22 research outputs found

    A genomic Neolithic time transect of hunter-farmer admixture in central Poland.

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    Ancient DNA genome-wide analyses of Neolithic individuals from central and southern Europe indicate an overall population turnover pattern in which migrating farmers from Anatolia and the Near East largely replaced autochthonous Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. However, the genetic history of the Neolithic transition in areas lying north of the European Neolithic core region involved different levels of admixture with hunter-gatherers. Here we analyse genome-wide data of 17 individuals spanning from the Middle Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (4300-1900 BCE) in order to assess the Neolithic transition in north-central Poland, and the local impacts of hunter-farmer contacts and Late Neolithic steppe migrations. We evaluate the influence of these on local populations and assess if and how they change through time, reporting evidence of recurrent hunter-farmer admixture over three millennia, and the co-existence of unadmixed hunter-gatherers as late as 4300 BCE. During the Late Neolithic we report the appearance of steppe ancestry, but on a lesser scale than previously described for other central European regions, with evidence of stronger affinities to hunter-gatherers than to steppe pastoralists. These results help understand the Neolithic palaeogenomics of another central European area, Kuyavia, and highlight the complexity of population interactions during those times

    Stable population structure in Europe since the Iron Age, despite high mobility

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    Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000–3000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the widespread introduction of Neolithic farmer and Bronze Age Steppe ancestries. However, little is known about how population structure changed from the historical period onward (3000 YBP - present). To address this, we collected whole genomes from 204 individuals from Europe and the Mediterranean, many of which are the first historical period genomes from their region (e.g. Armenia and France). We found that most regions show remarkable inter-individual heterogeneity. At least 7% of historical individuals carry ancestry uncommon in the region where they were sampled, some indicating cross-Mediterranean contacts. Despite this high level of mobility, overall population structure across western Eurasia is relatively stable through the historical period up to the present, mirroring geography. We show that, under standard population genetics models with local panmixia, the observed level of dispersal would lead to a collapse of population structure. Persistent population structure thus suggests a lower effective migration rate than indicated by the observed dispersal. We hypothesize that this phenomenon can be explained by extensive transient dispersal arising from drastically improved transportation networks and the Roman Empire’s mobilization of people for trade, labor, and military. This work highlights the utility of ancient DNA in elucidating finer scale human population dynamics in recent history

    Description of reasons for deleting some hard coal resources from the register in a selected Upper Silesian Coal Basin Mine

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    W artykule przeprowadzono analizę ilościową zasobów węgla kamiennego, które skreślono z ewidencji w kopalni Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Scharakteryzowano przyczyny tych skreśleń oraz niektóre parametry geologiczno-górnicze i jakościowe. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że część rozpatrywanych zasobów mogłaby posiadać ewentualne znaczenie gospodarcze, wymaga to jednak dalszych analiz, technicznych i ekonomicznych.The paper contains a quantitative analysis of the resources deleted from the register, a description of reasons for such decisions and an analysis of mining-geological conditions of resources. The investigations were conducted in a hard coal mine in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The investigations indicate that further research should be undertaken on a large part of the resources in order to evaluate their economic importance

    Assessment of technical possibilities for exploitation of out-of-balance resources in a hard coal mine

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    W artykule podjęto próbę oceny warunków geologiczno-górniczych oraz określenia możliwości udostępnienia i doboru technologii eksploatacji zasobów w parcelach pozabilansowych. Badania przeprowadzono w kopalni "X", zlokalizowanej w północnej części Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Przyjęta w pracy metodyka obejmowała: weryfikację formalnych przyczyn przeklasyfikowania do zasobów pozabilansowych wytypowanych parcel pozabilansowych, określenie technicznych możliwości ich udostępnienia, charakterystykę i ocenę warunków geologiczno-górniczych oraz charakterystykę uwarunkowań geologiczno-górniczych dla doboru technologii eksploatacji. W wyniku weryfikacji wykazano, że część spośród rozpatrywanych parcel pozabilansowych mogłaby nadawać się do ewentualnej eksploatacji przy zastosowaniu strugowego kompleksu mechanizacyjnego.The paper describes an attempt that has been undertaken to assess mining-geological conditions, development possibilities, and technology selection for mining out-of-balance resources (plots). The research works have been made in coal mine "X", which is located in northern part of Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Methodology being adopted in this work included verification of formal reasons for reclassification of selected parts of mineral reserves into out-of-balance resources, determination of technical possibilities of their development, characteristics and assessment of mining-geological conditions in these parts of coal beds, and characteristic of requirements for selection of mining technology. Verification procedure has proved that certain part of analyzed out-of-balance resources could be eventually mined out with use of mechanization system based on mining ploughs

