233 research outputs found

    A sensitive optical pyrometer for shock-temperature measurements

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    A new optical system was used to determine temperatures above 2400 K in shocked materials by measuring the spectral radiance of sub-microsecond pulses of light emitted from initially transparent solid samples in the visible and near infrared (450 to 900 nm). The high sensitivity of this optical pyrometer is attributed to the small number of channels, large aperture (0.03 steradian), the large bandwidth per channel (40 nm), and large photodiode detection area (0.2 sq cm). Improved calibration techniques reduce systematic errors encountered in previous shock-temperature experiments

    Shock-treated Lunar Soil Simulant: Preliminary Assessment as a Construction Material

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    In an effort to examine the feasibility of applying dynamic compaction techniques to fabricate construction materials from lunar regolith, preliminary explosive shock-loading experiments on lunar soil simulants were carried out. Analysis of our shock-treated samples suggests that binding additives, such as metallic aluminum powder, may provide the necessary characteristics to fabricate a strong and durable building material (lunar adobe) that takes advantage of a cheap base material available in abundance: lunar regolith

    SB75-13/14: Dance Classes

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    SB75-13/14: Dance Classes. This resolution passed with Unanimous Consent during the March 26, 2014 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

    Shock temperatures in anorthite glass

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    Temperatures of CaAl2Si2O8 (anorthite glass) shocked to pressures between 48 and 117 GPa were measured in the range from 2500 to 5600 K, using optical pyrometry techniques. The pressure dependence of the shock temperatures deviates significantly from predictions based on a single high pressure phase. At least three phase transitions, at pressures of about 55, 85, and 100 GPa and with transition energies of about 0.5 MJ/kg each (approximately 1.5 MJ/kg total) are required to explain the shock temperature data. The phase transition at 100 GPa can possibly be identified with the stishovite melting transition. Theoretical models of the time dependence of the thermal radiation from the shocked anorthite based on the geometry of the experiment and the absorptive properties of the shocked material yields good agreement with observations, indicating that it is not necessary to invoke intrinsic time dependences to explain the data in many cases

    SB09-11/12: Pedestrian Access

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    SB09-11/12: Pedestrian Access. This resolution passed during the October 19, 2011 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

    A method of determining points on the principal isentropes of molecular liquids

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    We have examined the feasibility of using a large‐diameter, projectile‐target impact to carry out one‐dimensional, isentropic compression experiments on molecular fluids. By employing a three‐layered target geometry, with a thin foam driver layer and a thick, high‐impedance anvil layer, liquid H_2O can be compressed to a state within 0.1% of its principal isentrope at pressures up to about 30 GPa. The pressure and density of the state achieved can be determined from electromagnetic particle velocity gauges imbedded on the interfaces bounding the sample

    A sensitive time-resolved radiation pyrometer for shock-temperature measurements above 1500 K

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    An optical system has been developed which can determine time-resolved temperatures in shocked materials by measuring the spectral radiance of light emitted from shocked solid samples in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range (0.5–1.0 µm). It can measure temperatures as low as 1500 K and has been successfully used to observe shock-induced chemical reactions in powder samples. The high sensitivity of this radiation pyrometer can be attributed to the large angular aperture (0.06 sr), the large bandwidth per channel (up to 0.1 µm), the large photodiode detection areas (1.0 cm^2), and the small number of calibrated channels (4) among which light is divided. Improved calibration techniques, as well as the layout of the instrument, eliminate certain sources of error encountered in previous shock-temperature experiments. Errors in the measured spectral radiance were reduced by: (1) recalibration before every experiment to account for changes in optical components; (2) direct calibration of voltage recorded at each digitizer to prevent transfer error by an intermediate step; (3) use of a spectral irradiance calibration lamp to exclude errors due to spatial inhomogeneities associated with spectral radiance sources; and (4) obtaining a large spatial average of light at each wavelength from the same portion of the sample to eliminate errors from possible inhomogeneities in the sample. The magnitude each of these errors could previously contribute was 1%–2% of the total signal. Absolute temperature uncertainties, determined from the standard deviation of the measured spectral radiances from the least-squares-fit values, are typically about 5%. Emissivities are poorly constrained by spectral radiance data because of a weak functional dependence, and uncertainties can easily exceed 50% for temperatures of around 2000 K

    Shock wave properties of anorthosite and gabbro

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    Shock wave experiments have been conducted on San Gabriel anorthosite and San Marcos gabbro to peak stresses between 5 and 11 GPa using a 40-mm-bore propellant gun. Particle velocity wave profiles were measured directly at several points in each target by means of electromagnetic gauges, and Hugoniot states were calculated by determining shock transit times from the gauge records. The particle velocity profiles yielded sound velocities along the release adiabats which indicate a retention of shear strength upon shock compression for anorthosite, with a loss of strength upon release to nearly zero stress. Sound velocities of anorthosite shocked to peak stresses between 6 and 10 GPa were measured to be between 5.1 and 5.3 km/s upon release to nearly zero stress as compared to ∼6.9 and 5.4 km/s for the expected longitudinal and bulk wave speeds. Stress density release paths in the anorthosite indicate possible transformation of albite to Jadeite + (quartz or coesite), with the amount of albite transformed ranging from as low as 0.05 to as much as 0.19 mass fraction in the 6–10 GPa shock stress range. Electrical interference effects precluded the determination of accurate release paths for San Marcos gabbro. Because of the apparent loss of shear strength during unloading from the shocked state, the fluidlike rheology of anorthosite which is indicated implies that calculations of energy partitioning due to impact onto planetary surfaces based on elastic-plastic models will underestimate the amount of internal energy deposited in the impacted surface material

    SB19-11/12: The Wildnerness and Roadless Area Release Act, HR 1581

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    SB19-11/12: The Wildnerness and Roadless Area Release Act, HR 1581. This resolution passed with unanimous consent during the December 7, 2011 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

    Hugoniot equation of state of anorthite glass and lunar anorthosite

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    Twenty-one Hugoniot experiments were conducted on an amorphous material of anorthite composition, in the pressure range 8–120 GPa, using both routine and new methods. Two Hugoniot measurements at about 120 GPa were made on lunar gabbroic anorthosite (Apollo 15, 418). Theoretical Hugoniots are constructed for both materials assuming they are disproportionate to their component oxides. These accurately predict the P-ρ behaviour of the lunar anorthosite Hugoniot at 120 GPa and the anorthite glass Hugoniot above 50 GPa, but overestimate the shock temperatures of anorthite glass. The mixed oxide model fails to predict the release paths of either material. We conclude that the mixed oxide model is a good description of the bulk properties of the high-pressure phases of anorthite, but does not represent the actual phases. A significant enrichment of calcic refractory material in the Earth's lower mantle is not precluded by the bulk properties of the anorthite high-pressure phases