3,707 research outputs found

    Launching a digital archive [texte disponible en englais et en français]

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    The launching of an open archive has to face many obstacles among which technological and financial issues are not the most serious. The group shared experiences and analysed the main obstacles and made some proposal

    Sustainable rural livelihoods to analyse family farming dynamics: A comparative perspective

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    The very nature of family farming makes it a complex scientific subject, being at the same time a social form of production and an economic agent. Its nature challenges disciplines that most of the time overlook dimensions that do not fit in with their own framework leading to partial views in anthropology, sociology, political science or economics, just to mention the most common disciplinary focus on rural societies. We suggest exploring the well-known Sustainable Rural Livelihood framework as a comprehensive and open conceptual design to address the evolution of family farming. While the entry point concerns individuals, it also considers the social structures and institutions in which they are embedded. It also contemplates natural, social and human assets in addition to physical and financial ones. The activity system developed by each individual within its social setting goes beyond sectorial approaches; the strategies developed are contextualized and influenced by policies. To illustrate how this framework can be implemented, we developed a case study approach in contrasting rural contexts ranging from Argentina, Brazil or Nicaragua for Latin American situations, to Indonesia, China or India for Asia, or to Mali, Cameroon or Mozambique for African illustrations. The cases will not be extensively presented here as we choose to highlight some of the main findings and crosscutting themes as ways and means of adapting to changing contexts. We also discuss the challenges and perspectives faced by family farming from other forms of production and provide some insight into "blind" issues: the social drawbacks and political dimensions linked to agriculture related to broader territorial and national concerns

    Public Policies Still Alive Within a Liberalized Environment: Insights From Costa Rica

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    We carry out a comparative study of four farm sectors in Costa Rica, based on a dynamic analysis of behaviors regarding institutional changes occurring during the liberalization process. We highlight organizations' capacities to adapt and contribute to institutional changes by implementing economical activities and participating to policy making processes. We show that organizations play a key role in the regulation of farm sectors, and that their success depends on the institutional and organizational thickness they have contributed to create in each sector and responds to a path-dependent logic. ...French Abstract : Nous menons une étude comparative de quatre filiÚres agricoles au Costa Rica, qui repose sur une analyse dynamique des comportements des acteurs des filiÚres au regard des changements institutionnels liés à la libéralisation économique. Les organisations de producteurs agricoles, qui jouent un rÎle clé dans la régulation des filiÚres, ont opté pour des comportements stratégiques différents. Nous mettons en évidence les capacités de ces organisations à s'adapter mais également à contribuer aux changements institutionnels en mettant en place des activités technico-économiques de transformation et commercialisation et en participant aux processus de négociation des politiques. Nous montrons que leur succÚs dépend de la densité institutionnelle et organisationnelle qu'elles ont contribué à créer au sein de chaque filiÚre et s'inscrit dans une logique de dépendance au sentier.ORGANIZATIONS; POLICIES; INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE; PATHDEPENDENCY; ORGANISATIONS; POLITIQUES; CHANGEMENT INSTITUTIONNEL; DEPENDANCE AU SENTIER

    Pour une plus grande visibilitĂ© des travaux des chercheurs : l'exemple de l’archive ouverte PhysiologieAnimale http://phy043.tours.inra.fr:8080/

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    Pour leur travail, les chercheurs ont besoin d’accĂ©der sans frein aux rĂ©sultats de la recherche des autres et leur objectif est de faire connaĂźtre leurs travaux au plus grand nombre. Internet a permis de bouleverser les deux moteurs de la recherche que sont l’accessibilitĂ© et la diffusion des rĂ©sultats. Le protocole OAI crĂ©Ă© en 2000, a donnĂ© le signal d’une autre Ăšre Ă©ditoriale : celle du partage de l’information scientifique, sans barriĂšre de paiement. L’initiative de Budapest (BOAI) a Ă©tĂ© lancĂ©e en fĂ©vrier 2002 par des chercheurs pionniers de l’idĂ©e du libre accĂšs aux connaissances scientifiques. Elle prĂ©conise pour y parvenir d'auto-archiver la production scientifique dans un entrepĂŽt de documents OAI et de publier dans des revues en libre accĂšs. L'expĂ©rience d'auto-archivage dans AnimalPhysiology dĂ©montre que des chercheurs ont compris tous les avantages de la visibilitĂ© de leurs travaux et qu’ils sont prĂȘts Ă  collaborer pour continuer Ă  remplir l’archive. Si les responsables des organismes de recherche et d’universitĂ©s qui ont signĂ© la DĂ©claration de Berlin http://www.zim.mpg.de/openaccess-berlin/berlindeclaration.html prennent rapidement des mesures plus concrĂštes pour inciter la crĂ©ation d’archives, l’auto-archivage et la publication dans des revues en libre accĂšs, nous verrons rapidement grossir le nombre de documents en libre accĂšs, les travaux des chercheurs deviendront encore plus visibles et la communautĂ© scientifique pourra enfin en tirer tous les bĂ©nĂ©fices, pour produire davantage et plus rapidement - - - - - - - [For their ongoing work, researchers need immediate, unimpeded access to the research findings of others; they accordingly need to make their own findings accessible to the greatest number of other researchers. The Internet has now made it possible to alter both the dissemination and the accessibility of research. The OAI interoperability protocol, created in 2000, signaled the beginning of new publishing era: that of the sharing of scientific information, without barrier payment-barriers. The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) was launched in February 2002 by pioneers of the idea of the free access to scientific knowledge. To this end the BOAI recommends self-archiving research output in an OAI-compliant Open Access Archive and to publish in Open Access journals. Our experiment in self-archiving in AnimalPhysiology shows that researchers understand all the advantages of enhancing the visibility of their work and that they are prepared to collaborate to continue to fill the archive. If the officials of the research institutions and universities who have signed the Declaration of Berlin http://www.zim.mpg.de/openaccess-berlin/berlindeclaration.html quickly take more concrete measures to ensure the creation of institutional OA archives, OA self-archiving, and publication in OA journals, we will quickly see growth in the number of OA documents, the work of researchers will become more visible and the scientific community will be able at last to derive all the benefits: accelerating and maximising research productivity.

    Partager et utiliser des connaissances scientifiques: de la responsabilité individuelle à la responsabilité collective

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    Notre responsabilité pour le partage de l'information scientifique, à l'heure d'Internet, est devenue collective : participons sans tarder au mouvement des Archives Ouvertes en déposant sur un serveur compatible OAI nos publications, "gratuitement, pour tous, partout et pour toujours". ("Free for everyone, everywhere, forever" S.Harnad.) - - - - - [Our responsibility for sharing research information in the Internet age has become a collective one. Let us participate without delay in the Open Access Movement by depositing our research articles in an OAI-compliant Open Access Archive "Free for eveyone, everywhere, forever" (S. Harnad).
