7 research outputs found


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    Die Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen stellt neben Cross Compliance und Modulation das wesentliche Kernelement der Beschlüsse des Agrarministerrates vom Juni 2003 zur Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU dar. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Wirkungen der Entkopplung für eine benachteiligte Region in Hessen zu quantifizieren. Dazu wird der interdisziplinäre Modellverbund ITE2M (Integrated Tools for Ecological & Economic Modelling) herangezogen. Im Vergleich zu den Bedingungen der Agenda 2000 ist durch die Entkopplung der Prämienzahlungen mit einer Zunahme der Grünlandflächen zu rechnen. Eine regionale Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse unter Einbeziehung externer Effekte zeigt, dass die Wohlfahrt der Region durch die Entkopplung gesteigert wird, und zwar in erheblichem Maße durch verstärkt zufließende Transferzahlungen.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Modelling agricultural policy reforms in the Mediterranean basin - Adjustments of AGRISIM

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    In recent years the Mediterranean countries encounter a number of changes of the agricultural policy that could influence significantly their agricultural sector and thus their overall economy. They are faced with the ongoing trade liberalisation, the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU), since the EU is one of the major trade partners of the Mediterranean countries and the establishment of a Free Trade Area between the EU and the Mediterranean Countries after 2010. The latest is/will be accomplished through the Euro- Mediterranean Association Agreements, was decided in the Summit of Barcelona in 1995 and is particularly up- to date after 2005, 10 years after the establishment of the Barcelona Agreement. These changes are expected above all to influence the trade flows between the EU and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and therefore, to have impacts on the production, consumption, domestic and border prices and welfare. Aim of the paper is to discuss methodological issues connected with the modelling of policy changes in the Mediterranean basin and to provide more insights on the modification of the model AGRISIM so as to make it a suitable tool to analyse the trade flows in the Mediterranean basin.MPCs, Euro- Mediterranean Association, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    CAP Reform and the Mediterranean EU-Member States

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    In the previous years the Mediterranean Member States of the EU came across the Reform of the CAP and especially last year faced the second wave of the Reform for three typical Mediterranean products, namely cotton, olive oil and tobacco. In this paper a partial equilibrium model is used to simulate the impacts of decoupling, as a key point of the decided CAP Reform. The second wave of the Reform appears to be of crucial importance for the southern EU countries and although the producer's income is reduced, there are positive welfare effects.decoupling, partial equilibrium model, CAP reform, Greece, Italy, Spain, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18, Q17, D59,


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    Die Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen stellt neben Cross Compliance und Modulation das wesentliche Kernelement der Beschlüsse des Agrarministerrates vom Juni 2003 zur Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU dar. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Wirkungen der Entkopplung für eine benachteiligte Region in Hessen zu quantifizieren. Dazu wird der interdisziplinäre Modellverbund ITE2M (Integrated Tools for Ecological & Economic Modelling) herangezogen. Im Vergleich zu den Bedingungen der Agenda 2000 ist durch die Entkopplung der Prämienzahlungen mit einer Zunahme der Grünlandflächen zu rechnen. Eine regionale Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse unter Einbeziehung externer Effekte zeigt, dass die Wohlfahrt der Region durch die Entkopplung gesteigert wird, und zwar in erheblichem Maße durch verstärkt zufließende Transferzahlungen

    CAP Reform and the Mediterranean EU-Member States

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    In the previous years the Mediterranean Member States of the EU came across the Reform of the CAP and especially last year faced the second wave of the Reform for three typical Mediterranean products, namely cotton, olive oil and tobacco. In this paper a partial equilibrium model is used to simulate the impacts of decoupling, as a key point of the decided CAP Reform. The second wave of the Reform appears to be of crucial importance for the southern EU countries and although the producer's income is reduced, there are positive welfare effects

    Modelling agricultural policy reforms in the Mediterranean basin - Adjustments of AGRISIM

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    In recent years the Mediterranean countries encounter a number of changes of the agricultural policy that could influence significantly their agricultural sector and thus their overall economy. They are faced with the ongoing trade liberalisation, the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU), since the EU is one of the major trade partners of the Mediterranean countries and the establishment of a Free Trade Area between the EU and the Mediterranean Countries after 2010. The latest is/will be accomplished through the Euro- Mediterranean Association Agreements, was decided in the Summit of Barcelona in 1995 and is particularly up- to date after 2005, 10 years after the establishment of the Barcelona Agreement. These changes are expected above all to influence the trade flows between the EU and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and therefore, to have impacts on the production, consumption, domestic and border prices and welfare. Aim of the paper is to discuss methodological issues connected with the modelling of policy changes in the Mediterranean basin and to provide more insights on the modification of the model AGRISIM so as to make it a suitable tool to analyse the trade flows in the Mediterranean basin

    Modelling the value of a multifunctional landscape – A discrete choice experiment

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    In the context of today’s intensive discussion of landscape multifunctionality, one primary objective of the current European Union policy is to support the implementation of multifunctionaly within the EU. In order to assess the economical feasibility of the implementation of a multifunctional land use in the Wetterau region in Germany this study addresses the question whether the local population, which is above all affected by the degradation of landscapes, benefits from a change from today’s landscape dominated by intensive agricultural production towards a multifunctional landscape. Based on data obtained by discrete choice experiments in the Wetterau region, a cost-benefit-analysis is carried out using the modelling and assessment framework CHOICE. The results show that the local population of the Wetterau region assigns a high value to a landscape that takes into account ecological aspects of landscape composition. In fact, the CHOICE model suggests that the willingness-to-pay for the multifunctionality scenario is higher than for all other scenarios under study. Moreover, taking implementation costs into account a regional cost-benefit-analysis indicates that the provision of a multifunctional landscape will lead to a positive net benefit for society