Martian fines

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    Riverside nontronite, a candidate for the major mineral in the Martian fines, becomes both redder and darker upon shock loading between 180 and 300 kbar. The change from olive-yellow (2.5 Y 6/6) to strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6) in the 300-kbar sample brackets the range of color observed at the Viking lander sites. Optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, optical, infrared, and ^(57)Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy were applied to understand the physical basis of the color change. The Riverside nontronite experienced partial dehydroxylation, probably due to shock-induced heating, that changed the coordination of the Fe3+ in the octahedral layer of the clay to a mixture of 4- and 6-fold or a distorted 5-fold coordination. These changes in the clay cause the O^(2−)-Fe^(3+) charge transfer absorption edge to shift from the near ultraviolet into the visible, producing a redder and darker phase. The absorption spectra of both impacted and nonimpacted Riverside nontronite contains the basic features of the reflectance spectra of the bright regions of Mars: a steep drop in absorption from the near UV into the visible and a featureless near IR region. Calculations indicate that significant impact induced color changes (and dehydration) can occur on Mars, though it seems likely that the mechanism would be more effective, volumetrically, at producing variations in color rather than affecting the absolute color

    Shock temperatures in CaO

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    Blackbody temperatures of CaO shocked to pressures from 140 to 182 GPa have been measured in the 3750 to 6000 K range using the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory light gas gun. These shock temperatures, along with Hugoniot data for single crystal and porous CaO and isothermal data, are used to construct equations of state for the high pressure (B2) phase of CaO. The zero-pressure density of the B2 phase is between 3.8 and 4.0 Mg/m^3 and the B1-B2 transition energy is 2.1 to 2.3 MJ/kg. The density and bulk modulus at pressures from 70 to 135 GPa are similar to seismically determined values for the lower mantle of the earth. Thus the lower mantle could have a substantial inventory of Ca-bearing minerals, and mixed oxide models, for the composition of the lower mantle will be insensitive to the quantity of CaO assumed