    Lithological formation of Orzesze Beds on the southern saddle side of USCB

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    W strefie przejściowej pomiędzy siodłem głównym a niecką główną występują osady warstw orzeskich, które ostatnio poznano jednym otworem z powierzchni. Rozpoznano część profilu, który uległ znacznym, daleko zaawansowanym procesom wietrzeniowym, o czym świadczy występowanie skał słabo zdiagenezowanych i luźnych o nietypowych dla karbonu brązowo-żółtych barwach. Pobrane z analizowanego profilu próbki skał okruchowych zostały poddane badaniom petrograficzno-mineralogicznym. Na ich podstawie stwierdzono, że reprezentują one piaskowce, mułowce oraz iłowce, których jednym z głównych składników jest kwarc. Badany fragment profilu pod względem litostratygraficznym należy do warstw orzeskich reprezentujących górną część serii mułowcowej (moskow).Orzesze Beds, which recently have been known by one bore hole from the surface, occur in the transition zone between the main saddle and the main basin sediments. The part of profile under the advanced weathering processes has been recognized, as evidenced by the occurrence of poorly diagenetically formed rocks and loose rocks characterized by unusual for Carboniferous brown-yellow colors. Petrographical and mineralogical tests were carried out for the samples from the analyzed profile. On this basis, it was found that they represent sandstones, mudstones and claystones, which mainly contain quartz. The tested fragment of lithostratigraphic profile belongs to Orzesze Beds representing the upper part of mudstone series (Moscovian)

    Prognosis about sufficiency of hard coal resources in upper Silesian Coal Basin and analysis about reasons of decrease of the resources in some mines

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    Przedstawiono prognozy wystarczalności zasobów geologicznych (resources) i przemysłowych (odpowiednik reserves) w Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym (GZW). Prognozowanie przeprowadzono na podstawie trendów liniowych w dwóch wariantach tj. na podstawie danych, które charakteryzowały wielkość zasobów w Polsce w latach 1989-2005 a także na podstawie tylko danych z lat 2001-2005. Ocenę dokładności dopasowania modelu liniowego z danymi empirycznymi przeprowadzono na podstawie oceny parametrów struktury stochastycznej. Dokonano również weryfikacji przyczyn ubytków zasobów (w tym przeklasyfikowań i skreśleń z ewidencji) w niektórych kopalniach GZW.As shown in "Balance of industrial reserves and underground water resources in Poland", there have been significant losses in hard coal resources throughout 1989-2005 i.e. since the beginning of our political and economic transformation. Annual loss amounts were different in each kind, and the causes there of were not always clear. Statistical prognoses about sufficiency of resources and reserves was based on analysis of linear trends determined for geological resources and industrial reserves in Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). Such prognosis is necessary in order to ensure power security in the country and to choose a proper strategy Prognoses were made in two variants. Variant A was based on data referring to 1989-2005 i.e. the entire period of economic and political transformation in the country. Variant B referred to 2001-2005 i.e. the period of significant improvement to economic situation in respect of coal. First stage of the analysis started with linear regression function. Then we verified the accuracy of correspondence between linear model and empirical data. This was based on the following parameters: standard deviation of the remainder component, remainder variation coefficient, convergence coefficient, linear determination coefficient. Next in the paper there tried to settle reasons for total decrease of the resources - deleting resources/reserves in a register and reclassification of such resources/reserves in 1989-2003 years. It was provided basing on characteristics of the resources. The study intended to present coal value and structure base of designated coal mines. Furthermore, there have also defined reasons for reclassifications and decreases of the coal resources, and verified the reliability of such resources/reserves. The following coal mines and beds were subject to the examinations: Bielszowice Hard Coal Mine - the seam No. 502, Pokój Hard Coal Mine - the seam No. 510/1, Halemba Hard CoalMine - the seam No. 340 and Polska-Wirek Hard CoalMine - the seam 510/1. Analysis of the trends indicates that the changes will take a non-linear route Therefore it is reasonable to expect that a prognosis based on linear function will not be accurate. Is it reasonable then to look for another, non-linear regression function? No, it is not because thereare no scientific premises (e.g. of physical or other nature) to suggest how such curve should go. Therefore the form of the trend should be assumed on realistic basis, in accordance with common sense. What can be done in this situation is to accept a less accurate prognosis on the basis of a linear decreasing trend. There are downward trends in losses of resources/reserves. Seventeen-year prognosis (variant A) shows faster loss of resources/reserves (higher depletion rate) than in variant B. This indicates that downward trends have been clearly inhibited during the last five years. The analysis of yearly increases or decreases of the resources in 1989-2003 years presented the total decrease of the resources/reserves. The most important reason to undertake a decision regarding reclassification of plots (mainly for out-of-balance resources of group "b") were natural reasons - complicated tectonic disturbances. But the most essential reason of deleting plots was the necessity of separate rendering accessible and complicated tectonics, i.e. subjective reasons

    Characteristics of near-surface part of the Orzesze beds in the region of the main saddle in view of weathering processes

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    W artykule scharakteryzowano przypowierzchniową część warstw orzeskich w rejonie siodła głównego. W profilu litologicznym omawianego rejonu stwierdzono obecność iłowców przewarstwionych piaskowcami oraz występujące na powierzchni piaski. Wśród iłowców nawiercono warstwę węgla. Obserwacje terenowe z użyciem kamery, bezpośrednio w wykonanych otworach wiertniczych oraz badania laboratoryjne pobranych próbek skał wykazały znaczny stopień zwietrzenia utworów klastycznych. W obrębie warstw piaskowców w wyniku oddziaływania czynników wietrzenia tworzą się szczeliny oraz pustki skalne, którymi w głębsze partie górotworu swobodnie przesącza się woda opadowa. Piaskowce w składzie mineralnym zawierają przede wszystkim kwarc, któremu w mniejszych ilościach towarzyszą plagioklazy, łyszczyki, okruchy skalne i minerały ciężkie. Spoiwo piaskowców jest typu cement, ilasto-węglanowe. Występujące na powierzchni piaski stanowią ich zwietrzelinę, o czym świadczą podobne cechy teksturalne obu osadów. Iłowce bogate są w kaolinit i kwarc; w ich składzie stwierdzono również minerały z grupy smektytu. Charakteryzują się bardzo dużą nasiąkliwością, co prowadzi do ich pęcznienia i rozmywania. Stwierdzono, że zwietrzałe partie skał wykazują znacznie obniżoną wytrzymałość na ściskanie w stosunku do wartości przyjmowanych dla skał warstw orzeskich.The article presents the characterization of a near-surface part of Orzesze beds in the region of the main saddle. The lithological profile of the region in concern has been confirmed to contain claystones with interburdens of sandstones and sands occurring at the surface. Among the claystones, a coal bed was drilled into. Field observations with a video camera, direct observations made in the boreholes and laboratory studies of the obtained rock samples have indicated high levels of weathering of the clastic formations. The weathering processes within the sandstones form fissures and rock voids by means of which rainwater flows freely into the deeper parts of the rock mass. The mineral composition of the sandstones includes mostly quartz, accompanied by plagioclases, micas, breccias and heavy minerals in smaller amounts. The binding material is cement-type and clayey-carbonate. The sands occurring at the surface constitute their eluvium, which is evidenced by similar texture qualities of both the sediments. The claystones contain mostly kaolinite and quartz; in their composition minerals from smectite group were also found. They are characterized by very high absorbability, which leads to their swelling and washing out. It has been found that the weathered parts of rocks indicate significantly lowered compressive strength in comparison to the values assumed in case of the rocks of the Orzesze beds